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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Other than the above, I'd want to know... Truss rod - does it turn? Neck - doesn't have to be perfectly straight (in fact a [i]very slight[/i] upwards bow is what I'd usually want), but importantly make sure it doesn't have any twists - ie. does the nut sit parallel with the bridge when you look down the neck from tail to top? Tuners - do they turn evenly without any significant tightness or looseness? Bear in mind that fret buzz is a PITA but can be fixed by a good fret dress and set up, so it's not the end of the world if the rest of the instrument ticks all the right boxes.
  2. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1412767208' post='2571756'] [font=Calibri][size=3][color=#000000]Don’t overlook the humble Corvette J J pickup version – great basses, A great Jazz bass plus the Warwick Growl.[/color][/size][/font] [/quote] This! The German-made Corvettes are great and have more of that famous 'growl' than the more modern $$, in my opinion. Very good value for money second-hand. I picked mine up for around £450. String-spacing on the 5'ers is quite narrow (or typical, depending on what you're used to) at 16.5mm - but perfectly playable. I think the four-strings are a standard 18mm. The Thumb - if you can stretch to one price-wise - is the pick of the crop, sound-wise (again, all IMO). Beautiful instruments. Personally speaking, Warwick are my favourite manufacturers in terms of build quality, sound, playability and even ethics - they operate the world's only carbon-neutral manufacturing plant, and all of their woods are FSC-certified. That might not mean diddly-squat to many folks, but it chimes with me. So yeah. Go on... you know you want one!
  3. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1412722834' post='2571486'] How do! Not been about for a while, been busy arranging a wedding then getting married. Here's my entry for this months challenge that I've knocked up. It is a soundscape inspired by ideas and thoughts about Industrial ideas, sci fi, AI, could robots have thoughts souls etc. Anyway here it is [url="https://soundcloud.com/dreaded-ted/artificial-soul"]https://soundcloud.c...artificial-soul[/url] [/quote] Nice one, good to have you back and congratulations on the recent nuptials! I haven't listened to any of the entries yet - I haven't started my own and like to leave it until I have something finished - but I'll give yours a listen along with the others in due course. Cheers, Paul
  4. In a word: no... sorry! I can't think of an App that would fit the bill specifically. The closest I can think of would be: [url="https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/amplitube/id373524000?mt=8"]Amplitube:[/url] lets you connect your bass/guitar to your iOS device using one of these [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/iRig-Guitar-Effects-Interface-iPhone/dp/B003W47NII"]cable thingies[/url]. Includes a bunch of amp sims and FX, plus a virtual drum kit that you can use to jam along to. [i]But[/i] it doesn't include a keyboard on which you could set up chords [i](so not really what you're looking for!).[/i] [url="http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/nanostudio/id382263651?mt=8"]Nanostudio:[/url] a really quite fantastic little DAW software - you can use it to create full tracks quite easily. Has a multitude of keyboard synths on which can write chords using a 'piano roll' (not notation, but easy to use). But... as far as I know you can't connect your bass to it and jam along at the same time. So yeah. Apologies for the quite useless suggestions! Other folks here might be able to offer better ideas. As a 'Plan B', I'll reiterate the usual mantra of suggesting you go about this using a digital audio workstation (DAW) software on a 'regular' computer, rather than trying to find a suitable App. [url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]Reaper[/url] is an often recommended product (it's available for free as an unlimited trial version) and you can download numerous free virtual synths (as VST plug-ins) on which to write chords, beats, complete songs - whatever you fancy. Plenty of tutorials on YouTube to get you started. The snag is that to use Reaper (or any other DAW software) you'd need an audio interface ([url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/FOCUSRITE-SCARLETT-Audio-interfaces-USB-Red/dp/B005OZE9SA"]like this one[/url]) to connect your bass to your computer. The advantage is that this set-up would enable you to write entire compositions from the comfort of your potting shed. Any questions, just give us a shout here Paul
  5. [quote name='IzzyT2807' timestamp='1412691108' post='2571062'] Don't suppose headphones are an option ? [/quote] This. Bass frequencies are the 'juggernaut' of sound waves - they are virtually unstoppable unless you spend a lot of time and/or money in trying to deter them travelling through walls, floors, etc. You can lift your speaker cab off the floor (using a rubber/foam pad) but the difference it'll make will be minuscule. The only sure-fire way to avoid rattling your downstairs neighbours light fittings is to use headphones or play at low volume. Neither are as much fun as pushing some air through a cab, but they're 100% more sociable
  6. I know what you mean. I'm now 'settled in' with the new update - I like the new interface and features, I love the amp sims, but it's not amazeballs. Just good. The browser thingy took a bit of getting used to, but it's starting to help speed up my workflow now I've become accustomed to it - feels a bit more like Ableton with all the drag and drop, which is no bad thing. At the very least it's a better platform for them to build on than version 7 was. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1412609328' post='2570334'] I wonder if I can find an old version of reason to buy and just upgrade that for less money [/quote] As mentioned, very much so and that would certainly be a canny move! You can sometimes find old versions up for sale on the Propellerhead forum.
  7. No worries Pete! I'm GAS'ing for a Stingray 5 having recently played one... so I suppose that speaks for itself
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1412427327' post='2568851']I tried EVERY Fender bass in the shop inc the most expensive ones in there and they all had some form of issue, the Jazz 5 active Deluxe (?) was the worst of the lot, sounded dull and lifeless with a flappy B string[/quote] Mostly subjective... and I think we've had this parlay before... but the Jazz V's I've tried have all been great instruments, certainly in terms of build quality, tone and B-strings. I also like the wide string spacing (19mm I think). But like I said, it's mostly subjective and we all have our own personal preferences and allegiances - sometimes nailed to the mast of our usernames Although as a rule of thumb, I imagine it's fair to say that the build quality of most instruments increases with price (bar the odd exceptions). Were that not the case, the market for high end/expensive basses would surely not be able to support itself. So yes, I'd imagine that a £2500 instrument would be 'better' than one costing £1000 or £100. If that weren't the case, I'd be taking it back to the shop.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1412361950' post='2568317'] Here you go, then; sorry about the delay (I had to peel the onions for our dinner...) [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/spare-a-copper-for-an-old-steam-tramp"]Spare a Copper for an Old Steam Tramp..? ...[/url] Hope you like it. [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1412401312' post='2568581'] A bit of spare time, so I knocked up another one, just for kicks. A prolific picture for ideas; so here's another 'slant'... [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/failed-mission-report"]Failed Mission Report ...[/url] Enjoy. [/quote] I knew it. He's finally gone gaga. QUICK... SOMEBODY RESTRAIN HIM!!
  10. Nice one Chris! Sounds tasty I like the cover artwork too.
  11. [size=5][color=#800000][b]October's challenge is now on![/b][/color][/size] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/246458-october-composition-challenge-get-busy/"][b][size=5]GO HERE[/size][/b][/url] Nice choice of image by Bilbo... it's going to be a good one
  12. [color=#800000][size=5][b]October’s Composition Challenge is now underway.[/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Here's the image for your inspiration, chosen by last month's winner [b]Bilbo[/b]...[/size] [size=5]And here are the rules 'n' stuff…[/size] By entering the competition you agree to the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]Basschat Terms & Conditions[/url] and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/3178-forum-guidelines/"]Forum Guidelines[/url], which are designed to help ensure the forum remains free of offensive and/or illegal behaviour and material. In a nutshell: [b]1) Please avoid any content that other forum users may find offensive.[/b] If your track contains explicit lyrics, for example, then please warn other forum users so they can choose for themselves whether to listen to it. [b]2) Please make sure you have permission to use any 3rd party sounds included in your track[/b] (ie. sounds that you have not recorded yourself, such as samples of other people's music). The owners of Basschat accept no responsibility for infringements of copyright or other forms of legal ownership, which are solely the responsibility of competition entrants. If we spot any breaches of copyright then your track will be removed from the competition. For reference: here's a great source of copyright-free material, all available under Creative Commons license: http://www.freesound.org/ [b]3) Entries should be no more than five minutes long and written/produced during the month of the competition[/b], taking inspiration from the photo provided. No cheating! If you have any questions about the competition rules, just ask. [color=#800000][size=5][b]The deadline for entries is midnight on Sunday 26th October.[/b][/size][/color] Get to it...
  13. Aye, well done to Mr B! Very nice indeed. And a hearty slap on the back to everyone else too. Good work all round. October's challenge will be up and running shortly. If you've yet to have a go yourself, then now could be the time... go for it!
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1412292952' post='2567678']I'm not sure that it'll be possible (or maybe even advisable..?) to attempt choosing a 'winner' this week-end. There's not much to jettison here, so far. More still to come, too..? [/quote] No rush Doug! Voting doesn't start until 1st November
  15. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1412288962' post='2567645'] ...I have had it running through my head burning its signature on my brain [/quote] Haha! I know that EXACT feeling I had this track in my head for weeks/months (!) whilst working on it. PS: well done for having a crack at this mate. Looking forward to giving it a listen.
  16. I'm in touch with Bilbo and the new challenge will be posted up sometime today! Hopefully this afternoon... Watch this space. Well, not literally.
  17. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1412228538' post='2566872'] Really good mix Skol. Nice and driving. [/quote] Thanks Garry! Really appreciate you having a listen mate. I used lots of different compression to give the track some 'wallop' - especially on the drums, which I hit hard with Softube's Dynamite compressor/limiter (a really nice and versatile plug-in if you're interested) amongst other things. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1412280657' post='2567531'] Having put what I thought were some final touches to mine , I thought I would pop over for a listen ,WOW , it makes me realise how far off the pace I am , superb work Paul , brilliant . [/quote] Cheers Kev! And don't be daft ...I'm sure you're very much on the pace for whatever style you've chosen for your own remix (that's the beauty of remixing). Bear in mind that bangin' electronic stuff is generally what I do, so this was very much in my comfort zone. Lots of different ways to approach this track - I just did it my way... [i]sorry, I've just gone all Sinatra for some reason![/i]
  18. Well done Bilbo, thoroughly deserved Now hurry up with this month's picture... we're all waiting. C'mon, chop chop!
  19. Early start tomorrow so I won't be up at midnight to wave the chequered flag. Can whoever scoops the most votes - and it's currently looking like Bilbo! - please message me with their choice of image for the next one. Ta. As always, well done everyone. A very fine selection this month!
  20. I think this is one of the closest finales we've had yet! I CAN'T BEAR THE TENSION!!
  21. Ok. Enough of the softly, softly. [color=#800000][b]Today is the final day of voting.[/b][/color] We currently have a 21 votes cast. Minus the six participants, that means 15 other people on this forum can be sufficiently arsed to tear themselves away from Off Topic and go listen to some [i]actual music[/i] created by members of this community. And a big thanks to those of you who've done so! Cheers But there's room for a whole lot more. And besides, the voting is currently pant-wettingly close with three frontrunners on equal scores. Honestly, life just doesn't get any more gripping than this. So I'll hand over to our official sponsor and challenge President, Arnold Schwarzenegger, for a quick round-up... Thanks Arnie. Over to you, folks. Make your mamas proud!!
  22. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1412165522' post='2566310'] Ok, Gone for Skol. Really enjoyed it. [/quote] Thank you muchly! Very kind
  23. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1412170692' post='2566407']I am just a DAW whore. [/quote] You and me both mate! Weirdly... or perhaps not weirdly at all... I find that Reason 8 uses no more processing power than Reason 4, despite it now having considerably more 'oomph' under the hood. Lean programming I suppose. It's always been a very stable piece of software - probably because it's self-contained with its own plug-in format (in some ways a disadvantage as much as it is an advantage, it could be argued). I also have a copy of Ableton (the light version), which came bundled with an audio interface, and Maschine - both of which are great. And I've often considered adding Logic to my toolbox. But then I've come to know Reason very well and find it's best to stick with the devil you know. After all, most DAWs offer the same functionality - it's mostly just the workflow that differs between each - and I personally like the faux-hardware approach that Reason offers. Whatever, I'm rambling. Upgrades = shiny new things, and I'm always a sucker for those! [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1412172514' post='2566428'] I've used every version but I missed Reason 7. It's come a long way in it's time.[/quote] Indeed it has! I first got the bug for Propellerhead stuff with ReBirth back in the mid-90s or whenever it was. I now have it as an App on my phone... amazing,. really
  24. You've come to the right place! PM'd with advice and recommendations.
  25. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1412111497' post='2565864']I had a discussion about the film idea the other day with my lad... he can make a film , and the BC composers can certainly do a tune or two.[/quote] I think it would be fun to use a video clip as the inspiration one month - and much better to use a 'real' video with links to the BC family, than some stock footage. The only consideration is that we tried this about a year ago and it tanked... I think we had three entries and a lot of folks struggled with the technical aspects of syncing their music to the film. Bear in mind that it was more of a 'slideshow' than an actual 'movie' (it was a compilation of still images from that year's Composition Challenge), so some actual footage may be more inspiring - and we could perhaps avoid worrying about the music and film being synced together, for those that don't have the software to do this. Anyway... certainly an idea to keep hold of [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1412160006' post='2566208'] fifty squillion members on this here forum and only sixteen bother to come and vote sigh.... [/quote] Yup! 'Tis the norm, sadly. But it's also very typical of pretty much every music forum, where lots of people share their efforts and very few bother to listen or leave comment. I'm guilty of it myself - I don't spend nearly enough time leaving feedback in the 'Share Your Music' forum here on Basschat. But I probably do more than most I think a lot of it is down to a combination of:[list] [*]People being a lot less interest in new music than they might admit to. [*]A tendancy for folks to use forums for the purpose of discussing their own interests (and especially gear!) - rather than paying attention to those of others. [*]30 minutes of listening being more than some people are willing to commit to. [/list] It [i]is[/i] a shame... but as the saying goes, you can only "lead a horse to water", etc, etc. I think ultimately - and evidently - it's very possible to have a keen interest in [i]playing[/i] music (or certainly [i]owning[/i] the equipment to play music) without actually having much interest in [i]listening[/i] to music. If that makes any sense? Probably not. But regardless. It doesn't deter us
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