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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [size=4]Interesting thread Garry![/size] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Like Bilbo I have a lot of fun with the monthly composition challenges, but strictly speaking my ‘compositional chops’ are severely lacking and I tend to rely on a few well worn formulae for the bulk of my music. Not that I’m unhappy with that - it’s just a limitation that I’m aware of.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]I like to think I can occasionally conjur a catchy ‘ear worm’, but there’s really little method behind my approach to writing music - and that’s something I hope to work on next year with some music lessons (our new neighbour is a former music teacher - very serendipitous!).[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Repetitive themes actually feature strongly in a lot of the music I listen to and produce (e.g. electronic dance music), so I could no doubt learn a useful thing or two from this topic [/size][/size][/font]
  2. [quote name='coffee_king' timestamp='1416494264' post='2610839'] No, even though my Garage door has two locks, the side door has a 5 lever mortice British Standard lock on it. The van has a steering lock (Like all cars), but I also bought a Thatcham Cat 3 approved Stoplock (£50) for it and 95% of the time there is a car parked up to as close to the front of the garage door as you can get so there is no way you could gain entry (while the car is there) and take ANYTHING out of the van or the garage.....unless you stole/moved the car first. Also 5 houses look directly at my garage and I have a security light on both the front and side of the garage. [/quote] The trouble is, insurance companies aren't like bookies - they're usually unwilling to work out the odds of an individual's stuff being stolen/damaged, based on their unique circumstances, and then write a policy to suit. Or at least they're not willing to do this at a price most of us would be willing to pay. They work on a ‘one size fits most’ approach, which is cost-effective for them at the detriment of it sometimes being frustrating for us! But… those steps you’ve taken [u]are[/u] going to help safeguard your gear, so it’s not a wasted effort. Better it doesn't get nicked at all
  3. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1416486300' post='2610675'] Thanks for that, that's very helpful actually as I have exactly the same policy with Directline.. same limits and everything. Better get myself some proper cover I think. I guess playing gigs is a bit of a grey area where I'd be covered if I didn't receive any fee, but if we did end up getting a few quid I wouldn't be covered... maybe I'll give them a call, it would be handy to know if i'm covered at rehearsal studios etc. [/quote] No problem Rob. I had a long to and fro with Direct Line over this when we moved house. I wanted to make sure that my gear was fully covered by the policy whilst at home (it was), despite them not wanting a list of individual items. I asked them to clarify their policy in writing - as some insurers get a bit vague over things like musical instruments, jewelry, works of art, etc - and received a letter confirming the cover, but drawing attention to the clause about it not extending to 'items for business use' (or some such). So in short: yes, I'd strongly recommend you get a policy specific to paying gigs. Paul
  4. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1416488665' post='2610720'] I've got the stems for an acoustic gig we did, and I have no idea how to mix. I'll have a look see if they are any good as the quality might not be great. Cheers! [/quote] Hi Wooks. Sounds great! We've yet to do acoustic session so that would be a bonus. Don't worry too much about the quality of the tracks - part of the challenge is often 'cleaning up' the audio that we work with. Message me once you're ready and we'll take it from there And to everyone else: get in touch if you want to add your band to the list. The more the merrier.
  5. [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=5][b]BUMP for a free mix![/b] Any takers?[/size][/size][/font]
  6. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1416482651' post='2610612'] I really need to look into some proper insurance for my gear... pretty sure it won't be covered under my house insurance policy when I'm out and about gigging etc. [/quote] I'm with Direct Line (Home Plus I think it's called) and that covers me for up to £4K per individual item (unspecified, with a maximum total claim of £50K I think), including instruments. However... instruments [u]aren't[/u] covered if they're used for a commercial purpose. Nor are other items - that would require a separate business insurance policy. So if you're earning money from gigging, session work or whatever, then your instruments aren't covered by home insurance. At least that's the case with Direct Line, but I think it applies to the vast majority of home insurance policies. So you'd better get that Wal of yours insured if you're showing off with it down the local for beer money! PS: the advice I've had from a friend who works in insurance is to look into how each company deals with claims. There are plenty of cheap options out there, but the cheapest ones tend to fight paying out with tooth and claw. Some of the bigger names are more expensive, but they tend to pay out with less hassle when you need them to - which IMO is what you want to be paying for with insurance cover.
  7. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1416422200' post='2610078'] Why not just feed the track through a filter? [/quote] I'd be great if it was that simple! Trouble is, the bass guitar doesn't [i]just[/i] occupy a neat section of the low end frequencies... it spews out harmonics across the range, so there's no easy way of filtering out everything besides the bass, without filtering out a lot of the bass too. It is possible to isolate things like vocals quite nicely by using an exact instrumental copy of a track to kind of 'mask off and chop out' everything apart from the vocal (I've used this technique myself to create bootleg acapellas for the purpose of remixing). But it's a generally a huge pain in the ass.
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1416386789' post='2609559'] Progress is being made and I really hope that by some time in 2015 I'm contributing. [/quote] Nice one! That's really good to hear. But I'll say this... don't worry about creating perfectly polished compositions. Just get stuck in, as that's the quickest way to learn and improve. Most of us here started out by submitting fairly 'ropey' efforts when this challenge first started (2 years ago! How time flies...). My own playing has improved quite a lot since then and these challenges have certainly contributed to that. So yeah, just go for it [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1416473432' post='2610482'] Well it's strictly VST and MIDI stuff - But I'm throwing a musical hat in the ring anyway. Worst case scenario I make everyone else look better! [/quote] Welcome aboard! I haven't listened to it yet (at work and should be, well, working... ) but I'll check it out in due course. PS: nothing wrong with using MIDI! It's not about [i]how[/i] you compose, but [i]what[/i] you compose in these challenges. MIDI opens up scope for us all to have entire orchestras at our fingertips if we want them... and I wouldn't have space (nor sandwich facilities) to cater for that kind of crowd in my front room at home. Besides, if Beethoven were alive today, he'd by writing scores in Sibelius and testing them out as MIDI just like many modern composers do
  9. Brilliant, thanks for sharing I'm a fan of Steve Albini and as usual, he's talking sense.
  10. [quote name='KingPrawn' timestamp='1416346359' post='2609333'] can i ask, whats the transition like? what do you miss about analogue if anything? [/quote] There was no real transition for me. The only analogue gear I've used for any length of time is an old four track recorder! I've otherwise been digital through and through. Disclaimer: I'm not a professional engineer, just a home hobbyist.
  11. I work entirely 'in the box' myself (with software), but I've often been tempted by a ZED-R16. They get great reviews and seem to combine the best of both worlds. I've seen them very well priced on eBay... in fact this thread is giving me GAS... dammit, I'm outta here!
  12. I've just put the feelers out for the next one... [b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249512-get-your-bands-music-mixed-for-free/"]Get your band's music mixed for free![/url][/b] I'll give it a little while and let you all know if anyone takes interest If not, I'll plunder Mike Senior's online library for something suitable.
  13. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1416223067' post='2607977'] Tweeting this as we speak [/quote] Great! Thanks as always, Sylvia
  14. [font=Helvetica] [size=5][b]Yes, really.[/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]So here’s the deal… as you may know, we run an ongoing ‘Mixing Challenge’ in the Recording forum, whereby a bunch of keen amateur mix engineers have a go at polishing up a piece of music.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]We like to use tracks from the Basschat community whenever possible - to date the challenge has featured songs by Tacsi, U-Jahm, Kit Richardson, Dientes, Creepjoint, Frigorifico, Dick Venom & The Terrortones, London Zulu… and probably others that I’ve missed.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]If you want to add your own band to that list - and get one of your tracks mixed for [u]FREE[/u] - then it’s very simple. All you need to do is:[/size][/size][/font] [list=1] [*][size=4][color=#800000][b]Choose a song (or instrumental) that you’d like to have mixed.[/b][/color] It must be a track that you have ownership of, including any sounds and samples it contains.[/size] [*][size=4][b][color=#800000]Check whether you have the ‘mix stems’ for the song[/color][/b] - these are the individual audio tracks, or groups of tracks, that are needed to mix it. For example: lead vocal, bass guitar, keyboard, kick drum, snare, hi hat, etc.[/size] [/list] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]If it’s a ‘yes’ to the above, then you’re all set.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Just [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/12230-skol303/"][b]message me[/b][/url] for details [/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Cheers,[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [size=4]Paul[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3] [/size][/font][font=Helvetica][size=3] [i][size=4]^ An actual mixer, like the ones we use.[/size][/i][/size][/font]
  15. Ok guys, that's a wrap! Big congratulations to Ironside and [i]all[/i] of you on a job well done. Sorry I didn't get to wave the chequered flag on Friday night... we've been away this weekend and I've only just got back online. I'll start cooking up the next challenge and will notify y'all here as per usual once it's ready. Again, well done!
  16. Kiwi, Shep, Doug... thanks chaps! Very useful links and advice. I'll incorporate your info into the main body of this thread over the weekend, so it's easy for people to find. Billy Apple... go for it! And don't hesitate to ask questions in the Rec forum if you need any help.
  17. [b]2. The role of the bass guitar is often misunderstood.[/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5iG11s-dok
  18. [color=#800000][b][size=5]Voting ends tomorrow night in the BC (re)Mixing Challenge![/size][/b][/color] [b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/244967-remixing-challenge-voting/"]LINKY HERE[/url][/b] Please support your fellow Recording forum brethren by having a listen and choosing your favourite. Cheers
  19. C'mon! Don't be shy... [size=5][color=#800000][b]voting ends tomorrow night[/b][/color][/size] and so far we have a massive total of 8 votes from a community of thousands. [i]Woooo, hoooooooo![/i] I mean, if you can't show your fellow Basschatters some support from the comfort of your own armchair, then what kind of a bass player are you. Eh!? Don't answer that... just have a listen and pick your favourite. Pretty please. With pink stuff sprinkled on top. And a squirt of special sauce. Oh yeah.
  20. Just watched about 30 seconds of this whilst at work, with the sound down. Interesting facial expressions. As though he's sat on a commode and, well, 'multi-tasking' whilst playing. Does it sound just as good??
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415746265' post='2603439'] Hey Paul... approx 17.5mm if my measury thing is working properly. [/quote] Nice. That's a beaut. Must. Resist. GAS...
  22. AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN WHITE!!! [checks whether hell has frozen over... returns bemused but with Jeff Hanneman's autograph, so that's a bonus] Nice basses Mark. Especially the fiver. What's the string spacing on it? Yeah I'm too lazy to Google
  23. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1415705318' post='2602798'] Im actually following your Introduction to recording threads Skol. Got a Focusright Scarlett, looking at getting monitors this weekend, just need to learn a DAW. I have used Mixcraft but might take a look at that Reaper this weekend.... [/quote] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]I'm not familiar with Mixcraft but Reaper is great. I don’t use it myself but have dabbled… and it gets consistently good reviews on here and elsewhere. Definitely worth a look.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Good decision on the Focusrite too. Superb interfaces for the money, along with TASCAM and a few others.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]I wouldn’t worry [i]too[/i] much about needing studio monitors. I haven’t used any myself for three years! I still mix solely on headphones and reference my tracks by playing them on my iPod, car stereo, etc. I do have a pair of monitors but they’re too large for the room I currently work in (something I'm hoping to remedy with a [/size][size=4]garage conversion next year).[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]But… that’s not to say you [i]shouldn’t[/i] buy a pair of monitors. They are by far the best way of checking a mix. It’s just that you can do a reasonable job without them, with practice and some patience.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]PS: good to hear that the Beginner’s Guide is proving useful [/size][/size][/font]
  24. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1415624449' post='2602048'] I haven't actually started mine yet as I still need to buy some decent studio monitors. [/quote] That's the level of commitment I like to hear! Good on ya and welcome aboard.
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1415621627' post='2602002'] I am thinking of the image rather than it's title. Two people can be dancing to any form of dance music and not just disco so that really opens it up. [/quote] Absolutely. I originally had some ragtime theme running through my head, which I might yet return to if I can drop the sequinned flared trousers and... well, I don't know where that sentence is going
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