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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1392762387' post='2372577'] Recording begins tomorrow. Whaddyaknow, I've written a song that's over 50% 4/4. I'm proud of myself. [/quote] Steady on Bob! That's a quirky time signature by your standards... Probably better to play it safe and use a more familiar 23/8 or maybe a 17/5?
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1392732338' post='2372076']Good news..! A simple fix, then. I presume you won't be modifying, as kindly suggested above..? [/quote] Haha, no! I wouldn't wish to mod this bass any more than I'd attempt to remove my own tonsils That's not to say I haven't tinkered with other instruments. Just that this one won't be going under the knife.
  3. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1392736762' post='2372135'] Oh?...... Didn't know that was an option. Handy to know. I often have difficulty getting it done in time. [/quote] Yeah we'll never say no to late entries It just means you get fewer listens and consequently fewer votes. But heh... if it's a matter of posting a track or not, then I'd say it's always better to go for it.
  4. [b]UPDATE:[/b] I've just heard back from the folks at Fender about this repair, and it turns out that the problem is.... [i]drumroll please[/i]... a faulty jack socket! As suspected it's permanently switched on; hence the constant battery drain. I'm actually relieved it's not a fault with the pre-amp and all perfectly fixable. Thumbs up to Fender and the people at GuitarGuitar for handling this so well I'm very pleased with the service so far.
  5. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1392729381' post='2372002'] ok then, i'll do some more on it this weekend and post it [/quote] Good man! Bear in mind that the deadline for entries is Friday night. Don't let that put you off if you want to finish it over the weekend... I can happily add your track once the voting has started, you'll just be fashionably late to the party.
  6. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1392655477' post='2371132'] so... i started writing a song using this photo, then it become something else..... so do i post it.... or do i not? [/quote] Post it! The photo is always just there for inspiration - it's not something that needs to be rigidly interpreted - so don't worry if you stray off the path. Happy accidents, etc, etc... As Douglas has said, the listeners will be the judge of it
  7. [size=5][color=#b22222]Voting has now finished. See first post for the results...[/color][/size] We’ll kick-start another mix challenge this week. If anyone would like to suggest a track or maybe a style of music they’d like to mix then please do. Cheers! 

  8. Well done everyone! Sterling work all round. I'll be revealing the winner later today once I get on my 'puter (currently wrapped in a blanket and nursing a cold... yes, that faint sound you hear is the world's smallest violin playing a lament just for me). We'll then start making plans for the next one...
  9. I have a small collection of basses (a whopping 2 in total) and am currently pondering different storage options. So I thought I'd post a poll to gauge how other BC members like to store their prized possessions at home... and why. We have a 3 year-old in the house, so I'm currently considering wall hangers until he's a little older and his fingers are less sticky. [i]So what do you do with yours?[/i]
  10. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1392155465' post='2365512']Paul is it time to name and shame do you think.... ED to add , I just saw the rules , Friday evening for the last votes [/quote] Aye, voting ends Friday! Not long to go... I'm still undecided Big thanks to Mike for his superbly useful comments!! Very cool indeed. And a great job on the track itself. It really grabbed my attention when I first heard it, so good to know it's made for an interesting challenge for everyone, mix-wise. Paul
  11. Yup +1 on this from my experience too. I've just sent a Jazz back to them under warranty for repair (by Fender) and so far I'm very pleased with their customer service. Helpful, honest, efficient. Definitely a thumbs up
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCbfMkh940Q
  13. Not necessarily my 'favourite underrated bassist', but here’s someone who's probably way off most people’s radars… Sneaky from Fingathing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CcqLQ_BPuI And if you like that here’s another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-uNfSiyuN8
  14. Great thread! I'm honoured to be mentioned amongst you lot thru my collaboration with Mike Flynn (urb). Thanks for the plug Nige All of my BC favourites have already been mentioned and I've discovered some new ones here too. Bonus. Keep them coming...
  15. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1391616709' post='2359279']I can't wait to see it all painted up nice like, Mista![/quote] Cheers Milty! Yeah, it's going to look something special once it's done The woods on their own are great, but a gentle tobacco burst should give it a cool 'lift' and finish the job nicely. I'll post some pics in due course...
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1391636701' post='2359702']Maybe just one battery was unwell, and gave up the ghost..? I'd have put in a fresh set and tried again. No harm in getting it checked, though.[/quote] Good point Douglas. I did wonder the same... However the batteries it came with were also flat within a few weeks. Now they could have been just old batteries and on their last legs. But when it subsequently flattened the new Duracells I'd installed in January I began to think something is amiss. Plus, I'm simply impatient and want it fixed NOW! Worst case I'll have to pay the courier fee for Fender to tell me that it was a duff battery. But I thought it better to be safe than sorry. I'll let you all know the diagnosis in due course. Thanks again for the input!
  17. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1386531655' post='2301159']ooooh![/quote] [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1391129240' post='2353724']Very nice job, it looks great, cant wait to hear the end result. [/quote] Cheers guys! Nearly there now... [b]QUICK UPDATE:[/b] the bass is going in for a spray job at the end of this week or early next (a subtle tobacco burst around the edges), so I'll be posting up some fresh photos in due course.
  18. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1391612608' post='2359215'] 9/10 times I've seen this happening it's been either a faulty socket or forgetting to unplug the bass when not in use. [/quote] Yup, I reckon it's the jack socket or maybe something shorting elsewhere. I'm a fastidious unplugger of gear, so I know for sure it's not that!
  19. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391608624' post='2359126']In general, batteries do a pretty good job of maintaining their voltage throughout their operating life, then it quickly drops off.[/quote] [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1391608795' post='2359131']You can't assess battery condition accurately with a multimeter is the other problem. At the very least you need to measure the voltage whilst the battery is under load and even then, you have no idea what the threshold is on the device being powered.[/quote] Cheers guys! This is precisely why I should have listened more closely during physics lessons as a kid I'm obviously peeved that the bass has a fault, but I'm at least reassured that I'm doing the right thing by having it inspected whilst under warranty. I'll update this thread once the story has concluded... [i](cue dramatic music).[/i]
  20. [quote name='Michael J' timestamp='1391607704' post='2359104'] 5V [b]is[/b] flat as a pancake for a 9V battery. [/quote] Ah! That's good to know... well, good in that it means there [u]is[/u] a fault with the bass and I'm not going mad Thanks for clarifying.
  21. ^ Cheers for the reply. My thoughts exactly. What seems odd is that the apparently 'dead' batteries I removed from the bass are showing as being 5v and 9v on the multimeter - I'd expect them to work at those Voltages, yet the bass was distorting and then simply fading to no signal with them installed.
  22. I’ve been having trouble with my active Fender Jazz. The batteries have been draining exceptionally quickly - I installed a new set at the start of January and they’re already dead: horrible distortion from the bass, then no signal. Apparently flat. I swapped them for a new set - bass worked fine. To double-check, I reinstalled the ‘old’ batteries from January: again, distortion then fade to black… Keen to remedy this, I’ve just shipped the bass off to Fender for inspection (under warranty). I’ve also just taken delivery of a cheap multimeter (spurred on by this problem) and have tested the ‘old’ batteries just removed from the bass. One measures around 5v, the other around 9v. This seems odd… I was expecting these batteries to be flat as pancakes given the behaviour of the bass with them installed. Now I’m wondering whether:[list] [*]The batteries were in fact fine and someone is spiking my evening tea [*]I don’t know how to use a multimeter properly [*]The problem with the bass is not with the batteries [*]The problem is with the batteries, [i]not[/i] the bass [/list] Can anyone suggest what might be going on? Cheers, Paul
  23. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1391480992' post='2357697'] Here's a rough mix of my entry, I am having problems with my ears and have lost my hearing in one so I am posting this as a work still in progress, but would love some feedback on the mix. Skol would really appreciate your feedback and advice, mail me on here if you want to give us your thoughts. [/quote] Will do mate! I'm going to catch up with the entries thus far over the next couple of days
  24. Good grief you guys are quick!! Mine is no more than a germ of an idea at the moment... a sniffle of a song. I'll have a listen to these in due course. Well done on such speedy work
  25. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1391263788' post='2355111']An abandoned Railroad station!! Inspired choice Skol.. how do you do it? [/quote] Nearly always by some weird tangent! I came across this pic while browsing some articles online while waiting for the vote to finish on Friday night… ended up reading about what's happened to Detroit since the city went bankrupt… and how there's a new campaign encouraging US companies to outsource there as a way of stimulating growth… etc. And there it was! So I thought, "that'll do nicely". Hopefully it's open to lots of different ideas. The interior of the building is like the film set of an apocalyptic movie, but I felt it might be a wee bit too dark and nihilistic for a dreary February. Anyway, it's a stunning building. Make of it what you will!
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