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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Big budget films and - increasingly - [i]video games[/i] are where you'll find a lot of new classical composers earning their crust these days. Video games being a huge market that now rivals Hollywood in terms of revenue. Check out people like Jesper Kyd and Kow Otani. Plenty of "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]expression, beauty and emotion" in their work [/font][/color]
  2. Cheers everyone! Huge thanks for the useful advice. Basschat at its best. I now feel much less like a DIY numpty and know what needs to be done. I am a man empowered! Ta very much. Paul
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1427206218' post='2727124'] Can we please be careful about what we say? Lets bear in mind that Wayne and his friends may be reading this and though I stand by the decision made I have no ill feelings towards him [/quote] Ditto. The world has since kept turning, so it's perhaps time to move along
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427201320' post='2726996'] I just wondered why they left and of course, people come and go all the time, but this was almost a cull. Now, I don't suggest they got banned at all...but something overnight, almost, made them leave and I noticed. [/quote] [font="Helvetica"]In the interest of openness[/font][font=Helvetica], the chain of events was thus:[/font] [list=1] [*][size=4]WaynePunkDude had his membership of Basschat withdrawn (ie. he got banned).[/size] [*][size=4]He disagreed with the decision and a heated discussion took place online (away from Basschat).[/size] [*][size=4]Some Basschat members, involved in this discussion, decided to boycott the forum as a show of solidarity towards Wayne.[/size] [*][size=4]The Mod team and Admins remain responsible for the decision to ban Wayne. Our policy [i](rightly)[/i] means that we can’t discuss it in public - otherwise we’d be challenged to discuss any/all such decisions in future (some of which are based on very sensitive personal issues).[/size] [*][size=4]This leaves us open to accusations of conspiracy, but we have to live with that. The alternative is airing dirty laundry in public, which would be a far worse outcome.[/size] [/list] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]And that’s the sum of it.[/size][/size][/font]
  5. G'day all. A reminder to get any last-minute compositions submitted by midnight tonight! I won't be waiting up this evening (early start tomorrow). So you actually have until early Wednesday morning, when we'll be launching the voting.
  6. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1427190424' post='2726817'] Nobody has asked for disclosure of the ins and outs of private conversations. However, if the mods had acted reasonably in banning a member, there would be no need to be so secretive about it. Some people might conclude that they have something to hide. [/quote] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Well, some people might draw that conclusion and I understand why.[/size][/size][/font] [font="Helvetica"]But some of the private discussions that take place between Mods and members contain information that not everyone would like shared openly in public. For example: discussion of how someone's personal circumstances might be swaying their behaviour.[/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]As Mods, we can’t be the judge of what is appropriate to share openly, and what’s not. That's a minefield we don't want to stray into. So we have a simple system whereby [i]all[/i] conversations between Mods and members over modding decisions are kept private.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just a foolproof system for… er… well, yes [/size][/size][/font]
  7. [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Done! Managed to get it together this evening. Phew. The mix is a bit ropey but meh, who cares [/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]I wrote the beat and synth lines for this track on my phone about a week ago (using the iMaschine app). This evening I transferred the original ‘sketch’ to my desktop copy of Maschine. Fiddled around with it. Recorded some ‘live’ bass. Exported the resulting track to Reason for some final tweaks and here’s the result:[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]https://soundcloud.com/skollob/high-rise[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]It’s my take on an NYC house track, with some Daft Punk-esque vocoder stuff going on. Bass guitar and vocals are by yours truly.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [color=#800000][b][size=4]While I’m here, don’t forget… the deadline for entries is tonight (Tuesday) at midnight.[/size][/b][/color][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]So there’s still time to submit something if you’re tinkering away. If so, look busy [/size][/size][/font]
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1427139802' post='2726369'] Apparently fanatical hordes of disaffected bassists will swarm into navy-surplus landing craft and putter their way ashore, only to be mown down in a hail of sarcasm. [/quote]
  9. Welcome from a fellow Manchesterian! [i](Keep telling them that it's sunny... once day they'll believe us).[/i] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]"Experimental dub/dance" sounds like just my cup of tea. Let us know next time you're gigging locally.[/color][/font]
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1427120440' post='2725941'] Gaps open and are filled by new people. That's evolution. [/quote] ^ This. Members have always come and gone on every forum I’ve belonged to. There’ll always been an ‘old guard’ of people who’ve been around for some time. And there’ll always be a steady influx of new blood - well, at least for as long as the forum is functioning and providing something of interest to its membership. [i]So the question is really, how long can bass players keep talking about basses for?[/i] My guess would be a frickin’ long time indeed More’s the point… the forum needs more younger members to replace those of us who are spreading into middle age and beyond. That’s more of an issue for the forum’s longevity than whether the old guard hang around long enough to keep it going, IMO. Otherwise the forum is basing it's modus operandi on that of an old people's home. And personally, I'm [i]not[/i] volunteering for chamberpot duty. No siree.
  11. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1427112829' post='2725822'] Are we picking three again this month. [/quote] Yup! We'll stick with the 'Pick Three' format for the foreseeable future. Ideally it would be good to have a "1st/2nd/3rd" choice (with the vote weighted separately - 3/2/1 points or similar), but that will have to wait until the forum is updated... Great to see lots of entries this month! Some new faces too, and a few old friends back in the fray. All good I'm hoping to get my track recorded and finished tonight/tomorrow. I've got it written (on my phone!!), but it's going to be a rush job again, as my spare time is currently dedicated to mixing an album for a mate of mine. Still, nothing like a deadline for getting things done.
  12. [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]I’m about to order a few wall-hangers for tidying up my basses at home. The product I’ll be using is the [url="http://www.herculesstands.com/guitars/gsp38wb.html"]Hercules GSP38WB[/url].[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]I’m not a DIY enthusiast… I’m a bungling amateur. So I just wanted to check my proposed method for fitting these hangers with those of you who are more savvy in this department.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Basically, the wall in question is a standard plasterboard surface with brick behind. The brick wall is in fact a previous outer wall of the property (the room is an extension) and the bricks are super tough.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]My plan is to drill through the plasterboard into the brick and then fit the hangers using masonry screws (rather than using the shorter screws that come supplied with the Hercules hangers). I might even glob in some No More Nails for good measure.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [i][size=4]Does this sound sensible?[/size][/i][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]I understand that the typical method is to locate the wooden batons behind the plasterboard and fit the hangers to those - but as (bad) luck would have it, the batons in this room are are positioned precisely where I don’t want to hang guitars. Typical.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]As a ‘Plan B’, I’m considering fitting a wooden plank to the wall (again, fixed to the brickwork) and attaching the wall hangers to that instead.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Cheers for any advice on this.[/size][/size][/font]
  13. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1427046848' post='2725056'] Mines currently at 5:20, will I be facing the firing squad if I don't trim it down? [/quote] Skinned alive and rolled around the inside of an empty packet of salt and vinegar crisps. Other than that, don't worry about it
  14. There are plenty of things I deem overpriced. Products that don't offer good bang for the buck$. Where I can buy a better quality, cheaper alternative if I choose to. Kettle Chips are a prime contender. I bang on to my mates about Kettle Chips all the time. On and on. And you know what? Not once have they said: "Thanks Skol. Thanks for your insight. I'm now going to change my choice of crisps based on your opinion." Not once. They keep on buying those Kettle Chips. It's as though they value their own opinions more highly than mine. The fools. And so it will always be. Ad infinitum. PS: any unwanted rice pudding? Send it my way. One man's bowl of milky maggots is another's homely pudding.
  15. I'm a hobbyist and really quite crap, playing-wise Takes me multiple takes to 'nail' anything I choose to record. But I consider it all good practice. "It's the journey not the destination". ...unless you're on a crowded EasyJet flight to Malaga. In which case the destination probably can't arrive soon enough.
  16. Hi Charlie. Cubase is certainly a good piece of software and worth the investment. As an alternative, you could try using Reaper. Like Cubase it's a full Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) but can be downloaded with an unlimited free trial - meaning you can use it for as long as you like, unhindered, without paying for it. Here a link: http://www.reaper.fm Plenty of tutorials about using Reaper on YouTube to get you started. Also plenty of people here using it - so don't hesitate to ask questions! That said, Cubase is one of the 'industry standard' DAW softwares and a very good platform for making music. But it's slightly more expensive. Paul
  17. I like my action to be about half those measurements or less. But heh, if it works for you, what's not to like?
  18. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1426238745' post='2715908'] I literally have nothing to say I can't take examples from my own life as I'm not downtrodden or disadvantaged in any way, I have nothing to moan about... I have no animosity against the political system or any desire to change things there. I'm very happy with Mrs C so don't have any traditional lovey dovey stuff to write about. I could write about going to work and leading a normal life but I doubt that would cut it...[/quote] There's plenty of inspiration to be had in the 'ordinary' and even the banal. In fact I'd go so far as to say that 'normal life' is the basis of most great song-writing (and comedy for that matter).
  19. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1426156572' post='2714960'] i should get involved in this again.. but im finding myself less and less interested in music [/quote] Well, you're still here mate! So that's a good sign Don't put pressure on yourself. Nothing worse than trying to write a tune when it feels 'forced'.
  20. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1426156486' post='2714956'] the one thing that can get you down in early stages is if it doesn't sound like how you want it to. Even if your first recordings sound like arse, keep pushing through, most of us here had to get through some dire efforts before we got there, i know i did.... Skol however was just born magic [/quote] Haha! I wish Good point through Rob. Just like learning an instrument, it's all about practice, practice, practice. Time invested = better results, for sure. [b]And welcome aboard BobVbass! [/b]Really good to hear you've taken the plunge and I guarantee you won't regret it. It'll change the way you hear and play music - in a good way. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions - and of course, please share any discoveries of your own along the way. You're amongst good company here. Cheers
  21. Thanks guys! Really good advice above. I expected nothing less I'm going to plunder that Real Traps guidance and Sound on Sound to get my head around the basics. I've also emailed a couple of UK-based companies who are happy to offer free advice with no obligation. One is GIK Acoustics (recommended on forums all over the Web); the other is EQ Acoustics. Interestingly, for the sort of music I make - mostly EDM - they're suggesting that standard foam panels might not 'cut the mustard' as they tend to focus on attenuating mid and high frequencies, when in my case I'm going to have most challenge controlling the lows. All good food for thought. And it's nice to be learning stuff I'll keep you updated as it develops...
  22. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1425996802' post='2713201'] Been working on something for this... [/quote] On the new Wal I hope Rob? Keen to hear it
  23. I have a friend in London who's just finished a session in a studio that he found great to work with (he also plays jazz). I'll ask him for the details and get back to you... EDIT: ok... so the studio that my friend recommends is this one: http://www.waxrecordingstudio.info Contact name is Robert Strauss. Good luck!
  24. I'm currently in the midst of converting our integral garage at home into a 'music room'. The builders are in. The place looks a mess. All is as it should be at this stage Thinking ahead... I'm starting to explore options for acoustic treatment. I'm not expecting perfection from a room of this size and type - I'd just like to create a 'workable' environment for recording and mixing. I'm also not too worried about sound-proofing. I live on a quiet street and I don't tend to practice or mix at loud volumes. So my focus is really on creating as 'neutral' a space as possible to work in, rather than building a bunker in which to emulate Motörhead rehearsals. What I'm looking for is a helpful and patient company that can help me to: [list=1] [*]Work out what I need; and [*]Sell me what I need at a good price! [/list] If any of you know of such a company - or have any advice to share on this topics, then please post below. Cheers!
  25. ^ Thanks Dave! I'm a big supporter of free / open source software at work, so good to see some options suggested here.
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