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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Loved it! New album with this on it out next week.
  2. Agreed; BSSM is the peak of Flea’s playing. I really enjoyed the album after that with Dave Navarro on guitar too. Downward spiral after that I’m afraid.
  3. paul_5


    I think I bought that for 99p, good synth too!
  4. Isn’t a guitar shop without prices just a museum?
  5. Sold Aiden a pedal. Great comms fast payment and all the usual good stuff. Cheers Aidan.
  6. Sold dude a pedal. Lovely fella with fast payment and great comes. Thanks Dude.
  7. paul_5

    Rack Porn

    SVT IIP - nice!
  8. Poe’s law comes into play here. Every extreme statement needs to be explicitly qualified I’m afraid. 😢
  9. Yes, DT always come across as trying too hard to me; technicality doesn’t always equal musicality...
  10. well worth repairing IMHO. Not sure why transistors are labelled TR1 & TR2 instead of Q1 and Q2, as per standard electronics nomenclature, but still worth doing.
  11. Lateralus by Tool is almost entirely in 5/4. Amazing album. ’Driven’ by Rush swaps between 4/4, 7/8 and 3/4 before even hitting the chorus.
  12. This. It’s not so much about the sound, but the way they react to playing dynamics; much, much better than 20 years ago!!
  13. Redundant VM Jazz pups for sale. These are the ‘Duncan Designed’ ones and are slightly hotter than my usual fodder, really punchy too! DC resistance: Neck 7.78ohms Bridge 7.94ohms Plenty of lead left and with a bit of wear and tear (they’ve been in a couple of basses) but still working perfectly. £20 gets them to your door courtesy of our right Royal Mail. NOW SOLD
  14. Took the plunge today, wiredvthe top two drivers with the tweeter and sealed up the ports that connect the top half of the cab to the bottom and wired the bottom 2 (with the huge port) to a separate output jack. Planning to use the Ampeg pre with one channel of my PA amp to the ‘low’ 2x10” and my B3n through the second channel into the ‘high’ 2x10” Added bonus is that the cab isn’t as boomy as before, so a more controlled low end. Win/win.
  15. Never understood why these were an 8 ohm cab; the b410hlf that I’ve got would be the perfect companion, except that it’s a4 ohm cab.
  16. This is what put me off even trying one in the shop when I was looking for a new amp a good few years ago. Comic Sans can flip off.
  17. There’s so much more pickup left at the edge of the strings!!
  18. Snapping it up? Better off snapping it in half.
  19. Sounds really good - nails the Stingray sound (well, maybe 95% there) and not noisy at all when soloed. Really glad I put these on my Jazz basses now.
  20. I’ve only done one gig with mine and ran it as a glorified pedal board, in between the bass and preamp. Obviously the amp and cab simulators weren’t used and I was pleased with how it sounded. No noticeable change in my bypassed tone either.
  21. I reckon If you need a shim that thick you should probably consider a new bass!
  22. Agree with everything that’s been said already, they’re also a little bit brighter than other flats, so good for that too.
  23. Current stomping ground. Really, really impressed with the B3n after a firmware update. Wasn’t sure about the choruses until the new Small Clone patch - nailed it guys!! Wireless receiver > B3n > amp. Small box is foorswitch for Ampeg SVP PRO pre.
  24. After playing about with my B3n I’m having a bit of a clear out, thesec2 are being culled: Chunk FX Agent 00Funk clone. Made using the layout on tagboardeffects using lovely LM13007 OTA chips for great chewy funk sounds. Velcro on the back and 9vdc adaptor only (not supplied). £30 to you. SOLD Aroma Tuner pedal £30ish on eBay, so £20 to you. Velcro on the back, and a really big, bright display.
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