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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1454198499' post='2967521']Keith is a musicians musician. He seemed honest and not full of himself. Loved his position on the great Chicago blues men. [/quote] Absolutely agree. He's by far my favorite member of The Stones. It was interesting to hear about his love of reggae, something I never knew about. My favorite line was "rock and roll? I prefer to roll". A very cool cat
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1454271805' post='2968159'] I suppose that keyboard bass lines are out..? Just 'real' basses, no Prophets, Moogs or stuff..? [/quote] Good question Doug! Let's keep it to bass of the stringed variety for this initial trial. If it works out, we can perhaps look to include synth bass in future.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1454269457' post='2968128'] Video would be good, even if it's only of you with bass and hands, so noobs can watch an learn techniques from others. [/quote] [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1454269585' post='2968131'] Not sure my 'technique' is worth noobs, or anyone else, watching but i'd like to see others' that's for sure so good idea [/quote] Video is a great idea for anyone willing and able! I say that as a noob who's very keen to learn from others
  4. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1454268821' post='2968121'] Anyone got any advice on how to do the actual recording? [/quote] Sure! The [i]very simplest[/i] option is to use a smartphone if you have one. Just place it a few feet from your speaker cab, hit record and start playing. It'll sound rather crap, but that doesn't matter. We're interested in good baselines for this challenge, not necessarily good recordings. A better option would be use something like a [url="https://zoom-na.com/products/field-video-recording/field-recording/zoom-h1-handy-recorder"]Zoom H1[/url] portable mic. Better still would be to DI (direct input) your bass or amp into a computer and record using free software - like [url="http://www.audacityteam.org"]Audacity[/url] [i](very easy to use) [/i]- or a digital audio workstation, like [url="http://www.reaper.fm"]Reaper[/url] [i](more difficult to use but more rewarding).[/i] Plenty of info on this subject here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248509-beginners-guide-to-home-recording/"][b]Beginner's Guide to Home Recording[/b][/url] If you get stuck or want any help - just ask
  5. A fresh distraction for all you 'posers http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278080-new-challenge-the-60-second-super-noodle/ Noodly goodness. Bagsie the chicken and mushroom flava.
  6. PS: just launched a new challenge in General Discussion: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278080-new-challenge-the-60-second-super-noodle/"][size=5][b]60 Second Super Noodle Challenge[/b][/size][/url] ...resulting from this 'ere discussion: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277810-alternative-composition-challenge-idea/"]Natter, natter, blah, blah[/url]
  7. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1454262391' post='2967989'] Is it allright to have more than one bass track? Reason I ask if I'm currently working on a melody type thing for my bands song but if I can't have the guitar track in the back I'd do the chords...doesn't really make sense otherwise! [/quote] Oh go on then! PS: the rules are deliberately vague at present, so I'm fine with any 'creative license', within reason. Just keep it to bass only, to give everyone a level playing field.
  8. Oh yeah... and it might be nice to share some info on what gear you're using: make and model of bass/amp; EQ settings, etc. Could help folks when trying to [s]avoid[/s] acquire certain tones
  9. 'Tis done. Dr Twincam's Monster is alive! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278080-new-challenge-the-60-second-super-noodle/"][size=5][b]60 Second Super Noodle Challenge[/b][/size][/url] God help us all.
  10. [size=6][b]February's noodles are in... it's time to vote for your favourites![/b][/size] 13 noodles. 13 minutes. But there can be only 1 Noodle Bar champion! Or maybe two. Three. Yeah, whatever. ^ Just look at this guy. He knows what's at stake here. [size=5]Have a listen to what fellow Basschatters get up to behind closed doors - pick your favourite THREE noodles and vote![/size] [url="http://soundcloud.com/agwin/neves-lament"][b]Agwin[/b][/url] [b][url="http://soundcloud.com/tona-fied/noodle-1"]FuNkShUi[/url][/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI32oXfYh1I&feature=youtu.be"][b]Twincam[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/white_elephant/got-my-noodle-workin"][b]EliasMooseblaster[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/xgsjx/folk-this-bass"][b]xgsjx[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/robhartley-1/noodle-01wav"][b]CamdenRob[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/alittlebitrobot/noodle-01"][b]alittlebitrobot[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/meat-show-isolated-bass"][b]Dad3353[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/crispy-fried-noodles"][b]Leonard Smalls[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/cameron-jamieson-4/basschat-noodle-1"][b]Cameronj279[/b][/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d77ceBv8CGw&feature=youtu.be"][b]mimsy89[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/noodle-01"][b]Skol303[/b][/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/user-623375481/upright-gumbo-noodle"][b]SubsonicSimpleton[/b][/url] [b][size="4"]Voting ends at midnight on Monday 7th March.[/size][/b]
  11. [quote name='grayn' timestamp='1454252913' post='2967851'] Was it a Warwick, you traded in? [/quote] Yup. Warwick Corvette Standard, 5-string, 'French Violet' finish. Nice bass. I'd been struggling a bit with the narrow-ish spacing (by my tastes), so it wasn't getting the use it deserved. Part-ex'd for this: http://greatbritishbasslounge.com/product/cort-gb75-rithimic-v-jeff-berlin-signature/ Deliriously happy!
  12. [color=#800000][size=5][b]Voting ends tonight at midnight.[/b][/size][/color] And it's a close 'un! [b]PS:[/b] I'm traveling tomorrow so there may be a slight delay in kick-starting February's challenge (it'll most likely be later on tomorrow, rather than early doors). Normal service will then resume. And well done everyone. Sterling work, as always. Cheers
  13. The Great British Bass Lounge is...well... great! I was there just yesterday and came away with a new bass in part-exchange (after chewing the fat with Drew over coffee for a good hour or so - lovely bloke). Well done on your new acquisitions. Both very nice basses and each very distinct. Good choices. I'll post a NBD thread of my own as soon as I manage to put it down for a few minutes
  14. Another vote for the 41-50'ers! C'mon you beauties! [size=2]Coming from the Recording forum I love a good poll. I really do.[/size]
  15. Right. Decided! Let's just kick off with it being a "record a baseline of your own choosing” type thing. No specific inspiration. Rules are:[list] [*]Bass only [*]One track (no loopers) [*]FX allowed [*]Simple click track or metronome allowed [*]60 seconds maximum [/list] We’ll then gauge the response and either keep it running (tweaking the format as we go) or kill it off and pretend it's all Twincam's fault. Sorted I’ll set something up over the weekend. Watch this space… [size=2]well not literally; go and do something less tedious in the meantime.[/size]
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1454069220' post='2966015'] Hearing something I'd written played on the radio was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me musically. Incredible feeling. [/quote] Definitely. I found it quite surreal. My biggest goal since being a kid has always been to have something pressed to vinyl. I could of course just go and pay for this to happen myself… but I’m still holding out for some leftfield indie label [i](with no commercial sense or musical taste whatsoever)[/i] to do it for me
  17. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1454071678' post='2966073'] Well i think the inspiration bit could work on "genre", and then maybe whoever "wins" gets to pick the next moths inspiration. So maybe they could choose "something inspired by Jaco" ? I dunno. . . . Might work [/quote] Interesting! So the inspiration could be a famous bass player...? (at least famous enough for people to go online and find examples of their playing). That could work. And it would introduce people to bassists they perhaps haven't heard of. Hmmm... I think this is the best suggestion yet.
  18. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1454072265' post='2966092'] Praps what we need is various sub-categories in the Monthly Compo Compo... So there could be "best solo bass noodle", or "Best instrumental" or "best incoherent racket" or "best production" or "overall best song of the month ever". There could be an entertainingly complex poll attached, and a prize of absolutely nowt apart from the overall winner, who'd get to choose the photo, or (and here's the rub), [i]written theme [/i]for the next challenge. [/quote] It's like you're inside my head.
  19. Ok, so… I’ve been pondering this further since yesterday. The poll thus far doesn’t indicate an overwhelming enthusiasm for the idea. But then we’re not inundated with interest in the monthly Composition Challenge either. So I don’t want to make a snap decision just yet. I’m still struggling with a few things. [b]Firstly[/b], what the source of ‘inspiration’ might be if it’s going to work as some sort of challenge?[list] [*]A picture? It’ll just become the “poor cousin” to the regular Composition Challenge. [*]A genre? Might work… but people may just wait until their preferred genre comes around [i](Scottish Pirate Metal, anyone?).[/i] [*]A video? Might be a little too esoteric for something that is meant to be ‘quick and easy’. [/list] As a solution it could perhaps just be a ‘free for all’. Play whatever you like, in whatever style you like, for no more than 60 seconds. Yes, that would make it unfocussed and open to people just sticking to their preferred genres/styles (as both participants and voters). The latter issue is already something we deal with in the regular Composition Challenge - I’m sure some people choose not to vote for certain tracks because they don’t like the genre of music in question. That’s unavoidable. Perfectly normal. The issue of it being unfocussed… well, maybe that’s part of the appeal? Just record what you think is a catchy/interesting/whatever bassline and throw it out there. [b]Secondly[/b], will this be sufficiently interesting for people to want to listen to? A selection of random baselines arguably has less appeal than a collection of compositions - and we already struggle to get people interested in those. [b]Thirdly[/b]... and this is perhaps my main concern... if we go ahead with the idea and it proves unpopular, then we may find ourselves ‘pestering’ the BC community to get involved in [i]another[/i] challenge-type activity, which might end up being detrimental to the one music challenge we have that works (albeit modestly). I don't want to "rob Peter to pay Paul", so to speak. Tricky! Further thoughts very welcome
  20. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1453994306' post='2965127'] I was wondering! For many on here playing bass seems almost a byproduct of the desire to be in a band. I enjoy playing live too, but I get just as much enjoyment playing just for me. Whether that be composing or simply finally being able to play a difficult piece doesn't matter.[/quote] I don't play in a band and haven't done so for [i]ages. [/i]A young family and busy work life preclude that sort of commitment, but it's something I'd like to do when the time is right. But just for fun. My main passion is writing and producing music - and playing bass is a means to an end in that respect. I have an 'audience' of sorts. My SoundCloud page has over 20,000 plays; I’ve had my music broadcast on the radio and played by DJs in some fairly large venues (the biggest being 2000+ clubbers at a gig in Paris). None of which is a substitute for playing live, of course. It's a very different 'buzz' entirely. But I'd guess that my music has reached a lot more people than that of most regular pub bands. That's the beauty of the internet. It can't provide a stage (yet...), but it can put you in touch with plenty of listeners
  21. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1454065775' post='2965936'] I had one of those 'health checks' a couple of months back and although I'm approaching 43 I've got the metabolism of a 24 year old....and no, he's not having his metabolism back. [/quote] There’s hope for us all yet! I’m due one of those free health-checks with the NHS now that I’m in my 40s. My resting heart rate is reassuringly below average for my age (currently about 64bpm, which is rated as “good”). I cycle daily on my commute to work, but still have a few pounds to shed…
  22. Ok chaps, group hug and let’s move on. Things can very easily get misconstrued in online discussion, especially when beer and crisps aren’t involved [i](at least I assume nobody is on the ale at this hour. I’m currently at work so it’s strictly cask whiskey for me).[/i] So… I’m going to let this thread run for a while longer, watch how the poll pans out, and let’s take it from there. Currently my thoughts are: [list] [*]Running a thread where people can post quick’n’dirty recordings, unstructured, is very easy for us to set up and by far the simplest approach. The downside being that it would run the risk of fizzling out quite rapidly (we already struggle to get people interested in hearing and commenting on each other’s music). [/list][list] [*]Running it as some kind of ‘challenge’ is more likely to maintain people’s interest, but there’d need to be sufficient distinction from the Composition Challenge to make it worthwhile. I’m not sure whether another picture-themed competition would really cut the mustard, so to speak. My gut feeling is that we literally throw it open to “whatever people want to play, providing it’s no longer than 60 seconds”. Any genre, any technique, etc. Although I’d welcome ideas as to what the source of inspiration could be… [/list][list] [*]Prizes are a tricky business. I’ve approached potential sponsors myself regarding the Composition Challenge but we don’t currently have a sufficiently large enough audience to make it an attractive proposition for them (30-40 voters per month isn't worth their while). Small prizes would need maintaining out of members’ own pockets and despite kind offers already, I’d like to avoid that. [/list] Let’s keep chewing it over for now… no rush. Just keep it civil
  23. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1453986964' post='2964953'] I'd feel guilty as sin if I spent 'house' money on all the GAS I suffer from [/quote] Also ditto. There's the gas bill and then there's the GAS bill! Kids definitely help to focus financial priorities in my experience
  24. Ok... so I’ve added a quick poll to this thread so we can get consensus on what people would prefer [i](and coming from the Recording forum I love a good poll, I really do).[/i] Here's the brief for anyone coming to this afresh... ---------- We’ve had a suggestion to set up a ‘platform’ for sharing quick, 60-second riffs, runs, noodles (whatever) with other members of the Basschat community. Something very quick and easy. No emphasis on production values; just a way to share and receive comments on some of your own favourite licks. [b][size=5]Is this something you’d be interested in?[/size][/b] Please fill in the poll (above) and let us know what you think. Thanks muchly
  25. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1453977451' post='2964784'] ...surely it could be contained to a single thread like "share my doodle" and people share their doodles etc and people can comment if they wish. don't think it needs to be a challenge, especially when there is nothing to judge it against.[/quote] I like this idea! It's a good compromise between making it super-easy for people to have a go and tackling some of the pitfalls of running it as a 'challenge'. So this sounds like the most viable way forward to me. Any other thoughts?
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