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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. My fave is 'You never give me your money' - lovely obligato/dusty end playing during the intro, nice little walking bit and some 'standard' rock/pop playing towards the end. I might have a go at transcribing that one.
  2. paul_5

    MS60B Users

    I use mine in the A/B/C setup too - mostly it's for 2 synth bass patches and an envelope filter. Mine's in a looper pedal, so the I can effectively turn the Zoom off and on remotely, and then scroll through to A/B/C list until I get to correct patch for the next song. The looper is from a PCB from Fuzz Dog and has a blend knob, so that I can alter the clean/effects balance on the fly.
  3. The Beach Boys’ Good Vibrations, magnificent from start to finish
  4. This. I had one a while ago and replaced it with a DHA VT2, but it was very good before being superseded. edit: there’s one one eBay at the moment: BIN of £55... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F303256568314
  5. Ampeg SVP PRO if I’m using backline, DHA VT2 EQ if not. Job done.
  6. My most expensive gear mistake? Not buying a fretless Wal when I was offered it for £700.
  7. I’ve always had a problem with Ric basses. I love the way they sound, but have always thought that a neck through construction is somewhat negated by routing out massive chasms for the oversized pickup surrounds, all to accommodate a pickup that’s smaller than a Jazz bass unit. exhibit A:
  8. Some slightly good news is that most speaker connectors are the spade ones, so don’t need any soldering; provided you (or your chosen tech) can find a replacement driver it’s less than an hour’s work and can be done with a simple screwdriver. In the meantime Skank’s advice is spot on. Hope you get sorted.
  9. Probably only worth anywhere near that figure if John left a couple of kilos of ‘beak’ inside of it, which is unlikely, given his reputation.
  10. ‘Lilly the pink’ - fücking shocker. ’walk of life’ - reminds me of too many bad versions by local bands with more volume than talent. anything by the Eagles - they make my shït itch.
  11. Sold Moving my bdi21 on as it’s sat languishing in a drawer, exiled from my board as I’m using my VT2 as my main DI Price includes delivery to mainland UK address.
  12. I think as long as there’s adequate time for sound checks then in the age of digital desks with recall etc... there’s no need for poor sound, provided that there aren’t’ equiment failures/ overruns/ lateness/ apathy/ earthquakes/ fights etc...
  13. Had great results with SVT heads and cabs, apart from the 8x10” which I thought was too muddy. Played a festival date last year where the rig was an SVT head and a SVT 6x10, I remember that VERY fondly 😍
  14. Primus’ Sailing the Seas of Cheese for me. Saw them when they were supporting Rush, but their sound was terrible. I decided to investigate and was not sorry!
  15. *sigh* looks like I’ve got some serious listening to do 😏
  16. Yes Jon, PM me for more details
  17. Heard some Journey on the radio today; actually very impressed! Great tone and perfect for the song. Not into the MOR sound at all, but some nice playing underneath all of that schtick.
  18. I did a truss rod once, I was sick afterwards.
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