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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Ah yes... I stand corrected! So quick I must have blinked at the time
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1400063118' post='2450285'] That's always my problem, Skol. I, once again, have something that has some great elements to it but, in order for it to work properly, I need something else added that I cannot do myself. There is no-one I can call to do it for me so I have no idea how to get it covered without giving up my day job and spending weeks on it [/quote] Difficult, innit! I normally quite like the challenge of trying to 'realise' the compositions I dream up in my noggin. But sometimes - like this month - I'm left scratching my head. I've got quite good at creating electronic sounds I might be imagining using synths. My stumbling block is, as I imagine it is for most people, trying to create sounds that are convincingly 'real' - i.e. played instruments and of course, vocals. VSTs can only go so far in this regard, although the quality of virtual instruments is improving all the time. Still, there's always plenty to learn from trying. But yeah... I similarly won't be giving up my day job to focus on it anytime soon
  3. Well done on the pole position, Lurks! I haven't listened to it yet, but will do so in due course. I haven't started mine, but I have an idea sketched out in my ol' grey matter. The trouble is, the version playing in my head is currently being performed by the Beastie Boys... so there may well be a shortfall between what I'm imagining and what will end up coming out of my computer. Unless I somehow manage to become a. American and b. a convincing rapper sometime in the next ten days
  4. ^ Nice! An upright and a electronic drum kit... two things I've long wanted, but neither of which I have any experience of playing Your monitors seem to be positioned a little low, but if it works, it works.
  5. Yeah, Ableton is a good product. I have the 'light' version (whatever it's called), which came bundled with a Focusrite interface, and I'm having fun playing with it. I still use Reason for the bulk of my stuff... better the devil you know, etc... but Ableton has already started creeping into my workflow. IMO, as Gary says, you'd be better off upgrading Ableton as you'll get a lot more bang for your buck$ that way.
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1399993028' post='2449679']I generally felt nothing but contempt for any audience I've ever played in front of, especially if they've decided to start offering up their opinions to me afterwards - I really couldn't give a f*** if anybody thinks it was bad, good or anything else so long as I'm happy with what I've done.[/quote] ...which is absolutely fine. As is someone wanting to share their music with other people via YouTube, pubs gigs, playing at Wembley Stadium, etc. It's not a black/white, either/or scenario. Wanting to perform in front of an audience - in the flesh or online - isn't a sign of insecurity. I'm sure some people do approach it as a way of seeking attention [i]("look at me!")[/i], which I'd also guess is one of the primary reasons why people choose to play in bands... although they might not like to admit it (too cool for school, etc) YouTube just provides people with an audience. It's a great way for new artists to get their stuff out there for people to hear, and there have been a number of famous major label signings on the back of YouTube successes. There are also hundreds of videos available that inspire other people to take up instruments. It's all good, really. Fair enough if that's not your cup of char. If you have contempt for audiences then performance clearly isn't your thing. But rest assured that YouTube will rumble on and continue to play a key role in the music industry for years to come, no matter whether you, I or anyone else on Basschat chooses to upload stuff to it or not
  7. I keep promising - and failing! - to write a comprehensive thread on this subject. Once things calm down with work and moving house I'll put pen to paper, so to speak. In the meantime here's another thread with a load of useful stuff to get you started: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234738-home-studio-guide-for-newbies/"]http://basschat.co.u...de-for-newbies/[/url] If you have any specific questions, just ask
  8. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1399972155' post='2449393'] That wasn't the question. They are different scenarios. [/quote] ...but the motivation is very similar, if not exactly the same, whether you're playing in a pub or on YouTube - i.e. wanting an audience for your performance. Of course a live gig is very different environment to recording a YouTube clip at home. But both are... ultimately... about the vanity of performance and wanting to 'connect' with people. If you're really questioning the value of YouTube as a promotional medium, then may I point you to Ceefax page 303 where you'll find more information on the topic
  9. I think bass has an easier learning curve than guitar to begin with... you can pick up a bass and play a simple line more easily than stretching for chords on a guitar. [i]BUT![/i] The easier learning curve levels out in due course and there comes a point at which bass and guitar are equally technical and challenging. Disclaimer: I say this as someone who is mediocre on bass and a total beginner on guitar... so I may be taking poop. As an aside, something my guitar playing friends always struggle with when having a go on bass is muting. They always struggle to play 'cleanly' on bass without creating a din of string noise. So I think there are lots of subtle technicalities to bass playing that look easy in practice, but are more devious to master. Oh and metal isn't rubbish. I say that as both a dad and a once teenage metaller
  10. Well the term "high end" is shorthand for saying "high end of the market" - ie. expensive. "High spec" (specification) refers to the build quality or complexity of something, and usually goes hand-in-hand with "high end".
  11. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1399656889' post='2446444'] Sad news, you and Paul must be well gutted! Really decent of the chap to offer the plan B though. Hope it all goes well and that good karma pays off for him. [/quote] Indeed! It's a lovely offer from Paul and just a shame that the original build got trashed in the way it did. I'll keep y'all updated on the 4-string...
  12. I saw Metallica at Donnigton when I was a 'yoot'. Managed to catch Jason Newsted's plectrum when he threw it into the crowd... might even still have that somewhere. I'm also a veteran of Glastonbury, although I haven't been for a number of years now. I can see Metallica fitting in just fine there. Glasto is - or at least was, last time I checked - a very eclectic and in many ways modern affair, and not the hippy festival it used to be. Besides... while I'll always have a soft spot for Metallica, they've long been left behind by younger bands who are now championing the metal scene. And rightly so. Most of the Glasto audience will have heard harder or just plain weirder stuff long before they take to the stage, so I'm fairly sure there'll be less of a culture shock than some might imagine.
  13. One way to practice composition is to create covers or 'remixes' of songs you enjoy. Record your own versions of them and in doing so, you'll learn things about the arrangements, chord structures, lyrics, all sorts of things (consciously or subconsciously). You'll get to try out new ideas and find out what works (and what doesn't), but you'll have something familiar as a reference point to compare your own decisions against - i.e. the original recording of the song. Again, it's no different to learning an instrument and playing along to an album, or whatever. Practice and patience. As with everything
  14. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1399643507' post='2446241'] That's horrible, very good of paul to offer the 4 string [/quote] I know mate! So near... yet so far. Can't be helped and obviously not Paul's fault. Very good of him to offer an alternative, as you say. I'm really keen to own one of his basses... I'll keep y'all updated once I hear from him.
  15. Cheers for the words of condolence, Doug. Appreciated! It's a crying shame but can't be helped. Acts of god, as they say. And shoddy shelving I'm waiting to hear back from Paul about his offer of fitting the electrics from this build into a 4-string he has available, which sounds like a very worthy 'Plan B'. I'll post an update here once there's news on that.
  16. Unfortunately there's no 'magic bullet' to recording... you just need to dedicate some time to learning the software and techniques, just as you would when learning an instrument. Rest assured you're not alone! What you're describing is probably the most common frustration when learning recording/ mixing/ production. You want it to be easy, right? But you open up Logic and it looks like the flight deck of a Boeing 747. Everyone feels like that in the beginning. Get on YouTube, work your way through some tutorials... give it time! It WILL start to become easier, quicker, more creative, etc. And if you want some help along the way, come and say hello in the Recording forum
  17. [size=5]Friends, some sad news about this project[/size] I'll let Paul explain in his own words... [i]"Disaster mate. Let me tell you what happened. I had the bass built and the base coat of the finish done. I had a few repairs to do so left the bass in the shop over the weekend. Monday came and I entered the workshop to find that my shelves had fallen onto the bass and cracked the neck! So I had to remove the fretboard replace the truss rods and re finish the neck. The problem was that by this time the neck was dangerously thin. I finished the bass but when I come to set up the bass one of the truss rods started to poke out of the back of the neck, as in, through the finish! So the bass is a write off unfortunately, as it’s a neck through there’s no way to fix it really the neck is just too thin now. I don’t know what to say really, I’m just gutted."[/i] Paul has very kindly offered to put the electronics that were planned for this build into a 4-string he has available and offer me that instead, which is super nice of him. I'll post details of the 4-string replacement as soon as I have it. Assuming his workshop doesn't explode, catch fire or get demolished by Godzilla in the meantime (sorry Paul, I shouldn't tempt fate!). In the meantime, R.I.P 5-string beast. Gone but not forgotten.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1399493655' post='2444828'] Paul... You have incoming mail (transfer ongoing; >13%...). Many thanks; I'll explain afterwards, just the same. It's one of those 'Oh how we laughed' deals. Phil Spector had the same, I don't doubt. [/quote] Done and uploaded! Nobody need ever know...
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1399488417' post='2444775']You've a long way to go; not even warm (although I'm very capable of forgetting just that..!). Think 'massive'... [/quote] Hey Doug, if you want to replace your mix with a new version that's not a problem! Email it to me this evening if so (WeTransfer.com) and I'll upload it in place of the current one
  20. [b][color=#b22222][size=5]Voting has started in the Basschat Mixing Challenge[/size][/color][/b] [size=5]The track this time is the excellent "Stench Trench" by Dick Venom & The Terrortones.[/size] If you're unfamiliar with the format... the mixing challenge is where we take a recording of a band (usually a Basschat member's outfit, as it is this time) and have a go at mixing the various recorded parts (known as 'mix stems') to create a great sounding product. Or as great sounding as we can get There are eight mixes to listen to. Please check them out and choose your favourite from amongst them. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236307-basschat-mixing-challenge-voting/"][size=6][b]CLICK HERE TO LISTEN AND VOTE[/b][/size][/url] If you'd like to submit a track of your own to the mixing challenge, then drop me a message. We currently have tracks already lined up for the next two challenges, so get in now if you're interested - first come, first served! This is a great way to get your recordings worked on by a range of people with different skills... all for FREE. Cheers Paul
  21. [size=5]Fiinally... the voting thread is now up. Just![/size] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236307-basschat-mixing-challenge-voting/"][b][size=6]GO HERE[/size][/b][/url]
  22. [color=#a52a2a][size=5][b]Voting has now [u]finished[/u] in the Basschat Mixing Challenge[/b][/size][/color] [size=5]The track on this occasion was the excellent [b]“Strench Trench” by[/b] [url="http://dickvenom.com/"][b]Dick Venom & The Terrortones[/b][/url], kindly supplied by Basschat’s own BigRedX.[/size] Big thanks to BigRedX for offering up the track for us to mess with [b][color=#a52a2a][size=5]I can now reveal that the entrants are...[/size][/color][/b] [size=5][url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-2"]MIX 01 [b]Dad3353[/b][/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-02"]MIX 02 [b]Noisyjon[/b][/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-03"]MIX 03 [b]lurksalot[/b][/url] MIX 04 [b]Sean [/b][size=4][i][cancelled due to technical difficulties - not his fault!][/i][/size] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-05"]MIX 05 [b]moonbass[/b][/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-06"]MIX 06 [b]ironside1966[/b][/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-07"]MIX 07 [b]OldG[/b][/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-08"]MIX 08 [b]VasDim[/b][/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-09"]MIX 09 [b]Skol303[/b][/url][/size] Well done to everyone who took part and especially [b]ironside1966[/b] for an excellent winning mix! Top marks. [b][color=#b22222][size=5]The next challenge will be posted up shortly... watch this space[/size][/color][/b]
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1399423648' post='2444174'] ( ... [i]A cock crows[/i] ... ) [/quote]
  24. Aaaarghhh! Sorry chaps, another technical problem One of the mixes has someone become corrupted and the file is now FUBAR. I've requested it again from the person concerned (not their fault at all) and as soon as I have it we'll begin the voting. The rest of the mixes are uploaded and ready, if you want a [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge"]sneak preview...[/url] Excuse the oddball running order, it's the result of me uploading them in bulk. We'll get there! Eventually.
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