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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. They just sweep from the start frequency to the end frequency and stay there.
  2. I love that they growl when I need them too and can take a bit of a beating. Amp-wise I love the valvey goodness and massive low end it delivers, as well as a nice crispy top end.
  3. My favourite flats - got a set on my fretted Jazz and they’re lovely.
  4. you know, if you wanted to you could add a series/parallel switch using a pull/push knob - still only one control...
  5. Aah, Mojo doesn’t come cheap though, plus the snake oil etc...
  6. I’ve been playing about with a Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk recently and I really like it; nice and chewy and really versatile too.
  7. Secret option C is Sibelius First; a scaled down version of Sibelius at a significantly reduced price. Obviously it doesn’t have all the whistles and bells of the full version but is still a really useful piece of software.
  8. Even lower tension would be tape wound strings, depends on the tone you want though.
  9. EZ drummer or Superior drummer. Without a doubt the best and most intuitive drum plugin I've ever used. Currently at €130 ish, don't know what constitutes 'much'.
  10. For that budget I’d try to find a used Blade - best Jazz I ever played!
  11. Don’t feel that you have to play, that only puts more unnecessary pressure on yourself. Playing bass is like falling off a log; you’ll be surprised how easy it is even if you’ve not done it for a while, your mental health has to take priority here, don’t beat yourself up for not playing. Take a walk outside or get a bit of exercise (I know this is difficult to do too, so these are just suggestions), anything really, just don’t pressure yourself into playing, it’ll still be there when things pick up.
  12. "Practically unused for 25 years" - Yeah, I wouldn't either. "some cosmetic damage" - how would you tell?
  13. A used Jackson or Charvel (they’re not all pointy) would fit the bill, or a R*ck*nb*ck*r copy should be properly skinny too.
  14. So Dweezil’s got THE SG, who’s got ‘Electric Aunt Jemima’ - Frank’s favourite preamp?
  15. 11 & 14 k? Them’s so hot you could fry eggs on ‘em!
  16. I've tried a few and ended up with an Apex Punch Factory 1404 compressor pedal. Nice and subtle without affecting the tone.
  17. Oooh, like the look of that Opto Comp.
  18. Anyone know the specs for these bad boys? DC resistance / sound etc... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-PICKUPS/112830351101?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1431.l2649 Currently at £20 so might be worth a punt.
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