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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1483394665' post='3206877'] Here's some Cynic [media]http://youtu.be/hq_DiR5frEA[/media] [/quote] Sean Malone graces this track (Red Barchetta) on the Rush tribute CD 'Working Man' [url="https://youtu.be/PyxhYk8YLvo?t=1h1m"]https://youtu.be[/url][url="https://youtu.be/PyxhYk8YLvo?t=1h1m"]/[/url][url="https://youtu.be/PyxhYk8YLvo?t=1h1m"]PyxhYk8YLvo?t=1h1m[/url] Most of the album is very good and Billy Sheehan is all over it for roughly half of the album.
  2. Cronos from Venom used to have a half and half bass in the mid 80s (the upper half of the fingerboard was defretted), but I don't recommend it. Or listening to Venom for that matter
  3. I remember a doing this with a drummer friend of mine in music college. I held down chords and he smacked the strings, it all went through an old DOD FX25 and sounded brilliant. Unfortunately that recording is lost in the mists of time
  4. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1483355236' post='3206404'] Pearl Jam, Ten. That album persuaded me to get a fretless as my main bass years ago when I was in a heavy rock band. The playing is tasteful and excellent, Alive is a good fretless tune. [/quote] This. Check out the Police 'Live' album and John Giblin's awesome playing on Fish's debut solo album 'Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors' too
  5. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/duble/WirebrushDettol.jpg[/IMG]
  6. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1482593617' post='3201697'] Here's hoping for a 2017 that's not so cruel [/quote] It can't be as cruel as this year; there's hardly anyone left RIP Rick.
  7. I'd plump for a DHA VT1 DI every time. I don't turn mine off. ever. http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page54.html Mine goes into a super clean SWR head that's got ridiculous amounts of tone shaping, but no 'grit'.
  8. we do a few Maiden numbers - Hallowed be thy name, 22 Acacia avenue, and the Trooper - they always go down really well and we enjoy doing them too. Win/win.
  9. I seem to remember being told that 'arry has a ridiculously light touch and just tickles them.
  10. Why does BC not have a 'LIKE' button already?!? Beautiful track Fabrocker; love it.
  11. [quote name='samhay' timestamp='1482256818' post='3198999'] The rub is that your preamp almost certainly won't use 250k tone pots (looks like 50k or 100k), so you will lose some range (brighter settings) as finding dual gang pots with 2 different resistances is not easy. [/quote] It's fairly easy to make one, buy a dual ganged pot of one of the values and a single gang pot with the other. Take the back off both pots and replace the carbon trail on ONE of the dual gang wipers with the second value (from the single pot) and reassemble. You'll need a flat blade to prise the clasps off the back and some pliers to refasten them, but other than that it's fairly easy. 😄
  12. Pocket Rockit has a dedicated line input that's kept separate from the bass input, so no more impedance loading. https://pocket-rockit.myshopify.com/collections/pocket-rockit Or a small mixer, but that's more weight to carry - Pocket Rockit will fit in your bass case.
  13. Stu Hamm. Amazingly technical player, and a really impressive list of artists in his back catalogue, but his tone just doesn't sound like a bass to my ears. Same applies to Victor Wooten. Chuck Rainey's in there too, but only when he's playing with Steely Dan. I struggle to think of a more contrived, FM friendly, soulless outfit.
  14. I put Dunlop flats on my fretless (45 to 105) and they're great. The tension isn't massively different, so I can still play fast funk grooves without undue fatigue. They're not massively dull either, so I can still get quite a bit of 'zing' when I really dig in.
  15. Sounds like there's some overdrive in there too. If you want scooped mids and some dirt then a Sansamp will fitbthr bill. If you fancy doing it forca bit less money then z Behringer BDI-21 will do it all for significantly less
  16. Motörhead by Motörhead was the first one that sprang to mind, but alas, I was beaten to the punch. Instead I'll nominate Miles Davis for his cryptic self-referencing on the Live-Evil album. Track 1 is called 'Sivad' (Davis backwards), and disc 2 starts with 'Selim' (Miles backwards). Clever, those jazz musicians.
  17. Low frequency noises, shouting at approximate pitch, and bawdy sea-side humour.
  18. Blade Tetra. I'd have another one in a heartbeat; the single best Jazz I've ever played.
  19. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1434049570' post='2796324'] The search for bass fuzz can be a bit of a holy grail quest, certainly take recommendations, but you'll never truly know until you try a lot [/quote] This 🙁
  20. I reckon the almost ubiquitous use of chorus during the 80s was to mask 'tonal variation' on some recordings...
  21. Octave gets the priority, but occasionally I'll add some chorus. A little bit of valve grit for me too.
  22. I've got a Laney SP300 power amp knocking about somewhere - very solid (and loud) 2U rack mountable amp. Heavy (big old tordial transformer in there), but good.
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