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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Descendent' timestamp='1413290835' post='2576750'] GBBL is open for business! [url="http://greatbritishbasslounge.com/"]http://greatbritishbasslounge.com/[/url] Any feedback or comments are very welcome! [/quote] Very nice. Great layout and easy to navigate. The photography is superb. It makes me want to spend money... which is presumably the whole point! Good luck with the new venture.
  2. Nice score Mark, she's a beaut! Whatever you do, [i]DON'T[/i] refinish the body. You'll regret it and by the sound of things, receive something rather pungent in the post. Black is the new white, just keep repeating the mantra and you'll be fine. Oh and sound clips, now, please.
  3. Sad news indeed. I remember seeing them play at the Sheffield Octagon and watching all of the bottles rattle behind the bar when they played 'LFO'. True pioneers of the lowest of the low end. I'm going to crack open a beer and dust off some LFO tonight. No better time to do so. RIP
  4. Does the choice of tyres on your car affect how well it drives? Partly. But so do a lot of other factors - not least the driver him/herself Same applies to choice of bass wood, innit.
  5. I've just had a VERY quick listen to each entry thus far - quite literally hitting 'play' in the middle of each track just to test the water, so to speak - and wow, the word 'eclectic' springs to mind! Really good work guys. It's great to hear how you've each approached it in your way, which is what this particular challenge is all about. I'm looking forward to giving these a proper listen in due course. In the meantime, there's still plenty of opportunity for anyone thinking about having a go. So if that happens to be you then get to it!
  6. Just found out that I'm going to be away on the weekend of the 24th so... [color=#800000][size=5][b]The deadline for entries is now midnight on Sunday 26th October.[/b][/size][/color] Voting will commence the following day. That is all. As you were
  7. I've always understood that the instrument itself has all the delicacy of a baseball bat - ie. it doesn't really matter whether it's stored upright, on its side, leaning against something, or whatever. That's not what will cause it to warp. It is after all a lunk of wood. What will cause wood to warp is 1) moisture and 2) extreme temperature changes. So an un-heated storage room doesn't sound like a great idea to me (plenty of comments online about this from our American cousins storing basses in cold cellars in the Northern US). The de-tuning thing is what attracts the most controversy. My basic understanding of physics suggests that de-tuning would be a bad idea - as that would reduce the force of the strings working against that of the truss rod, which keeps the neck in shape. But that assumes that temperature and humidity are going to be constant. If temp and humidity are going to vary, then de-tuning MIGHT be a sensible idea. But ultimately, you want to avoid significant temp and humidity changes altogether.
  8. A recent thread dealing with the same problem that you might find useful: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/243973-want-to-see-what-an-ebay-seller-regarded-as-a-small-neck-twist/ Might be worthwhile messaging the thread starter about his similar experience. He mentions that his own bass was fixed by "John Williams of Noiseworks".
  9. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1412971663' post='2573848'] i have decided to make a start on one haha i think my chosen style may not go down to well with the community here but I'm having fun at least! great song, there is a lot of options with this i think. [/quote] Good to hear! The more original the better, so don't hold back
  10. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1412968523' post='2573811'] Have I got this right? When we have done our mix we post a link direct to here from Sound cloud, we do not send Skol303 the track and we can post them any time you want so long as it is before the deadline. [/quote] Yep, you got it! Just post a link to your remix (on SoundCloud) in this thread once you're finished
  11. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1412969697' post='2573822'] If that wets anyone's appetite for film music then this is an absolute must. http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/soundofcinema [/quote] Cheers BF! I'm going to listen to those next
  12. Now playing... and worth watching if you're interested in the art of cinematic scores ...and analogue synths.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1412951306' post='2573594'] Nah... Short scale... [/quote] And too close to a Ricky.
  14. Just noticed this on the MusicRadar website: [i]"Designed by guitarist Andy Alt (the online marketing director for Steve Vai and co-creator, with Vai, of GuitarTV.com), the Little Thunder pickup replaces a traditional guitar humbucker and allows users to play guitar and bass simultaneously. The pickup adds a bass signal to the two lowest strings on an electric guitar but still leaves the signal of all six guitar strings intact."[/i] http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/exclusive-video-add-bass-to-your-guitar-with-a-little-thunder-pickups-608414 I know, I know...
  15. [quote name='72deluxe' timestamp='1412897447' post='2573210'] I also have an active Corvette which weighs a tonne but has crisp tones thanks to the bubinga wood, like a Thumb.[/quote] Yup, bubinga gives fantastic tone but it does weigh some. I have a swamp ash corvette from 2005 and it's very light indeed, especially for a 5-string.
  16. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1412869784' post='2572852'] Yep - I, of course, do have a weakness for pie and chips. [/quote] It was inevitable Nice bass and GLWTS.
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1411818886' post='2563049'] Should be a standard 5mm mate. My advice is to get a short Gilmour bar, the usual length is too long in my opinion, plenty of Gilmours on ebay. [/quote] That's great, cheers Nige!
  18. I love Andy Irvine! He can be a little cheesy but his enthusiasm is infectious. He plays very hard with a lot of attack. He also has fingers like sausages and favours broadneck basses. So I'm guessing that his thumb rest style is more a product of his 'physicality' than anything to do with a desired sound.
  19. A good example from this 'ere Basses for Sale forum. I'd be all over this sucker if I didn't already have a Corvette: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/245757-warwick-corvette-std-german-made-active-l499-shipped-l475-collected-pics-now-up/ Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with bagsieblue, other than with him living in Chorley and me in Manchester, it's very likely that he shares my weakness for pie and chips. Just a theory I'm putting out there.
  20. Nope, no DI box required. The audio interface will have a 1/4" jack input - just like a bass amp - into which you can plug in a regular 1/4" jack lead and connect up your bass. It'll also have an input for microphones. Most interfaces (including the one linked to above) have a switch or button for selecting either 'line' or 'instrument' input. The 'instrument' setting tends to boost the signal slightly, so you don't need to turn up the gain on the interface too high when recording (leaving plenty of 'head room', which helps to avoid clipping the signal and causing distortion). All of which might sound complicated... when in reality, you just plug in and play! So to retiterate: no, you don't need a DI box. You just need an audio interface, which will connect to your computer using a USB cable (which will come supplied with the interface if bought new).
  21. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1412842706' post='2572500'] or this one... [/quote] The singlecut thumb actually has a killer tone and a very wide string spacing (nice for some). I've had a play on one, but don't - and wouldn't - own one myself. Not because it's a singecut, but because it's too damned expensive and weighs as much as a small cow.
  22. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1412802468' post='2572317'] Watching Jools Holland's show every week has raised your bad music threshold !!!! [/quote] Actually I DO watch Later every week... maybe I need to book myself in for a colonic irrigation, or something
  23. Hi Clinton, You'll need an audio interface - a 'box' that allows you to connect your bass (or any other instrument) to your computer. This is a good one for starters: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B005OZE9SA?pc_redir=1412530406&robot_redir=1 You'll then need a desktop audio workstation (DAW) software. Your Mac will have a copy of Apple GarageBand already installed. It's a great piece of software - easy to use and it'll do everything you need. Lots of tutorials on YouTube on how to get started with it. Hope that's pointed you in the right direction and give us a nudge here if you need more help Paul
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1412799386' post='2572267'] It is to these ears. [/quote] Fair enough. I must have a higher pain threshold (or cloth ears!) because I've heard a lot worse
  25. C'mon... it's not THAT bad!! I just had a listen and expected something truly awful having read this thread. But it was just... well, 'ok'. Not especially brilliant, but not especially offensive either. Worse things happen at sea. Like those horrific shanties. Terrible business.
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