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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Voting for oneself 'is just not cricket'. It's allowed in that anyone is able to do so. But it's not really in the spirit of things. But that's as far as it goes in terms of Basschat law Voting for fewer than three entries, however, is punishable by death.
  2. I lied! Just managed to get to get it sorted using a WiFi hotspot [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/285977-may-noodle-bar-voting/"][size=6][b]GO HERE AND VOTE![/b][/size][/url]
  3. [size=5][b]May’s noodles are in... it's time to vote for your favourites. Let battle commence![/b][/size] [size=5]Have a listen, pick your favourite [b]THREE[/b] and vote:[/size] [url="http://soundcloud.com/agwin/may-noodle-riff"]Agwin[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/user-531446910/noodle-4"]Twincam[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/crispy-fried-noodles-with-meat"]Leonard Smalls[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/end-offline/may-noodle"]elephantgrey[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/asambique/suboodle/s-92iG7"]Asambique[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/bc-noodle-2016-05"]Dad3353[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/tona-fied/noodle-4"]FuNkShUi[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6yrhkl9-LM"]markmcclelland[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/gxmix/soba"]xgsjx[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/simon-orchard/bass-chat-noodle-may-2016"]Si600[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/user-623375481/hypnotized"]SubsonicSimpleton[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/robhartley-1/noodle-04"]CamdenRob[/url] [size=5][b]Voting ends midnight on Tuesday 7th June.[/b][/size]
  4. Hi all, I've ended up traveling today... so I won't be able to launch the voting thread until later this evening. Boo! I know. Sorry I'll add on an extra day of voting to compensate for my tardiness.
  5. Well done Mornats! Please message me with your choice of image whenever you're ready [i](I'm traveling today, so no immediate rush - I won't be able to launch the next challenge until later this evening).[/i]
  6. Well done everyone I'll launch the voting thread sometime tomorrow. [size=2][i]...not sure whether I'm going to get something recorded this month. Been crazy busy; I haven't picked up the bass in over a fortnight (shocking, I know!).[/i][/size]
  7. [color=#800000][size=6][b]VOTING ENDS AT MIDNIGHT![/b][/size][/color] If you haven't yet cast your vote, please do
  8. About to listen and vote this weekend... hopefully sat in the sun, supping a cold one
  9. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1464336957' post='3058490'] because we are all old, jaded and wish we had the youngsters care free attitude [/quote] And their lack of ear hair
  10. This thread is hilarious! Or perhaps just typical. We bemoan the demise of rock'n'roll. We bemoan young people not playing 'real instruments'. We bemoan a lack of new blood on the live scene. Then when all three come along at once, we pick over their logistical arrangements like a bunch of accountants (no offense to accountants). "I hope I die before I get old" Etc...
  11. [color=#800000][size=5][b]VOTING THREAD IS UP![/b][/size][/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/285586-may-composition-challenge-voting/"][b][size=6]Vamoosh...[/size][/b][/url]
  12. [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting has now started on May’s Composition Challenge.[/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Here's the inspiration for this month's music, chosen by our previous winner [b]Rikki1984[/b]…[/size] [size=5]…and here are the compositions. Please vote for your top [b][u]THREE[/u][/b] favourites:[/size] Dad3353 [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/i-was-disappointed-with-disneyland"][b]‘I Was Disappointed With Disneyland’[/b][/url] christofloffer [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/christofloffer/the-opressors-new-groove"]‘The Opressors New Groove’[/url][/b] Mornats [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/the-living-night"][b]‘The Living Night’[/b][/url] fingers211 [url="http://soundcloud.com/nigel-jewell/un-monde-parfait"][b]‘Un Monde Parfait’[/b][/url] Rikki1984 [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/rikki-boyes/fight-the-fight"]‘Fight The Fight’[/url][/b] xgsjx [url="http://soundcloud.com/gxmix/a74"][b]‘A74’[/b][/url] lurksalot [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/town-hall-behind-town-hall-behind"][b]‘Town Hall Behind, Town Hall Behind’[/b][/url] RalphDWilson [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/torturedsaints/dirty-city"]‘Dirty City’[/url][/b] BirchTree [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/jaedry/static-dystopia-2"]‘Static Dystopia’[/url][/b] Leonard Smalls [url="http://soundcloud.com/dredd-and-the-badass-weed/the-night-bus"][b]‘The Night Bus’[/b][/url] Skol303 [url="http://soundcloud.com/skollob/shoulder-of-orion"][b]‘Shoulder Of Orion’[/b][/url] the boy [url="http://soundcloud.com/theboysings/to-the-arms-of-our-lady-1"][b]‘To the arms of Our Lady’[/b][/url] [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting ends at midnight on Tuesday 31st May.[/b][/size][/color]
  13. Ok I’m done. I’m minding the kids this week (more like zookeeping than parenting) and had a two hour window of opportunity whilst the smaller one was snoozing and the larger one was glued to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… http://soundcloud.com/skollob/shoulder-of-orion It’s as rough as a badger’s arse, but it’ll do! Mixed using ear buds on my laptop, so I’ve no idea how it really sounds - and in hindsight it was probably a bad idea to include a load of sub-bass. But heh. It’s supposed to be a sort of tribute to Vangelis’ work on Bladerunner (especially the synths during the second half). At least that’s the vibe I was aiming for. That and some John Carpenter thrown in for good measure.
  14. [quote name='BirchTree' timestamp='1464021870' post='3055827']Here I come skidding with my entry for the month..If I had to defuse bombs....[/quote] Err, so was it the blue wire or the red wire? Did I mention that I'm colorblind? Hoping to finish something tonight. And hopefully start it too This will mean doing so once my lad has fallen asleep, whilst he and I are camping in the garden. I might also tie one hand behind my back for good measure. Have something very Vangelis in my head, so if it ends up sounding 10% of that then I'll be happy. Voting will commence sometime tomorrow.
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1463947512' post='3055270'] I wonder if something like this [url="http://usa.yamaha.com/products/live_sound/mixers/analog-mixers/mg_xu_model/mg10xu/?mode=model"]http://usa.yamaha.co...0xu/?mode=model[/url] - one of Yamaha's fairly cheap mixing desks would do the same thing as the Z-R16, although not as good quality I'd imagine. £150 for one of those. [/quote] I don't see why not... it's the same principle: analogue summing. Looks like a good little mixer for the money, too.
  16. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1463771266' post='3054016'] It's interesting how others, including yourself, can't hear the difference as clearly as I did! [/quote] 99% down to the listening environment I put the tracks online in haste and only checked them on earbuds myself... which is usually my 'acid test' of any mix. I need to give them a proper blast through my monitors. Sounds like you have a good set up though. It really does make all the difference when it comes to critical listening. Let us know how you get on with that take machine...
  17. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1463647079' post='3053002']...hopefully as a result of my house move on the verge of falling through i can find time to use them[/quote] Oh no, sorry to hear that mate! Been through that particular saga myself... twice. Good luck with everything and enjoy the Mackies.
  18. Well done guys! A fine crop. I'm lagging behind this month... nothing started as yet but hopefully time to get something down as I love the picture.
  19. Good to hear Rob! I've really come to like my Mackies. Great monitors for the money. I probably should have gone for the MR5's myself. The MR8 have a bit too much bottom end for the size of room I work in, but I've gotten used to them now. Have fun
  20. REALLY good! Lovely production and the song itself is great. You should be pleased as punch
  21. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1463424803' post='3051285']Bit late to the party here but I've had a listen to them both and I voted for number 2 as by far and away the clear winner.[/quote] Thanks for the feedback Paul! Especially given that you've checked both mixes on a good system that you're familiar with. What you describe is the classic "analogue mojo" that often gets quoted... instruments "[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]sat in their own space whilst still being glued into the one track." I'm perhaps overly familiar with the mix to hear a discernible difference, so it's good to get such input from other pairs of ears [/color][/font] I think you should definitely try out that old Tascam Portastudio and let us know the results. Bear in mind that the quality of tape machines can vary hugely, at least from what I've read. Some can add a lot of unwanted noise, but if you have a good one the results can be very sweet indeed.
  22. ^ Excellent! Have fun and be sure to report back here with your findings.
  23. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1462992395' post='3047701'] I absolutely want a Zed-R16 now...thanks [/quote] Yeah sorry about that! ...the channel EQs are amazing too. I'll shut up now.
  24. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1462979008' post='3047510'] Mmm. It seems to me that as you're not doing actually any mixing on the console, similar results could be had by simply running the final stereo mix through a nice analogue preamp. And of course if you also run it through an eq and a compressor, you're basically mastering the track. I've got a cheap Behringer tube preamp I use when recording acoustic guitar, I could try and run a finished mix through that and see if it helps "de-digitalize" it! [/quote] Nice idea! I'd be interested to hear that. I suppose the difference is in the summing... you'd get plenty of analogue 'flavour' by running a stereo mix through an analogue preamp, but this wouldn't strictly be 'analogue summing' in the conventional sense (of adding multiple tracks together to create a final stereo mix). But whatever. If it sounds good, it [i]is[/i] good
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