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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. paul_5

    Boost Pedals

    Move your baseline up an octave and use an octaver is one idea, bass chords/tenths work well as do arpeggiated chords.
  2. Great rumbly cabs but enough top to cut through a mix. Wheels are an absolute must!
  3. That looks like the ‘muffin top’ of the bass world.
  4. That’s fine until you realise that you have to play every gig with your knob hanging out.
  5. A recent discussion with another player got me thinking about your 'top tips' for walking bass. We agreed that outlining harmony takes precedent over pretty much anything else, but I'd love to know what the great BC hive mind would make the top 10 list.
  6. Are ‘bongo’ mags still a thing? Has it not all moved to the internet like most other periodicals?
  7. I picked up a massive compilation of Paul Chambers’ work on Amazon mp3 for a couple of quid that’s well worth a listen. Min addition to what’s already been suggested I’d go for: Songs for distingue lovers - Billie Holiday Oscar Peterson meets Louis Armstrong Both amazing albums with great performances and really clear mixes; perfect for detailed listening or transcription.
  8. As above, bought a book from Daryl and it arrived quickly and as described.
  9. Neck dive? Yes; your head would drop squarely into your hands to begin the disappointment.
  10. Vocals wise I’m not too fussy as I’m mostly just shouting at approximate pitch. Cab wise I like an RE20 or an SM57 if I’m DI’ed as well.
  11. Me too. Dead handy for popping in and out of the bass case.
  12. Most engineers that I know will favour a Precision style bass, simply because of the quick turnaround times between acts at festivals etc; it’s a sound that works and doesn’t require too much monkey business to get it to sound good in the mix.
  13. I've used George L's for years. I've had them for so long I can't remember why I switched, but recently a guitarist friend of mine used a cheap "6 for £10" patch cable to jumper channels on his amp and everything went dark. I leant him a George L one I had spare and hey presto, great tone returns. Solderless cables of this calibre are an absolute MUST if your pedals are mounted on a board and there's minimal movement between the pedals.
  14. Very easily - wire both ‘hot’ wires from the pickups to the output lug of the output socket and both ‘ground’ wires to the ground lug. This will give the classic ‘both pickups in parallel’ Jazz bass sound.
  15. Went for the Wilkinson. I’ve had really good results from their other stuff. Thanks for the routing advice too. 👌🏻
  16. Ok, pickup’s arrived. Just one more thing... does anyone know where I can source a routing template for a MM pickup? I had one a couple of years ago and lost it when we moved house last year. 😖
  17. I’ve had 2! Got made redundant years ago and had to sell it, then bought another as soon as I found one. Magnificent piece of kit. Thanks Dave.
  18. RHCP can stay then, having only 2 remaining original members. I like Frusciante’s playing but much prefer Hillel’s. Yes, the early albums were a bit stinky poo, but at least it sounded like they meant what they were found.
  19. The feel of the neck is paramount, you’ll spend all of your playing time holding it, so it better be a good ‘un. Next for me is strings, then pickups and body wood in equal measure.
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