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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Congratulations! Wishing you many happy years of low end rumblings and inappropriate humour.
  2. It's not complicated, but the tricky part is finding a dual gang pot with a centre-detent, so that you'll feel when the balance control is at 50/50. Blade used t make their basses like this and it made a lot of sense. If you use a series/parallel switch it will alter the sound of the bass, but in series mode you won't be able to alter the blend of the pickups - they're on equal output all of the time. Better call Ki0gon
  3. Got a free Behringer BDI21 from a very kind BCer to fix up and give to one of my students. Alright, [i]I[/i] didn't get a freebie, but you know what I mean; there are some very lovely people on Basschat.
  4. Any sort of DI'ed guitar is going to sound dreadful, it's a scientific fact. I use the Brainworx Megasingle in protools as my 'amp' so that I can do it when the kids are in bed. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_megasingle.html Makes it sound an awful lot better.
  5. I've met a couple of BCers and in all honesty there's only been one utter twat; that was me 😉. Seriously though, BCers are amongst the nicest people I've met, well done to us!
  6. [quote name='Heathy' timestamp='1496582777' post='3312433'] I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Lick their faces. They will stop. [/quote] Yes, but you could die of some disgusting disease.
  7. Ah yeah, you'd need to go positive from the 1st to negative on the 2nd cab... As you were.
  8. BSSM is the peak of their career. I love the stuff with Hillel Slovak on guitar too, but the later stuff is just charting their decline into mediocrity.
  9. Using a 4Ω cab and an 8Ω cab at the same time (assuming that you're using both speaker outputs on the amp) would give you an overall impedance of 2.6Ω and would blow the amp. If you're daisy-chaining one cab into another from [i]only one[/i] of the speaker outputs will give you an impedance of 12Ω (summing the cab impedances together), so you'd move more air, but the power output of the amp would be reduced.
  10. 80's Rush (Wal era) made me pick up the bass, but after that it's Disco, Funk, Motown, and Led Zeppelin II. 1970s then.
  11. Regarding the artwork I'd have to agree that most sound engineers refused to take the DI out of my DHA because they were afraid of what it would do to their speaker. On the other hand I turned up at a festival with it on my board and the engineer took one look at it and said "Oh, a Dave Hall, I'll take my feed from that!" Swings and roundabouts.
  12. Two SSDs. One for OS and DAW/plugins, one to record your audio to. While you're in there you could see if you could shoehorn any more RAM in there - that's always useful for plugins etc...
  13. I swear by the AB guide to music theory part 1 - the pink one. That'll get you up to grade V. AB also do past papers for theory, you can probably access them online.
  14. I used to love that Jonas Hellborg book. You've got me wondering what happened to it...
  15. Congratulations on your good fortune! Beautiful bass too. 😄
  16. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1495787762' post='3306521'] Thanks. I thought you might have used that. But seeing as you modified some component values I wondered if you found a schematic or reverse engineered one from the layout. [/quote] Not really, just knowing that increasing Emitter resistors decreases the gain of the transistor.
  17. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1495729012' post='3306203'] Hi. Where did you get the schematic / circuit info ? FSB ? [/quote] Got a stripboard layout from tagboardeffects.blogspot.com.
  18. Oof. Makes me think about upgrading my SVT-IIP. Nice.
  19. Run. Don't even bother to pack, just RUN!!!
  20. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I'm starting a Crowther Prunes & Custard this week; just fancy something a bit different...
  21. I thought they were called AC/DC because that's the main chord progression?
  22. http://youtu.be/JqSD4aRDMiI http://basschat.co.uk/topic/295330-hartke-hydrive-4x10-and-2x10/page__p__3296295__hl__hartke__fromsearch__1#entry3296295
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