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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1412107246' post='2565780'] As an update, it seems great. As a new version, that has to be paid for, I don't think it's worth it. [/quote] True enough. If you're interested, you can demo the new amp sims by downloading them on a trial basis from the Rack Extension area of the store. I've been waiting for these Softube sims for some time (having tinkered with them on a friend's Ableton set up) and they're very nice. Worth the upgrade price alone? Perhaps not. But a nice bonus
  2. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1412107347' post='2565781'] I'm a regular visitor to his website. Not yet made a purchase but I suspect it's only a matter of time. Thanks for the heads up [/quote] No probs Gary Yeah I'm a regular lurker on the current website. Must. Resist. GAS!
  3. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1412106721' post='2565772'] I like the idea of a pro-UK builder but the current stock doesn't reflect this yet. [/quote] Indeed. But bear in mind his new business hasn't been launched... so we'll have to wait and see. I don't think he's planning on stocking 'only' UK basses... just more of them Should be an interesting venture and we certainly need more retailers supporting British luthiers!
  4. I've recently been having a chat with Drew from Manchester Bass Lounge (for once not actually buying something. I know... sacrilege!). ...and he dropped into the parlay some exciting news that he's soon to be re-branding as 'The Great British Bass Lounge' with a new website. The November issue of Bass Guitar is running a feature on it... but you heard it here first! A Basschat scoop In Drew's own words: "I have been keeping the name under wraps until the Scottish Referendum outcome. A yes vote would have meant going back to the drawing board with the name and logo...! The name reflects my growing involvement and love of British basses and British manufacturing. Other companies are busy importing a lot of expensive stuff from around the world and seem quite oblivious to the talent here. I will never see the justification in a 7 or 8 grand price tag on a bass...as a player or retailer." Drew isn't one to blow his own trumpet, so I thought I'd share the news with you all myself. He's a thoroughly nice chap and I wish him well in this venture (my Mancunian favouritism notwithstanding ). I'll post up details of the new website once it goes live. For the time being you can have a browse here: www.manchesterbasslounge.com
  5. Yup. You can download it here: http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason/tryreason/ (I'm fairly sure this links to Reason 8 - but check the filename as its downloading). Once downloaded, make a backup of your current Reason folder (or just rename it to something like Reason2). Then install the demo version as usual. It's fully functional (fnar!) other than you can't re-open saved files. Bear in mind I'm running it on Mac - so check the installation instructions if you're on PC to make sure you don't over-write your current Reason folder. If so I absolve myself of all responsibility Same applies to the rack extensions (plug-ins). You can demo them in full for up to 30 days.
  6. I'm not here to sell it. If it doesn't float your boat then sail on, Mr Z. ...or download the free demo and y'know, try it
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1412021264' post='2565024'] I've finally gotten around to downloading the stems I've never done a remix before, so this could be interesting (and by interesting, I mean my mix might be unlistenable ) [/quote] There is no such thing as unlistenable! (Disclaimer: that's not a challenge ). Go for it Milty. It's a great track to play around with.
  8. You might be aware that I'm a Reason fanboy So for me, Christmas has come early with the release of Reason version 8! First impressions: frickin' great. New interface; new drag'n'drop function; and most excitingly for me - a pair of new Softube amp sims (did I mention that I'm a Softube fanboy too!?). So yeah. Happy me. Here's a link to the goodness for any other Reason users: http://www.propellerheads.se I'll post some clips of those amp sims next chance I get. Assuming I don't forget through being stupefied by excitement [gurgles...]
  9. Yup! I've heard that he's the first and currently only dealer for Barefaced, which is quite a coup. Very nice chap to deal with, too.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1411990812' post='2564546']That's fantastic mate!! Nice stuff![/quote] Innit! 'Tis a good radio show too... I've since subscribed to it. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1411993990' post='2564600']Like it, Skol and Nige![/quote] Thanks Clarky! Much appreciated.
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1411990542' post='2564536'] Not being able to play on the beat and consciously playing in a constant space before or after the beat are different things, it only becomes a feel thing once you know what you are doing when it becomes second nature IMO [/quote] Absolutely! Playing out of time is a totally different thing and something that I personally have mastered through (lack of) diligence and practice
  12. Nice idea! And thanks for the kind words, Douglas
  13. Here's an easy experiment to do at home if you have the appropriate gear: [list] [*]Create a basic 4:4 beat. [*]Record yourself playing something simple along to it - ideally a bassline that is 'on beat' and coincides with the kick drum. [*]Quantize the recording of you playing bass, so that the notes are all exactly on time. [*]Now trying nudging the bass recording slightly forwards and backwards in relation to the beat - and listen to the difference it makes to the 'groove'. [/list] The quantized recording will probably sound slightly 'artificial' - that's because our ears (or rather our brains) perceive precise rhythms as being somewhat unnatural. Moving the bassline in front of the beat will make the groove sound more 'urgent'; moving it behind the beat will make it sound more 'relaxed'. This is also a useful way of checking where your natural playing sits in relation to the beat. You'll probably find that 'the pocket' we all talk about is actually quite wide and accommodating - and not as precise as you might think
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411948715' post='2564298'] We recognise the ability to be obtrusive when indulging of the odd 'parp' and staccato... [/quote] I'm well known for the odd parp and staccato. It's when they escape from under the duvet that my audience turns sour [i][ba-da-boom-tish!][/i]
  15. So far we have a whopping nine votes out of a commmunity of thousands ([i]alleged[/i] music lovers ). Let's give it a [size=6]big push[/size] and see if we can get out of single figures!
  16. Just been treated to some airplay of this remix on the Madera Verde show on SOAS Radio (London): [url="http://www.mixcloud.com/bonanzamusic/madera-verde-on-soas-radio-season-5-show-1/"]http://www.mixcloud.com/bonanzamusic/madera-verde-on-soas-radio-season-5-show-1/[/url] It's a really good show and well worth listening to from start to finish. Big thanks to Chris Greenwood for playing it
  17. This thread might be a good place to start: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234738-home-studio-guide-for-newbies/ Logic is one of the most widely used desktop audio workstation (DAW) softwares and comes highly recommended. If it's what your son is using at college then it would make good sense to get a copy for use at home. It's Mac-only which means you'll need an Apple computer to run it on. The Mac Mini is a really good product to look at in that regard - reasonably priced (for a Mac!) and has tons of power 'under the hood' for processing music. There's plenty of advice on music production in the Recording forum - hardware, software, leisure wear, you name it - so swing by and say hello if you need more help
  18. Playing ahead of the beat typically happens on faster songs (where players tend to 'creep ahead' in the speed of their playing) and it can give a sense of 'urgency' to the music. Conversely, playing behind the beat can give a sense that the tempo is being 'held back', creating a more lazy and languid feel to the song. Generally speaking, playing behind the beat is more difficult to do well IMO. In either case, we're talking small fractions of a beat (1/64ths) - otherwise you're correct in saying that it will simply sound out of time. Interestingly, in electronic music production, beats that are programmed to land exactly on time can sometimes sound too regimented and robotic. Hence producers often go to great lengths to nudge their beats away from the click (especially in genres like hip hop), so add a more "human" feel to the groove. And ultimately, that's what playing off the click results in: groove
  19. I'm thinking of buying a tremlo bar for this guitar. Question is... will a standard Fender tremlo fit this, bearing in mind that it's an old Japanese copy? I.e. am I likely to fall foul of metric/imperial problems when it comes to fitting it? Or is the screw size standard on these things?
  20. SoundCloud is suffering from technical problems again... "We’ve received several user reports of trouble loading SoundCloud, and our engineers are currently working to get service restored to everyone. We’ll update you here when we have more information." Must be the thousands of Basschatters flocking to listen to this month's compositions... I'm sure that must be it They're normally quick to get things fixed so normal service will no doubt resume shortly. If in doubt check here: http://status.soundcloud.com
  21. I know it gets said often (because it's true), but this month it's proving [i]especially[/i] difficult for me to pick a favourite because they're all very good and very different. I usually listen to them all, sleep on it, and then choose whichever track is most lodged in my head the next day. But then some months I just make a snap decision if one entry really grabs me in the moment. Always tricky... but I do strangely enjoy the process of picking a favourite, as on some deeper level it makes me listen to each track more intently and consider what really constitutes my own 'taste' in music - as well as what I think best represents the picture (so it's a kind of audio-visual thing). But whatever... it's fun, innit
  22. Hi Sean, of those listed I'd personally go for the KRK Rokit. There's a very useful and recent thread on this subject here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/245203-home-studio-monitors-best-affordable/
  23. [color=#800000][size=5][b]It's that time of the month again![/b][/size][/color] And this time, inspired by the good people of Scotland, we're seeking to boost our voter turn from the usual - ahem - 0.09% [i](based on detailed statistical analysis)[/i] to a whopping 83.9%! [i](or 110% if we use the mathematician employed by CNN News).[/i] Six drastically diverse tracks for you to wrap your lug 'oles around, each inspired by this here picture: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/246002-september-composition-challenge-voting/"][size=5]HAVE A LISTEN AND PICK YOUR FAVOURITE[/size][/url] Go on... it doesn't hurt! (much). And the people of the Independent Republic of Basschat will shower you with their riches. At least I [i]think[/i] that's what they said about the showering part. Do it. Now. Please.
  24. [size=5][b][color=#800000]The voting thread is up![/color][/b][/size] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/246002-september-composition-challenge-voting/"][size=5]GO, GO, GO...[/size][/url]
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