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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Sat on the sofa, TV in the background reading this? Then go do something less boring instead and vote in the composition challenge Last orders at midnight. Get 'em in while you can.
  2. WE HAVE A TRACK FOR THE NEXT CHALLENGE! And it's a really good one All will be revealed shortly...
  3. ^ Cheers guys, good to hear these insights. I'm currently just weighing up the idea of adding an analogue signal chain to my setup. I've always mixed solely 'in the box' and much of my analogue curiosity is likely down to the perceived 'grass being greener' and me just liking knobs and switches to play with. I won't be taking the plunge - if at all - for a good while yet. It's an expensive pursuit and I currently have other demands on my wallet - like moving house! - but I like to have ideas brewing, hence my curiosity
  4. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1396034483' post='2409348']...Focusrite Scarlett has not got enougth outs then you need to invest in another interface[/quote] I think that may well be the sum of it! (pun intended).
  5. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1396033661' post='2409335'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 USB line out's\ [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4] summing mixer\ [/size][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]FR Scarlett[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4] Ins, It is that simple or have I missed something. [/size][/font][/color] [/quote] That bit I understand! What I'm unsure of is how to split the signal from the Focusrite so that it enters the summing mixer as individual tracks - rather than as a single stereo signal? Here's a link to some pics of a typical summing interface which illustrates my conundrum: http://www.dangerousmusic.com/products/2-bus-0
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1396032263' post='2409314'] Do you mean summing as in you split the signal from your bass, put different effects on each channel & then sum them back together? If that's what you're doing & just want to record it (not play live), then you could use the 2 channels on the front of your interface & mix them in your DAW. If you want to play live, get/make a small mixer. I made mine... [/quote] Hi G. Sorry I should have been more clear... As I understand it, a summing mixer is a hardware device that let's you convert multiple digital channels from your DAW into analogue and 'sum' (ie. mix) them together - and then convert the analogue mix back into digital and feed it back into your DAW. I short: it let's you output digital material, mix it as analogue, and then feed it back into your computer... all of which allegedly preserves the clarity/fidelity of each track far better than 'summing' the final mix in digital format. Yeah, I'd probably have stopped ready by now too!
  7. I'm toying with the idea of bringing analogue summing into my modest home mixing set up. I'm often reading good things about it and so I'm interested in exploring the idea further. What's bugging me is the basic question of how the heck would I go about connect a summing mixer into my current set up - given that I work exclusively 'within the box' at present. I have an old iMac, the sockets on which look like this: And I have a basic Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 USB interface, the ins/outs of which are thus: So in simple terms, how would I go about connecting a summing mixer into this set up - i.e. what gets plugged in where?? It's kind of a[i] 'birds and bees'[/i] question, only for audio! I'm currently not sure whether I need a D/A converter, an I/O or patch box... or even what any of these things are. I've tried plenty of Googling around the subject, but the discussion tends to assume the reader has at least a basic knowledge of analogue set ups, which I don't! If anyone can shed light on this I'd be most grateful. Cheers.
  8. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1395942299' post='2408272'] My band's got loads but we've already had one done, (the first one I think). Let me know if you want another. Cheers, Steve. [/quote] Thanks Steve! I'll keep that offer 'in the bank' for another time if that's ok... maybe the one after next. Be good to do something reggae-ish again!
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1395944195' post='2408298'] Fancy doing a Dick Venom & The Terrortones track? [/quote] YES! That would be perfect, cheers. I'll PM you this evening about how to supply the mix stems.
  10. Wow, that is lovely Nige. The fretless neck is an inspired idea. Really completes the overall look, but more importantly I bet it also nails the sound you were planning from this bass. Good work bud!
  11. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1395579322' post='2403850'] Glad you got hooked up with Scott! He's a great guy, with a crazy nice collection of old Fenders Your build looks brilliant! Nice one Si [/quote] Cheers Si! Aye, it's a cracking bass. I've barely put it down since I finished screwing everything together. Plays and sounds great
  12. Thanks Miles! Cheers for taking the time to listen and vote - hugely appreciated
  13. [size=5][b]UPDATE![/b][/size] I've had an offer of some mix stems for the next Mixing Challenge. Whilst we're waiting for those, I've also posted a thread in General Discussion touting for others. Link here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/233208-want-to-get-your-track-mixed-for-free/"]http://basschat.co.u...mixed-for-free/[/url] I'll let you all know once we have a fresh track to work on. If all else fails, we can make use of Mike Senior's ever-useful online library of mix stems, no problem. Cheers, Paul
  14. [size=5]We're currently scouting for new material as part of the Basschat Mixing Challenge... a bi-monthly event in which a bunch of budding mixketeers work their magic on a track and then share the results.[/size] The challenge is open to people of all abilities - newbies and seasoned pros alike. If you play in band and are interested in having one of your tracks mixed for free then get in touch - either reply here or send me a message directly. We're happy to consider all styles of music. What we need from you is a full set of 'mix stems' - i.e. a separate recording of each part of the track, supplied 'dry' without any FX or other processing applied. Mix stems typically include separate tracks for bass, vocals, guitars and individual drum parts (kick, snare, hats, overheads, etc). There are numerous other sources where we can get hold of mix stems... but we'd much rather work on material produced by fellow Basschatters. So don't be shy - get in touch! Cheers, Paul
  15. ...now updated with a late entry from the boy!
  16. Hold on to your dinners and prepare to drool with anticipation... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/232988-march-composition-challenge-voting/"][b][size=5]it's voting time in this month's Composition Challenge![/size][/b][/url] Seven new tracks to savour. Go listen and pick your favourite... do it [i]now![/i] Cheers
  17. The voting thread is now up! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/232988-march-composition-challenge-voting/"][size=5]GO HERE[/size][/url]
  18. [color=#B22222][b][size=5]Voting has now started on March's Composition Challenge![/size][/b][/color] [size=5]Here's the inspiration for this month's music, chosen by last month's winner [b]the boy[/b]:[/size] [size=5]And here are the compositions. Please listen to each track and pick your favourite:[/size] [size=5][b]lurksalot[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/para-ana-y-paco"]Para Ana y Paco[/url] [b]Dad3353[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/sunset-over-a-black-tree"]Sunset over a Black Tree[/url] [b]charic[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/thebrokensky/at-sunset"]At Sunset[/url] [b]stu g[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/axminster-skys"]Axminster Skys[/url] [b]AL-the-Bassman[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/al-the-bassman/to-paco"]To Paco[/url] [b]Skol303[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/skollob/the-light-that-burns-twice-as"]The Light That Burns Twice As Bright[/url] [b]xgsjx [/b][url="https://soundcloud.com/xgsjx/sol-fear"]Sol Fear[/url] [/size] [size=5][b]the boy[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/theboysings/where-the-ould-black-tree"]Where The Ould Black Tree Grows[/url][/size] [size=5][b][color=#B22222]Voting ends on Monday 31st March at midnight.[/color][/b][/size] Well done to everyone who submitted a track. A great effort and a nicely diverse selection of music, as always. Cheers!
  19. [quote name='AL-the-Bassman' timestamp='1395605655' post='2404305'] Well done skol, great little track, , what fretless do u use, great sound [/quote] Cheers Al! I use a Warwick... bought for a very good price from a fellow Basschatter. Can't say I'm anywhere near proficient in terms of playing it - the unlined neck is still something I'm getting used to - but I love the freedom of expression it offers [i](NB: that's code for me saying "my intonation sucks!" ).[/i] [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1395643633' post='2404557'] I was hoping to have mine finished, but never got to touch it at the weekend. I'll post what I've done at lunchtime. [/quote] No probs, G. Post up the link anytime today - or if you're running late, send me a message with it included and I'll add you to the list. [b]To everyone else... voting starts at midnight![/b]
  20. Ok, I'm in! A very brief and hasty effort from me this month... but better than nowt. https://soundcloud.com/skollob/the-light-that-burns-twice-as I avoided the flamenco route because I'd never heard of Paco De Lucia until his name cropped up on Basschat [i](yes, I am a cultural heathen!) and[/i] I didn't really get 'flamenco' from the picture. Nor can I actually play flamenco, which is more the point! So I noodled something on the bass, added some strings and several layered recordings of me 'oooo'ing' and 'aaaaah'ing', drenched everything in spacey reverb and that was that. Feedback welcome as always. [b]I'll be posting up the voting thread tomorrow (Monday) at midnight.[/b] If you're still working on something after the deadline then drop me a message and I'll make sure your track gets added.
  21. Gutted! I know you won't be short of opportunities for other projects Nige, but I was a big fan of your work with Kit and it's a crying shame that it's become unviable. I totally understand why. The effort of trying to make a real go of any music project takes committment, but there's no escaping that it also requires money. And typically, it's always the latter of the two that can't be sustained. Still, you all shone very bright together, made some crackingly good music and I'm sure it was a heap of fun too. So plenty gained along the way. I'm just sad that I won't get to see you all play live! Have a great final gig mate x
  22. Wow, think of what you could buy with that £2.99! I'm thinking of a sandwich. Maybe tuna sweetcorn or one of those pulled ham and cheddar bad boys from Sainsburys.
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