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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [color=#800000][size=5][b]June’s noodles are in... let battle commence![/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Have a listen, pick your favourite [b]THREE[/b] and vote:[/size] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/tona-fied/andromeda"]FuNkShUi[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/user-531446910/punk-noodle"]Twincam[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/asambique/tapoodle/s-sPDPu"]Asambique[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/agwin/compound-noodle-in-ab-dorian"]Agwin[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/bc-nood-2016-06"]Dad3353[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/white_elephant/close-enough-for-jazz-basschat-noodle-bar-june16"]EliasMooseblaster[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/hes-a-noodle-doodle-man"]Leonard Smalls[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/robhartley-1/noodle-05wav"]CamdenRob[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/end-offline/june-noodle"]elephantgrey[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/mark-smith-908669702/noodlecomp"]discreet[/url][/b] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/user-623375481/too-much-cheese-before-bedtime"]SubsonicSimpleton[/url][/b] [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting ends midnight on Thursday 7th July.[/b][/size][/color] [color=#800000][size=5][b][/b][/size][/color]
  2. Well done you guys! I'm sadly set to fail again this month. [i]Stupidly[/i] busy here at work... managing fallout from the ongoing EU turdstorm... so I've literally had no time for music. Normal service will hopefully resume next month. I'll launch the voting thread tomorrow morning in the General Discussion forum. Cheers
  3. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1467111847' post='3081220'] Nearly 3 years later I've finally got it all back together, no leaks, no damp, (no windows either this time) and completely rebuilt. [/quote] Now [i]that's[/i] a music room! Love it. Makes me want to go rummaging... Good to see that R2D2 has found a new home too. PS: what software are you running on those monitors? Looks like an old tracker, or something.
  4. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1467144261' post='3081521'] Thanks for all the ideas. Like a kid in a sweet shop with all the choice. [/quote] Try them out! Seriously. I think pretty much every DAW software offers a demo version or a free trial period. Make a list of those that you're interested in and demo them. It's the only way to make sure that you end up with a system that's right for [u]you[/u]... because whenever this question gets asked, people always recommend whatever DAW they use themselves - and what works for them might not be the best solution for someone else. So get demo'ing. And let us know where you end up
  5. Haha! Well, most people here are probably drunk anyway, so little chance of them remembering anything
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1467106960' post='3081174'] Seems I'm in the minority. [/quote] Not as much as I am being a [url="https://www.propellerheads.se/reason"]Reason[/url] user! I've occasionally thought about switching DAWs, but a lot of that thinking tends to be of the "grass is greener" variety - believing that you can improve your sound by using another software, when the truth is all DAWs sound the same (although of course their built-in FX can vary considerably). As far as I know, Reason is unique in terms of its workflow - using a virtual 'patch cable' system to link things together, akin to using hardware (which even extends to virtual control voltages). It's a very visual way of working and makes perfect sense to me personally, which is why I've stuck with Reason over the years. I also have a copy of Ableton Live Lite and NI Maschine, which I use occasionally (the latter I use more often for writing beats). But neither threaten to replace to Reason as my weapon of choice - purely because I can't be arsed learning a new workflow. I've also dabbled with Cubase and Reaper. Both good choices, but I prefer Reason - again, this has everything to do my own workflow preferences, and nothing to do with one software being 'better than' the other. Currently, I'm considering ReWiring Reason into Ableton or possibly Logic, for the sake of collaborating with friends who use these other DAWs. If you've never tried Reason, you really should. It's a [i]totally[/i] different beast to the earlier versions. Free demo available on the link above.
  7. Only just catching up with it all... Currently watching Earth, Wind & Fire who are kicking ass! Great set so far Enjoyed Adele, Madness and even Coldplay. Grimes is by far the freshest act I've seen yet. That girl is amazing. Like Bjork meets Madonna, or something.
  8. Housekeeping alert! I'm going to review and generally tidy up this thread next chance I get... this is going to involve deleting some posts just to keep it all 'on topic' and geared up to beginners. So please don't be offended if your post(s) disappear! It's not because I hate you; it's simply because I believe your contributions are worthless I'm also going to subsume the existing How To Make A Good Looking And Sounding Youtube Video topic within this thread. The current thread hasn't been updated since 2015, so I think it's time to give it a new home here. That is all. As you were.
  9. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/287349-june-composition-challenge-voting/"][size=6][b]VOTING IS UP![/b][/size][/url] Don't forget to bring your own pen. If you use a pencil, MI5 will almost certainly doctor your vote.
  10. [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting has now started on June’s Composition Challenge.[/b][/size][/color] [size=4]Here's the inspiration for this month's music, chosen by our previous winner [b]Mornats[/b]…[/size] [size=4]…and here are the compositions. Please vote for your top [u][b]THREE[/b][/u] favourites:[/size] Dad3353 [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/gear-acquisition-syndrome"]‘Gear Acquisition Syndrome’[/url] fingers211 [url="http://soundcloud.com/nigel-jewell/goggle-ron"]‘Goggle Ron’[/url] Rikki1984 [url="http://soundcloud.com/rikki-boyes/junkyard-funk"]‘Junkyard Funk’[/url] lurksalot [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/what-welders-wear"]‘what welders wear’[/url] Leonard Smalls [url="http://soundcloud.com/dredd-and-the-badass-weed/harry-monk-and-his-steampunk-funk"]‘Harry Monk And His Steampunk Funk’[/url] christofloffer [url="http://soundcloud.com/christofloffer/the-bristol-zombie-strut"]‘The Bristol Zombie Strut’[/url] Mornats [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/apocalypse-forest"]‘Apocalypse Forest’[/url] Skol303 [url="http://soundcloud.com/skollob/fantazia"]‘Fantazia’[/url] [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting ends at midnight on Thursday 30th June [/b][/size][/color]
  11. Done! Cool picture this month. It made me think of a ‘Mad Max’ post-apocalypse. And it also made me think about summer festivals, especially some of the more deliciously extrovert parts of Glastonbury that I used to enjoy when I was a young(er) raver during the early 90s. Good times So I took a more summery, frivolous, rave-themed route - and also because I wanted to write something upbeat after last month’s sci-fi shootout. And that’s that. http://soundcloud.com/skollob/fantazia In keeping with the new show and tell ethos pioneered by Mornats, here’s a list of the plug-ins used. Those marked with an asterisk* are specific to Reason DAW. The others are widely available in all formats, as far as I know… Alligator Filter Gate* Buffre Beat Repeater* Kong Drum Designer* MClass Stereo Imager* NN-XT Advanced Sampler* Ozone Maximizer Re-2A Leveling Amplifier Rob Papen Distort Rob Papen Predator Softube Saturation Knob Softube TSAR-1 Reverb Softube Tube-Tech Classic Channel The Echo* Thor Polyphonic Synthesizer* …plus Reason’s own channel strip EQs and filters (emulating an SSL 9000k console). Oh and a Stingray bass. Not a plug-in, just plugged in. [b][size="4"][color="#800000"]VOTING WILL COMMENCE ON FRIDAY![/color][/size][/b] [size=2]Not that we'll all be truly sick of voting by then, of course.[/size]
  12. Skol303

    obbm's feedback

    Based on recommendations here I contacted Dave and was [i]very[/i] happy I did so! Great service, superb quality cables and a genuinely nice chap. 10/10. "I'll be back..."
  13. Yeah big fan of him Love his stuff - very funky and inventive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qGigIMM1Vw
  14. [quote name='christofloffer' timestamp='1465647800' post='3069925']must say i am struggling with this one. [/quote] [quote name='RalphDWilson' timestamp='1465660347' post='3070051']I'm finding inspiration a bit of a challenge this month too.[/quote] Don't over-think it guys! Remember: it's not about creating a [i]literal[/i] interpretation of the picture (unless you want to, of course). It's just about using the picture as a starting point... that could apply to lyrics, choice of genre, etc, however you wish to interpret it. There is no right or wrong. There is only do or do not. [size=3][i]< said in the voice of Yoda[/i][/size]
  15. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1465476898' post='3068568'] i think it's brilliant [/quote] I like it! Milwaukee is now part of Basschat folklore
  16. I'm definitely going to be in this month. Haven't been playing bass much these past few weeks - work and home life intervening - so I'm due some solid noodling to get back in the saddle, so to speak. Probably some description of funk [i](I'm still plodding my way through a funk riffs book)[/i], but I might diversity into something jazzy and walking. We'll see. Just add soy sauce and stir...
  17. [color=#800000][size=5][b]June's Noodle Challenge is now on![/b][/size][/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/286418-basschat-noodle-bar-june/"][size=6][b]Get the funk outta here...[/b][/size][/url]
  18. [color=#800000][size=5][b]Welcome to the Basschat Noodle Bar™! [/b][/size][/color] The rules are simple: [list=1] [*][b]Record yourself playing bass for up to 60 seconds.[/b] You can record whatever the heck you like: an original riff or lick; something from your band’s own repertoire; or a well-known piece you’re currently practicing. Doesn’t matter what. Just record something. [*][b]Make sure it’s bass only: no other instruments.[/b] FX and pedals are allowed, as are simple click tracks and metronomes - but no loopers, please. [*][b]Upload your recording[/b] to SoundCloud, YouTube or another music-sharing platform of your choice. Once you’re finished, post the link to your recording in this thread. Job done! [/list] Or in short: PRESS RECORD > PLAY BASS > PRESS STOP > DRINK TEA [color=#800000][size=5][b]The deadline for entries is midnight on Thursday 30th June.[/b][/size][/color]
  19. Well done chaps! A fine feast of noodles. I'll kick-start the next challenge in the Rec' forum later today. Cheers all
  20. Basses are definitely tools to be used. But as my old dad would say, "look after your tools and they'll look after you". I apply that philosophy to whatever gear I'm using. Be it my car, bike, power drill, lawnmower, whatever. I keep my things in good nick, but I don't bust a hernia if they get worn through use. I just don't set out to hasten that process.
  21. [color=#800000][size=5][b]VOTING ENDS AT MIDNIGHT![/b][/size][/color] Get busy..
  22. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1465196993' post='3065918']I'm guilty I'm afraid... [/quote] Ditto! I'll be having a listen hopefully later this evening. It'd be great if more members of the community got behind this, but heh, those threads about P/J basses, GAS and bar gigs don't write themselves...
  23. As others have mentioned, there's really no such thing as a truly 'future proof' interface. You're shackled by your choice of operating system (and its steady march of updates), driver software and even by the 'plug' itself (USB, FireWire, Thunderbolt...). So you have to either accept that obsolescence is inevitable - and just make the most of whatever interface you choose for as long as it's viable (which is usually a very long time). Or you settle on a system that works and just stop updating. Many 'pro' studios adopt the latter approach. The computers at their hearts are quite often running 'old' yet stable operating systems. Email, admin and other Internet stuff is then handled on a separate machine. Me, I update regularly like the good Apple slave that I am But as my now aging computer gets even older, I am starting to consider unplugging and just letting it run offline.
  24. June's challenge is now on... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/286019-june-composition-challenge-get-writing/"][size=8][b]GO![/b][/size][/url]
  25. [color=#800000][size=5][b]June's Composition Challenge is now underway![/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Here’s the image for your inspiration, chosen by last month's winner, [b]Mornats[/b]… [/size] Click on the 'Spoiler' button below to read the usual rules and caveats: [spoiler]By entering the competition you agree to the Basschat Terms and Conditions and Forum Guidelines, which are designed to help ensure the forum remains free of offensive and/or illegal behaviour and material. In a nutshell: [b]1) Please avoid any content that other forum users may find offensive.[/b] If your track contains explicit lyrics, for example, then please warn other forum users so they can choose for themselves whether to listen to it. [b]2) Please make sure you have permission to use any 3rd party sounds included in your track[/b] (ie. sounds that you have not recorded yourself, such as samples of other people's music). The owners of Basschat accept no responsibility for infringements of copyright or other forms of legal ownership, which are solely the responsibility of competition entrants. If we spot any breaches of copyright then your track will be removed from the competition. [b]3) Entries should be no more than five minutes long and written/produced during the month of the competition[/b], taking inspiration from the photo provided. No cheating![/spoiler] If you have any questions, just ask. [color=#800000][size=5][b]The deadline for entries is midnight on Thursday 23rd June.[/b][/size][/color]
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