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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1501613233' post='3345974'] Out of interest, for those suggesting octavers on fretless, do you mean specifically octave down or octave up? [/quote] Octave down. It's great fun to play Stevie Wonder lines up the dusty end with a sub octave. Try it, you might like it.
  2. A smidgen of overdrive to add some extra harmonic content and growl.
  3. Wow, he's quite a curmudgeon isn't he? Doesn't stop him being right though..,
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1501365547' post='3344329'] I showed him how to play that.. [/quote] I showed him how not to!
  5. Anything with flats (or the tone control rolled back a little)
  6. Uncoloured bypass (or true bypass) is a must; I've lost count of the number of Wahs that I've modded to true bypass for other players. Blend control is pretty much a necessity for bass - in addition I'd put some sort of hpf on the wah circuit to allow the user to tune which frequencies get affected by the wah. Just my 2p worth.
  7. Can't wait for this. I tried listening to 'Clean Your Clock' again this morning, but haven't been able to get through it; makes me sad to hear his voice on this album as it sounds feeble and a shadow of its former self.
  8. paul_5

    Ampeg SVX plug in?

    Give this one a try - http://www.pluginboutique.com/products/2266
  9. Freebie GK amp sim here: http://www.pluginboutique.com/products/2266 Not a bad sounding little plug in.
  10. Chunk Systems Agent 00Funk will do that, as will an EHX Bass micro synth if you set it right.
  11. My home made clone of a Dark Arts Revelation Super Bass. Currently it's had the amount of gain reduced, but it's a 2 minute job to change it back to stock. [attachment=249280:IMG_0406.JPG] Really transparent overdrive that'll go from mild grind to stupidly filthy. Some demos of the real thing (at $149 plus import taxes) [url="https://youtu.be/AqBxMXwc77c"]https://youtu.be/AqBxMXwc77c[/url] Price includes P&P
  12. Wha? Getting to play with a drummer who does what you ask and whose tempo doesn't fluctuate massively from minute to minute? How does that work? 😉
  13. I made an exact OD1 clone last year. I think it cost me about a tenner...
  14. I agree with Dood. I've played festivals/outdoor marquee gigs where the sound engineer (who's also in charge of the generators) wanted to know the power rating of our amps so that he could work out how many generators he'd need. I've also played outdoor gigs where there hasn't been this attention to detail and forward planning. Guess which ones the generators tripped out for?
  15. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Might try finishing off my Phase 90 clone before rehearsal tonight. I NEED a phase on the bass for 2 bars of one song; I can already hear it in my head but not out of my speakers yet.
  16. I had great results from a Chord OC-50, but I think they're discontinued now. The EHX Octave Multiplexer is pretty good too.
  17. Yup. I really don't like the look of Les Paul (style) basses - they just don't do it for me, but that is one good looking chunk of wood. Well done Dudgeman.
  18. Look anything like this? [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Green%20T_zpsomcszmwf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/Green%20T_zpsomcszmwf.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  19. Sunburst Blade B15 that I sold to a chap on here a few years ago when I was made redundant. 'twas lovely.
  20. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1499244644' post='3330185'] All wired up to a tidy harness on the back to save fumbling around in the dark on stage. [/quote] But that's the best bit!
  21. paul_5


    I ran an SM400 for a few years. Really clean amp and a really [i]really[/i] flexible EQ section. The built-in mid scoop sucked a lot of the power out of it so I modded it to be more of a linear response. It sounded great into a Hartke Hydrive 4x10 and then a Barefaced Compact.
  22. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1498637450' post='3325972'] Give me anything from OK Computer onwards; the first couple of albums I really can take or leave! [/quote] This, although I haven't really made friends with 'King Of Limbs' yet.
  23. I ran a DHA for yeas and loved it. Mine was used primarily to add some dirt to an uber clean SWR head and it was also my home rehearsal tool. They run perfectly well at 9v; I just used a polarity inverter from my pedal board power supply as mine was centre positive. The DI was really clean too and I'd recommend one in a heartbeat.
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