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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Aaaand congratulations to Douglas!! Very well done indeed. A really good composition and thoroughly deserving of the win. Now stop dawdling and PM me with your choice of photo. C'mon. Chop, chop!
  2. Two minutes to go... and still everything to play for!! Yes, I have been watching the World Cup.
  3. A last minute vote from me! And a very difficult choice this month… I think Dad3353, lurksalot and Bilbo did the best job of capturing the image. Dad a very deserving favourite (great track mate!). Lurks with beautiful shades of Vangelis. Bilbo with a brilliantly composed and atmospheric piece, that wouldn’t be out of place on film. Really nice atmospheric stuff from you chaps. I loved Stu’s mellow playing; and Mr Small’s funky take on it (reminded me a lot of early Ninja Tune releases). Which just leaves Rob (aka RockfordStone) as my chosen favourite this month. A really good song, nice use of samples and as I think Bilbo mentioned, a suitable doff of the cap to classic Floyd. Very nice indeed. Stuck in my head for a day or two, which is always a good sign
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1404138446' post='2489622'] I too remember Glastonbury from those days, but it was still only for people who weren't quite rugged enough for Stonehenge. [/quote] I never went to Stonehenge. Closest I got to that sort of event was Castlemorton. Reminds me that I saw a documentary about the Stonehenge festivals recently, showing the heavy-handed aggro dished out by the police onto travellers. Sickening stuff.
  5. I miss Glastonbury. I've been 5 or 6 times in the distant past... back when the perimeter fence never held and the site was awash with crusties drinking scrumpy and selling 'herbal' cakes. It really was another planet back then. And good times were had too If you've never been then sadly, I doubt you'll ever get to experience those heady days again. But such is the way of things. I quite enjoyed what I saw of this year's festival on TV. Beats the usual weekend telly dross, that's for sure. [b]Bombay Bicycle Club:[/b] hadn't heard them prior to Glasto, but I enjoyed their set a lot. Nice simple and effective basslines too. And on a Squier! Bonus points. [b]Lana del Ray:[/b] seemed a bit too cool for school, bordering on lacklustre. Shame as I normally enjoy her music. Still, much better than... [b]Lily Allen[/b], who was dull and just seemed to be going through the motions. A wasted booking. [b]Metallica:[/b] I thought they did a great job of it. Showing their age (who isn't!?), but still as tight as a gnat's chuff, playing-wise. Hetfield's "hippy speech" half way through made me cringe (go back to shooting bears mate...); as did the rent-a-mob of metal nerds they brought with them on stage (hair too short and too recently showered to be authentic). Could barely hear Trujillo in the mix, but I do like the dude. And he managed to get trough an impressive selection of basses. [b]Dolly Parton:[/b] class act. Loved her. The one Glastonbury moment I was able to discuss with my mum, who was super-excited to watch her set. [b]Rudimental:[/b] I like their releases, but this sort of music doesn't translate well to the big stage - it needs four wall and celing to bounce off. Otherwise it just comes across sounding like a washed-out mess, which this did. [b]Ed Sheeran:[/b] Got to hand it to him for having the cajones to play the gig solo with just a looper pedal for company. Impressive. I do like the guy, but find his music gets repetitive very quickly. Still, the crowd seemed to really enjoy it. [b]Goldfrapp:[/b] really good. Alison was cool as ever and the band performed well. Another class act. [b]Jack White:[/b] sounded atrocious! Not due to musicianship, but the mix was terrible... a big wall of mush. Credit to the Theremin player, who managed to stay in tune! Not an easy thing to do with a Theremin, not least at a big open-air event. [b]Ellie Goulding:[/b] I really liked her first album, but lost interest after that. So a lot of this set was lost on me, although Mrs Skol is a fan and enjoyed it. Brave choice of clothing, is all I'll say. ... I'm sure I saw others, but I forget who. [b]Award for the most annoying contribution to the Festival:[/b] the BBC presenters. Especially Greg James. Tedious and trite in the extreme. Rest in peace John Peel, to date there is no equal...
  6. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1404131977' post='2489519'] @skol Very helpful thanks and it's exactly like my own replica precision Could I have a photobucket link so I can look closer up ? Thanks [/quote] PM'd
  7. We're [i]waaay[/i] ahead of this trend with our very own 30 day [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239678-june-composition-challenge-voting/"]'composition challenge'[/url] in the Recording forum
  8. Photos of a '74 Precision here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/232073-74-p-bass-bitsa-build/"]http://basschat.co.u...ss-bitsa-build/[/url] No real buckle-rash, but some forearm wear and noticeably above the thumbrest. Plus a zillion little dints and dents all over the body
  9. Voting ends tonight at midnight. So far we have a whopping 16 votes from a community of thousands. So c'mon people... where's the Dunkirk spirit? Show some support and have a listen. It's just music. Y'know, that thing we all like!
  10. Leaning your bass against a wall is no more likely to cause damage to it than it would a baseball bat. It's just a lunk of wood What's more likely to have caused change to the set up is humidity. Especially if you haven't played it in months: winter to summer. Just give it a quick set up (adjust the bridge saddles, tweak the truss rod, etc) and it should be fine.
  11. Metallica now on. Rob Trujillo has a different bass for each song. Mrs Skol does not think that is an acceptable bass:song ratio for domestic use. Well, I had to try
  12. [color=#b22222][size=5][b]Alright all! I'm extending the deadline for entries until Sunday 6th July.[/b][/size][/color] The reason? I'm away in Scotland with work next week, so I won't get chance to upload the various entries until the following weekend when I return. Normal service will resume shortly, etc...
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403920609' post='2487801']Hey Paul, PM your email addy. [/quote] Sounds [i]very[/i] nice indeed! I think the proof is very much in the proverbial pudding. A properly fat and growly jazz tone. Love it! Nice choice of song too
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403897576' post='2487588'] [url="http://markjaysmith.co.uk/audio/Mercy_Bass.wav"]http://markjaysmith..../Mercy_Bass.wav[/url] [/quote] Can't get the audio to play on my Mac... some QuickTime plug-in shenanigans going on. Life isn't fair.
  15. Yup. Este from Haim is pretty much the undisputed queen of the bass face! She's mesmerizing to watch. I like that she knows she does it, but doesn't give a damn. Atta girl!!
  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1403876650' post='2487353'] Any time I see someone playing an apparently ancient, dinged-up bass with Fender on the headstock I assume it's a replica. That's how far things have gone. [/quote] Depends on the gig, but I generally agree with this. I've heard that most major bands (of the arena-filling sort) that favour vintage instruments usually gig with replicas and keep the real items in safe storage, just for studio work. Makes sense given that most arena/festival PAs aren't going to do justice to the tone, regardless of when the instrument was made. And not least to reduce risk of damaging irreplaceable antiques whilst on the road. Generally, if I spot any band sporting 70s-looking guitars I tend to believe they're the real deal. Anything from the 60s has me questioning, just because of the price involved. That is if I get close and am sober enough to start spotting details.
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1403865350' post='2487205'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239897-is-this-a-publicity-stunt/"]Can't think what you're on about.[/url] [/quote] Superb! Cheers, Doug. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1403870209' post='2487271'] 'cunning publicity stunt' have to be carefull how you say that or you could end up .. with Max Clifford ! [/quote] It's certainly has potential for a 'Jeremy Hunt-ism'.
  18. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1403856452' post='2487061'] 7 entries and only 14 people have voted.... poor showing from the rest of the forum [/quote] Indeed it is, Rob! I think there's only a minority of people who [i]really[/i] enjoy listening to new music. I think the majority "know what they like and like what they know", and so daren't venture down to the depths of this 'ere Recording forum. Or perhaps more accurately, can't be bothered. To each their own. It's very typical of every music forum I've been involved in, so it's certainly not a phenomenon that's unique to Basschat. We're lucky to have a cadre of regular participants that all get along and enjoy themselves - that's very rare indeed, so we should be thankful for that if nothing else! I'll give it another 'bump' in the general forum and on Twitter today. Now if only we knew of someone who's adept at cunning publicity stunts on this forum, who could lend a hand... right any bells? Douglas??
  19. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1403854421' post='2487040']All the Metallica bassists have great bass faces, presumably because they're straining to hear themselves in the mix[/quote] Too true
  20. Wow, that looks amazing! Seems very well priced too. I'm jealous. Now go and record something with it... I want to hear how it sounds. [i]Do it now!![/i]
  21. Arghhh, this is tough! I'm normally very decisive about choosing my favourite, but I'm torn between a bunch of them this month. That can only be a good thing
  22. I've had a play on the 'acid' one (I think that's the Volca Bass?) and it was surprisingly good for what essentially looks and feels like a toy. A mate of mine brought it along to an 'electronica jam session' we had a few months back. Battery powered and we just hooked it up through a regular interface. Had a really good sound and all the tweakability of a fully-fledged TB-303. Well, maybe not [i]all[/i]... but it was a nice little box of tricks and like I said, the sound it produced was great. I seriously considered getting one for a while, then bought a software 303 emulator instead (AudioRealism Bassline), only because I didn't have regular call for 303 sounds. But whatever. I'd certainly consider buying these Volca products in future. Most importantly, they're FUN!!
  23. [color=#b22222][size=5][b]Voting has started in the Composition Challenge...[/b][/size][/color] [size=5]It's a spacey, out-of-this world theme this month, inspired by this 'ere photo chosen by last month's winnner, [b]Stephen Houghton:[/b][/size] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239678-june-composition-challenge-voting/"][/url] Seven tracks to choose from, all written and produced by fellow Basschat members. Think of it as a poor man's substitute for [i]Later with Jules.[/i] Only with less people complaining about it on here afterwards. [b][size=5][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239678-june-composition-challenge-voting/"]GO HERE AND BRING THE WARM GLOW OF HAPPINESS TO A BC MEMBER'S HEART[/url][/size][/b] Or else
  24. [color=#b22222][b]The voting thread is now up![/b][/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239678-june-composition-challenge-voting/"][b][size=6]GO HERE[/size][/b][/url]
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