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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Signed! I'll also spread the word amongst other Manchester folk.
  2. I've just taken delivery of a 1973/74 Fender Precision neck: one piece maple. It's going to be used as part of a 'year of birth' build sometime this year (when I turn 40!). For the time being it's going to be living in our wardrobe at home. My question is: do I need to tinker with the truss rod while it's being stored? There's a lot of conflicting advice about this online - so I thought I'd best seek a definitive answer from people I trust. That being you lot It currently appears straight and my gut feeling is just to leave it alone and check it every couple of weeks for upward/backward bowing - and if so adjust the truss rod accordingly. Or should I slacken the truss rod straight away? It's obviously an old neck and I'm just a wee bit cautious about messing with it. Any advice gratefully received. Cheers!
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389735631' post='2337427']Some update problems with 'Soundcloud', apparently; they're 'down'. No idea how long for[/quote] Cheers for the heads up on this D. I've noticed that SoundCloud has been temperamental over the last few days. It seems to be running as normal at present.
  4. That's brilliant! At first I thought she was going to build a bass using an old C64 for the body. Which would have been fun. But what she ends up doing is... brilliant. Very creative. I want one
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1389677290' post='2336807']First time I sold on Ebay, my money was held for 90 days because I was a first time seller. The money was paid when the buyer finally left me positive feedback. [/quote] Hi Milty. That's weird... in that I've [i]never[/i] had any eBay payments withheld by PayPal, whether the buyer has left feedback or not (not even my first payment received, as you mention). Is your PayPal account linked directly to your bank account? And have you verified and upgraded your PayPal account? (both of which are free to do - it's just a bit of a faff). Seems odd that I'm not having any of these issues that you are guys are reporting
  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1389660878' post='2336786'] You have to send copies of your passport , why ? Gotta say that's definitely not something that I'd fancy doing. What do they do with it when they've finished with it ? I don't like them, and I'd just be reluctant for them to have a copy of my passport and a utility bill. [/quote] It's apparently a fraud prevention measure. The first step is to do the bank account verification: they bill you for a small amount of money - or pay it in, I can't remember - and the payment has a code attached that you can view in your statement. You enter the code and that's the first stage of verification completed. Next they ask for a scanned copy of your passport (or other photo ID) and a utility bill. It happens when you reach a certain sending or receiving limit on eBay. I read up on it at the time, uploaded the paperwork (you do this through your PayPal account, [u]not[/u] through an email - beware of phishing scams!) and since then I've had no problems or delayed payments. PayPal are a bank - they're governed by the exact same laws as banks - so I guess I decided to trust them with this info in same way I would any bank when I open an account. Hope that helps!
  7. I sell on eBay and have never had this issue... yet! And I have way less than 100 sales, although my feedback is currently 100% positive. I've just sold a bunch of items and have received instant payment for each one without any of the buyers leaving feedback. Have you guys fully upgraded and verified your PayPal accounts? (the final step involving sending them copies of your passport and a utility bill). If not I'm wondering if that might be the cause.
  8. Cheers folks! Glad you all like the look of it... and thanks for the playing tips too. I had a noodle on it last night - haven't had much chance since I finished it - and I'm finding it very fun to play. Not that I have any guitar experience to compare it against! But the action is nice and it stays in tune very well. A good start. My old man has found a strat pickup that I might use to replace the faulty one at the neck end. And it's currently missing a grub screw in the bridge. Other than that it's in good nick. I'll be playing it with my teeth in no time
  9. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1389560619' post='2335592']I'm asking those who changed their minds regarding a career in music when and why they made the decision, and if I'm just being stubborn about sticking to my guns.[/quote] I've never attempted to make music my sole career. Never will. I have however been self-employed for over 20 years, as I imagine most musicians are. The downside of that being it's hellishly difficult to get a mortgage or secure loans. Not impossible of course (I've been lucky myself), but very difficult. Increasingly so in today's economic climate. That's might all sound boringly sensible. But if you plan on settling down one day and providing security for a family, it's something to consider. But no more so than if you're self-employed in any other area of work. And THAT's the 'instability' your family members are concerned about. Would they be so concerned if you were self-employed plumber? Probably not Ultimately you'll know in your gut whether you're good enough to earn a crust playing music. Be honest with yourself and do whatever feels right. Just don't beat yourself up about whatever decision you make. Life's too short for that.
  10. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1389608631' post='2335955']All very Burt inspired so far. I may bow out this month as I can't seem to get inspired at all. Every idea keeps reverting to some kind of honky tonk repetitive ensemble. I will give it another week.[/quote] Aye, we're somewhat painted into a corner by the images this month... but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, you've either got a country/mid-West number with some reference to the Escher picture, or you've got the challenge of taking the genre from the Escher pic (Techno? Mathcore?) and somehow referencing Burt Reynolds (and good luck with that!). Like most people I'm taking the path of least resistance and opting for the former [i]Yeeehaw![/i]
  11. I called on the skills of my dear old dad to put the electrics back together. He's an artist with a soldering iron and did a superb job of it - even using vintage solder! The loose earth wire got fixed (which had been causing all kinds of hum previously). We found that the neck pickup is well and truly kaput, but that the middle and bridge p'ups are in fine working order. That'll do me just fine. So here's what the finished job looks like: I'm very happy with it - definitely a keeper. All I need to do now is learn how to play it! Paul
  12. This was where I had I dilemma - do I try to save the original finish and restore it as a 'relic', or do I refinish it? Trouble was, the body has been wire-brushed (or something similar) prior to the white emulsion being painted on - I assume by the previous owner - which meant that emulsion paint had worked its way into every tiny crack in the finish. The only way to restore it would be to strip what remained of the original lacquer and start again. And quite frankly, I couldn't be arsed. So instead, I bought some nitrocellulose paint… …and began spraying. A full can of white primer. Followed by a can of Taos Turqoise. And lastly, a can of clear gloss lacquer. I learned an important lesson during the spraying: and that's to avoid using nitro-lacquers in cold, humid conditions! At one point, during the clear gloss coat, I ended up with some really bad clouding/blushing (caused by water condensing and getting trapped beneath the lacquer). I managed to solve it by gentled wet-sanding the affected areas and carrying on with the spraying - after setting up a fan heater in the garage! Not ideal and not something I'd recommend, but I was impatient and it was a £20 guitar. So what the heck. In the end I got lucky and the finish turned out great - no sign of the previous blushing at all - but it was so nearly a disaster! By now the metal components I'd been soaking in Dettol had come up a treat - very shiny and some of them almost 'as new'. Meanwhile I'd cleaned up the neck and removed all the vintage '70s finger gunk from the frets using a toothpick (mmm, finger gunk). So it was time to re-assemble.
  13. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1388687957' post='2324893']Great find - customise till your hearts content![/quote] I found some time over the Christmas holiday to finally have a tinker with this guitar. Since buying it I'd confirmed it to be a 1975 Luxor Strat - not sure whether that makes it a 'lawsuit fake' (?), but I was keen to spruce it up a little and restore it as best I could. Here's how I got on... First step was to take a peek beneath the pickguard and sure enough, it had the same sunburst finish I'd anticipated. Also confirmed the wood as being ash. Good start! Next step was to remove the white emulsion paint. To do that I used brown Dettol. I sponged it all over the body; wrapped the body in absorbent kitchen roll; poured on more brown Dettol; wrapped it in cling-film and left it overnight. I also filled up a couple of jam jars with Dettol to soak the various metal and plastic components (knobs, screws, bridge, tremolo plate, jack socket, etc) as most of these had paint on them too. The next day I unwrapped the body and began scrubbing. The trick to using Dettol is not to wash it off with water - that just causes the paint to solidify - so instead it's a case of donning some Marigolds and a bathroom scrubbing brush and applying some elbow grease. It took a while but eventually I got rid of the white emulsion (had I soaked the body for another night it probably would have been an even easier job). Beneath I found a fairly nice-looking finish! Classic '70s sunburst with lots of playing wear and a mean buckle rash on the back.
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1389463678' post='2334456']Totally Mike. He's got a lovely philosophical vibe going on with this, and World Pass By, and he knows how to put that across with words instead of simply sounding angry and pissed off at the material world with its greed and lack of compassion. What he does is subtle, it makes the listener actually LISTEN, I think that's a vital component of what you guys are doing.[/quote] Amen to that! You've got it, Nige. Those are precisely the qualities I really like about Donnie. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389465590' post='2334479']As, very often, the 'music' is, at best, summary, there's not much left to enjoy (maybe, for those inclined, the ubiquitous busty ladies and finned cars covered with bling could hold a certain appeal; not my style, I'm afraid...).[/quote] That sounds like gangster rap, which is normally written with a silent 'c' Hop hop is a much broader genre and I guarantee that [i]everyone[/i] here could find something to love amongst it. Go back to the 80s and early 90s - before the potty-mouthed gangster stuff - and you'll find some really soulful, jazzy, political, uplifting, honest music. Some of which has amazing instrumentation, far more engaging that the simple beats you hear today. ---------- [color=#b22222][b]PS: this track is now available to buy on [url="https://stirupahurricane.bandcamp.com/"]Bandcamp[/url].[/b][/color][b] [color=#b22222]If y'know, anyone here is feeling generous, sympathetic or just drunk and a little reckles[b]s...[/b][/color][/b]
  15. ^ Cheers lojo Thanks for listehning and taking the time to post here. Really appreciated. And glad you dig it! ---------- [color=#b22222][b]UPDATE: track now available to purchase on [url="https://stirupahurricane.bandcamp.com/"]Bandcamp[/url].[/b][/color]
  16. Another +1 for UPS via Interparcel. I've sent a couple of basses using them without any problems. And a bunch of bulky tat sold on eBay! No complaints.
  17. Hey Ambient. I'm not a my 'puter to have a proper rummage, but you could try here for samples (ie. recordings of real violinists): http://www.freesound.org
  18. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1389362753' post='2333338'] I generally like the track and production etc, and it's all very well put together. Top marks. However, I am another one uncomfortable with the (Lyrical) pitch, and agree [size=4]with the point(s) skej21 made about it being [/size][color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]atonal/dissonant etc.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]Just a view from my ears of course, and not intended to cause offence.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]But like I said earlier. the rest sounds great. [/size][/font][/color] [/quote] Cheers Garry! No offence taken by any of the comments received, quite the opposite All very useful stuff and good to have so many different perspectives on it. It'll help us sharpen our tools for the next one. I must admit that neither Mike nor I noticed any real [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]tonal issues with Donnie's vocal. That's not to say there aren't any; just that they didn't leap out to me when producing it.[/size][/font][/color] I listen to a lot of hip hop, so it might just be that my ears are 'adjusted' to spoken word stuff. Or it might be that I need to invest in some proper monitors! [i](yeah, I'm looking for an excuse to buy new gear...).[/i] Thanks again mate. Really good to have your thoughts on it.
  19. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1389359796' post='2333259'] Nice work, fellas! Like the groove. I'm a sucker for some jazzy hiphop. Not really big on jazz or hiphop but blend the two & I'm there! Works for me, looking forward to your next tracks! Cheers, Norm[/quote] Thanks Norm! We were aiming for a sort of 'old school' hip hop vibe. Hence no swearing or mention of hoes (I never [i]did[/i] understand what garden tools have to do with the hip hop sub-culture... and I probably never will). Cheers mate.
  20. [quote name='steviedee' timestamp='1389300184' post='2332663']Sounds great.[/quote] Cheers Steve! [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1389300553' post='2332670']It's so cool that technology lends itself in such a way that continents are no barrier and great music can be produced. Kudos to all involved, I'm looking forward to the EP.[/quote] Definitely! It's a slower process than recording altogether in a studio, of course, but I think it also allows more time to consider the music and let everyone play their part in it. It would have been very difficult in 'ye olden days' of dial-up modems, but nowadays it's a doddle [quote name='odysseus' timestamp='1389305875' post='2332771']This is great! Very well played and put together, very well recorded... and I really like the dude's voice. Rap normally isn't my thing, but this isn't a normal rap track. Cracking work, guys![/quote] Many thanks! That's very positive feedback - gratefully received. "Not a normal rap track" is exactly what we were hoping for Cheers dude. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1389306617' post='2332779'] Great mix and from a compositional point of view, it's laid out nicely with some cool musical devices. I am however in the 'not a fan of the rap' category. Just a bit too polite (rhythms and phrasing could've been more interesting and in context with the arrangement) and the tuning is just discomforting. I can't work out if the pitch of the rap is supposed to be atonal/dissonant or is just slightly out of tune and I think that uncertainty makes it difficult to listen to/enjoy. There's 'playing out' and there's just 'out' and (for me) l need the transparency of tonality and it to be clear whether things are intentionally out and that's not there in this, IMO! I think instrumentally though, it's clear that any tension is cleverly explored and creates an intriguing tonality that makes you want to be lead to the conclusion.I'd listen again and look forward to the next one too :-)[/quote] Thanks Skej, very useful comments. Glad you like the arrangement and production. And as I've said elsewhere, it's heartening to get positive feedback from you guys who don't normally listen to hip hop and rap music. Can't ask for more than that! The issue of tuning vocals in rap if of course different to that of a traditionally sung piece. It's essentially spoken word, so the tone is simply that of Donnie's voice - as is the case with all rap music. If you listen carefully his lyrical tack actually goes 'minor' when the instrumentation changes to a minor key, so there is some subtle musicality in his delivery. Anyway, thanks for listening and posting your thoughts here. Sincerely appreciated. Paul
  21. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1389304088' post='2332744']Good stuff. Hate rap, but listened to most of it. Trumpets etc. were good.[/quote] Thanks Ray! As I've said before, it's great that so many of you guys who don't normally listen to hip hop / drum'n'bass are giving this a listen and liking it. It's a real mixed bag of styles, so good to know you think it works. I'm a fan of the trumpets myself! Mike's mate Andy Davies did a great job with that. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1389304926' post='2332757']Great track. A multi-national collaboration spawn by Basschat. Wow. I love the production. Good luck guys. I hope to hear more in the future.[/quote] Thanks Sam! Positive vibes very kindly received Glad it sounds ok. We'll update this thread in future as we put together more releases (we have another one nearly finished already - very different - but we might save it 'in the bank' until the EP itself is done). [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1389309151' post='2332823']If I heard it on the radio, the intriguing use of the trumpet alone would be enough for me to turn it up. Well done, "Oi'll give it foive" [/quote] That's praise indeed! Thanks Steve. Really appreciate it. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1389309548' post='2332829'] Really cool. Well done. I love the vocalist, very Native Tongues. I felt it got a bit beyond him when it went up-tempo though, it seemed like that was a rather indulgent section for the instrumentalists at the expense of the vocalist, which for me always seems a bit inconsiderate. I can imagine it's difficult when you're collaborating over a network though, and considering that's what you did it's a great result. I'm currently putting together a new band consisting of (so far) drums, bass and turntables, and we're starting out with demoing tracks for voices to contribute to rather than looking for full-time vocalists. It's inspiring to hear other people doing it. Thanks. [/quote] Yeah, Donnie is great rapper! Really nice guy too - no pretensions or inflated ego going on with him. The second half of the track does get busy, but we hopefully left enough 'breathing space' for the vocal and instrumentation. Everyone got chance to add their parts and there's a lot going on beneath the surface of this track that I had to carefully position within the mix - including some muted tracks that never made the final cut! It's certainly a very 'busy' piece, but we're wortking on other material that it more sparse and 'spacious'. Anyway... keep us updated on this new outfit you're putting together yourself. Sounds great. This is what the Internet was made for [quote name='charic' timestamp='1389354257' post='2333136']Nice track, not my sort of thing but I listened it all the way through. The only thing that's bugging me is the stereo effect that seems to be on the bass, it drew my attention away from the track in general I'm afraid [/quote] Cheers Rick! Yeah, the stereo bass track... It is a bit different, innit! I wasn't sure whether to keep it panned slightly L/R or switch it to mono (as I would normally), but I decided on the former as I felt it gave the track an unusual sense of space - and also created room down the centre for other instrumentation, not to mention the kick and snares. The bassline actually pans back to mono during the DnB section, so it kind of moves as the track progresses. Not sure I'll use this method for every track we produce, but it was a useful experiment!
  22. [quote name='madshadows' timestamp='1389258293' post='2331904']Great track, Jazz Rap !!, excellent playing and singing/rapping and super production, very different from a traditional sounding rap song IMHO and great because of that [/quote] Thanks John! It's a real fusion of influences but good to hear you think it works. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1389279505' post='2332274']Love the backing track! Not so keen on the rap I'm afraid. Not too sure why, but it just doesn't seem to work with the music for me... almost too polite? [/quote] Interesting point! I'm obviously biased, but what I really like about Donnie's rap style is that he's laid back and non-aggressive... Kind of 'old school' conscious hip hop. But I'm sure he has moments of impoliteness too [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1389290045' post='2332476']Gotta say it's not really the style of music which floats my boat but it is an incredibly good track and certainly much better than the mainstream music of this genre. Nice once lads [/quote] Cheers Mert! Can't ask for more than that Thanks for listening. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1389295183' post='2332573']I love it, especially when it goes D&B at 2;30 but can I be forgiven for being a bit thick and asking, was this all recorded remotely or were you all in a studio at the same time? Very very cool me thinks.[/quote] That's not a thick question at all! It was all recorded and produced remotely over the t'Internet, with us discussing stuff via email (with Donnie in the US) and over the phone (between Mike and I in the UK). It's obviously second best to being in the same room together, but it works surprisingly well. Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback! Appreciated.
  23. PS: talking earlier of videos... Here's the latest from Donnie, our man in New York. http://vimeo.com/m/83227639 NB: I don't think this Vimeo link will work on iPhones/Pads , so here it is again - just delete the initial underscore and it should work: _http://vimeo.com/m/83227639
  24. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1389291632' post='2332497']Great piece of work, I love the way it is made up of very distinct sections which all flow nicely into one another. Does it qualify for this month's competition?![/quote] Thanks Myke! Good to hear that it all fits together ok. Sadly it would be cheating to enter it into this months competition... Although we did manage to throw one together in a month last year (by not sleeping, etc). [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1389292045' post='2332509']I think it is cool that things are going your way and I wish you the very best with this project I don't really know what to say about the track as it is not really a genre of music I know anything about but what I do know is that it is nicely put together and sounds right and I can tell there is a lot of musical talent within your "group"[/quote] Cheers for the kind words TB! Even more so given that's it not a genre you normally listen to. Appreciated. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1389293997' post='2332554']...56 votes cast for the December competition. The ghetto is starting to get attention[/quote] Indeed it is! We're still outcasts down in the Rec forum, but our ranks are growing. Vive la revolution!
  25. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1389273991' post='2332177']You know what Paul, to engage with the Basschat membership you need your music to have a video. It must feature a buff chick and a kitteh. Otherwise no-one will listen.[/quote] I know what you're saying mate! A video is on the horizon... I'm playing the buff chick and Mike'n'Donnie are doing the Furry thing in kitten suits. We're going to get arrested, but it'll be great for publicity! [i](Seriously though, we are planning a vid).[/i]
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