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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1471359905' post='3112481']Does it have a firewire port? I think they are generally obsolete... [/quote] Not so Admittedly you need to buy a Firewire to ThunderBolt adaptor for around £20, but you can run Firewire devices on a Mac - and I assume PC also? - with no trouble at all (and will be able to do so for as long as ThunderBolt continues... which is likely to be a [i]long[/i] time).
  2. Good entries so far! It's looking like I'm going to get mine finished in time. The bass part has been a complete PITA to record. One of those situations who you hear something in your head, but then realise you don't have the technical chops to actually play it! The main riff has been fine to play, but there's a solo which I had to approach in stages by recording one or two bars at a time and then stitching everything together. Kinda cheating, but it was the only way I was going to avoid it sounding like mush. And I like mush. But this was bad mush
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1471350793' post='3112350'] I've had good results with the Scarlett. It's a bit keen to clip so I have to keep an eye on it, but it works fine for my needs.. [/quote] Yup, the Focusrite Scarlett range provide excellent bang for your buck$. The 2i2 retails at about £80, or there's the Solo that's about £10 cheaper (not worth the saving IMO) and the 2i4 that has more output options if you want to connect speakers/monitors (and costs about £30 more). ^^ Can't go wrong with the Steinberg either
  4. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1470679591' post='3107617']Cheers! He's a bit good ain't he?[/quote] Aye! Very talented chap. What I like about him is that he truly 'plays' Maschine like an instrument - no pre-recorded loops. What you hear is what's happening at his fingertips. Akin to the guys'n'gals who use [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sQLJ9E6tO8"]keyboard drumming[/url] to compose their beats, something I attempt myself from time to time. [quote name='christofloffer' timestamp='1470734931' post='3107957']ok, i got mine done as much as its going to be.[/quote] I like it! Sounds like it was a lot of fun to put together Mine own track is underway... it's a collaboration that may eventually get released through a Creative Commons net-label ([url="http://blocsonic.com/"][color=#551A8B]blocSonic[/color][/url]), so it may take a little longer than usual to produce. If I miss the deadline then so be it - but I'll do my best!
  5. Well done guys! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289735-basschat-noodle-bar-august/"][size=5][b][color=#800080]This month's Noodle Bar is now open...[/color][/b][/size][/url]
  6. [size=5][color=#800080][b]Welcome to the Basschat Noodle Bar™! [/b][/color][/size] The rules are simple: [list=1] [*][b]Record yourself playing bass for up to 60 seconds[/b]. You can record whatever the heck you like: an original riff or lick; something from your band’s own repertoire; or a well-known piece you’re currently practicing. Doesn’t matter what. Just record something. [*][b]Make sure it’s bass only: no other instruments[/b]. FX and pedals are allowed, as are simple click tracks and metronomes - but no loopers, please. [*][b]Upload your recording[/b] to SoundCloud, YouTube or another music-sharing platform of your choice. Once you’re finished, post the link to your recording in this thread. Job done! [/list] Or in short: PRESS RECORD > PLAY BASS > PRESS STOP > DRINK TEA* [color=#800080][size=5][b]The deadline for entries is midnight on Wednesday 31st August.[/b][/size][/color] [size=2]*Other beverages are permitted[/size]
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1470588186' post='3106924'] Got mine done. I went for the second piece that I did: [url="https://soundcloud.com/mornats/brooklyn-two-one"]https://soundcloud.c...rooklyn-two-one[/url] ...All put together using Maschine MkII [/quote] Nice track Check our [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcJCxe1VSLA"]Jeremy Ellis on YouTube[/url] for lots of Maschine trickery... [i](he's a jazz pianist turned 'controllerist' - yes, that is a word!):[/i]
  8. Just had the kids dancing around the living room to it. Don't know what that says about musical integrity. But it says a lot about musical connection
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1470082423' post='3103203']Brooklyn was where Paul Chambers lived when he was in New York. Not that I am going in that direction [/quote] [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1470126823' post='3103348']it floats my boat, maybe i'll write "Empire City pt II" with some rapcore or something[/quote] Good to hear from both of you Robs [i]Empire City[/i]... indeed! Reminds me that we really should collaboration again soon. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1470188154' post='3103978'] Well, this is all [i]I've[/i] come up (or down..? ) with ... [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/bach-to-the-future"]Bach To The Future ...[/url] Enjoy. [/quote] My goodness Doug, you're branching out into electronic dance music - and I like it!! Move over Giorgio Moroder, this is great. But - ahem - may I remind you of something... [color=#232323][font=Arial] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1459372939' post='3016007']It comes across, to me, as a heteroclite assembly of unconnected tones, glitches and effects, sewn together with thin, frayed lace. I can't find much in the way of saving grace so, sorry, I'll leave it there. All I'll say to finish is that I now feel older; much older.[/quote][/font][/color] [color=#232323][font=Arial] Whatever pills you've be taking since then, keep popping them my friend. Keep popping them [/font][/color]
  10. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289311-august-noodle-bar-voting/"][size=7][b]Voting has started![/b][/size][/url]
  11. [size=5][color=#800000][b]July’s noodles are in... let battle commence![/b][/color][/size] [size=5]Have a listen, pick your favourite [b]THREE[/b] and vote:[/size] [url="http://soundcloud.com/asambique/chordoodle/s-vTk4J"][b]Asambique[/b][/url] [b][url="http://www.dropbox.com/s/29marsap7hutnwk/July%20Noodle.mp3?dl=0"]MoonBassAlpha[/url][/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/vermicelli"][b]Leonard Smalls[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/tona-fied/noodle-funk"][b]FuNkShUi[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/user-531446910/my-funk-noodle"][b]Twincam[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/bass"][b]Skol303[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/agwin/baroque-a-noodle-doo"][b]Agwin[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/end-offline/july-noodle"][b]elephantgrey[/b][/url] [size=5][color=#800000][b]Voting ends midnight on Monday 8th August.[/b][/color][/size]
  12. Thanks again guys. [color=#800000][size=5][b]August's challenge is now up![/b][/size][/color] [size=8][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289309-august-composition-challenge-get-writing/"][b]GET SOME[/b][/url][/size]
  13. I'm about to start a new track with an old buddy of mine in Brooklyn, which I'm hoping to finish and enter into the Challenge this month. We'll see. So for anyone interested to know, the photo is of Brooklyn (shot from a helicopter). Although it could just as easily be the surface of the Death Star at dusk... Hope it floats your boat and have fun. Cheers
  14. [color=#800000][size=5][b]August's Composition Challenge is now underway![/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Here’s the image for your inspiration, chosen by yours truly… [/size] [size=2]Photograph (c) green label. All rights reserved.[/size] [size=5]Click on the 'Spoiler' button below to read the usual rules and caveats:[/size] [spoiler]By entering the competition you agree to the Basschat Terms and Conditions and Forum Guidelines, which are designed to help ensure the forum remains free of offensive and/or illegal behaviour and material. In a nutshell: [b]1) Please avoid any content that other forum users may find offensive[/b]. If your track contains explicit lyrics, for example, then please warn other forum users so they can choose for themselves whether to listen to it. [b]2) Please make sure you have permission to use any 3rd party sounds included in your track[/b] (ie. sounds that you have not recorded yourself, such as samples of other people's music). The owners of Basschat accept no responsibility for infringements of copyright or other forms of legal ownership, which are solely the responsibility of competition entrants. If we spot any breaches of copyright then your track will be removed from the competition. [b]3) Entries should be no more than five minutes long and written/produced during the month of the competition[/b], taking inspiration from the photo provided. No cheating![/spoiler] If you have any questions, just ask [size=5][b][color=#800000]The deadline for entries is midnight on Wednesday 24th August.[/color][/b][/size]
  15. Thanks guys! I'm honoured as always. And well done to everyone who entered. It [i]really is[/i] the taking part that counts in these challenges. Not that Dad's certificates aren't highly prized and sought after, of course! [size=2](I've sold all of my previous ones on eBay... but don't tell him).[/size] [b]I'll kick-start this month's challenge sometime today... watch this space.[/b]
  16. YouTube! Gazillions of tutorials available for getting started with Ableton. You just need the patience to work through a few of them - it'll soon starting making sense. Here's one to get you started... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei-EPOHfOgU
  17. Kinda cheating... but this is the only way I'm going to scrape an entry!... so here's a section of bassline from my Composition Challenge track this month: http://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/bass Acoustic fretless with tape-wound strings. Recorded 'dry' with about 3db of compression applied and much the treble rolled off. [color=#800000][b]Well done to everyone who's entered this month - and to all of y'all who keep this challenge going![/b][/color] I'll post up the voting thread sometime on Sunday evening.
  18. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekWJKSLez54"]Here's a nice little video review[/url] that summarises the basics of how the majority of typical pedalboard compressors work. Rack-based (and software) compressors are more sophisticated and versatile, but really no more complicated to use once you get the hang of it. [i]I would trust the guy in the video though... he looks well dodgy to me[/i]
  19. Oh gawd not this again. It has to be said that compression is certainly THE most misunderstood and maligned tools available to bass players. And I guarantee that it has contributed to precisely 100% of the fabled tones that many of us while away the hours in search of, fruitlessly fiddling with EQ knobs. Compressors have absolutely feck all to do with compensating for poor technique. That seems to be the biggest misnomer surrounding their use - and it's a fallacy that needs to be taken out back, humanely culled and never spoken of again. Because compression is every bass players best friend. Seriously guys, just do a teensy amount of homework on the topic - learn how to set a compressor properly - and a world of fabulous bass tones will be your oyster (whatever the heck that means. It's less fishy than it sounds).
  20. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1469623822' post='3099802'] are they covers? can you confirm that they were indeed written and recorded by the same artist? if they are covers, does it make them any less relevant than the originals.... should we be paying to listen to them, or are they done for fun... you can't just come here and post stuff without context.... [/quote] [i]"should we be paying to listen to them"[/i]... of course! Cheques and postal orders to Skol Industries at the usual address. *Do postal orders even exist nowadays? *Googles* Yep, turns out they do.
  21. I think you might struggle to find something that fits the bill here perfectly... off the top of my head I can recommend anything, sorry! The tricky part is finding a software that can distinguish between unwanted noise (as you say "the trash between songs") and the songs themselves. This can be done based on level - in the same way that a noise gate works - but if the unwanted noise is inconsistent, then I imagine you'd run into all sorts of issues with it deleting parts of quieter songs that you want to keep, etc... which would mean you'd have to check everything manually anyway. Very happy to be proven wrong here Someone else might have better experience of this than me.
  22. There's some version of Godwin's Law at work on this forum... in that [i]"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving The Beatles and/or getting paid to play approaches 1".[/i] Meanwhile, there's some actual music to be listened to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/288906-july-composition-challenge-voting/"][b]right here[/b][/url]. But don't mind me. As you were.
  23. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1469537166' post='3099097'] I can't tell the difference, sonically, between cassettes and 192mbps MP3's[/quote] Really? You must’ve been using those fancy Chrome cassettes I once converted some old tapes to digital and they sounded poop in comparison to MP3s. But it could have been that the cassettes were old and knackered. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1469536336' post='3099074']Today I look upon Audio cassettes as dead-format shag-bait.[/quote] I’m having that and recycling it at every opportunity from now on
  24. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1469528751' post='3098983'] Perhaps we need a "Basschat Covers Competition" with real cash prizes... [/quote] You know I have toyed with the idea of a covers competition one month, just as a brief departure from the regular challenge It may yet happen... although the ca$h prize is likely to be a little more conceptual in nature. [i]...soon to be on parity with GB Pounds Sterling.[/i]
  25. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1469524206' post='3098933'] I don't miss tapes at all. [/quote] Me neither. I had a bin-liner full of them, which I gave/threw away as they were just taking up space. Vinyl is a different kettle of fish, of course. I [i]love[/i] vinyl. Off topic: I was once in a band called AGFA, which 'borrowed' its branding from the once popular make of audio cassette. Only we perverted the acronym to: "A Good F*** Aches". Ah, those were the days Back on topic: magnetic tape - as in reel to reel - is still very much in use by professional studios, mostly I assume for its famed saturation/warmth and compression-like qualities. So in some arenas, tape is far from dead as a medium for music.
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