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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I have no idea what any of the above means, but I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to all the folks who DO understand it, and keep the forum running. You're all lovely, lovely people.
  2. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1465428387' post='3068230'] They can give you a nasty shock even with the amp unplugged/switched off. [/quote] This - their job is to store charge until called upon to discharge it. All at once, right up your arm. Not pleasant.
  3. Crazy Horses? If ever there was a need for 2 kazoos in 'unison' that's it…
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1464814459' post='3062904'] Anybody else see the cover of Closer by Joy Division??? [/quote] No, but I stared at the figured maple for ages and I think I might be colourblind.
  5. Dunno. A quick glance at the manual reveals that the input impedance is 1MΩ, output (1/4") is 1kΩ and the balanced out (DI) is 200Ω, so I would imagine so, depends on the impedance of the DB pickup though, but I can't see it being greater than 1MΩ.
  6. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1465235104' post='3066390'] That's the same thing I've done a couple of times with different setups. You don't have any interest in finding an amp that sounds like the VT1? [/quote] Nah. Most of what I play I need the grit for, but it's nice to have a clean amp that I can 'dirty up' as opposed to a dirty amp that I can't make clean. I've tried running the VT1 into a plain old power amp too with good results.
  7. My DHA VT1 EQ is an 'always on' preamp. My SWR is really loud, but clean. 'My sound' comes from the VT1 (DI'ed sometimes), and I use the EQ on the SWR head to make corrections for the room/stage sound.
  8. Future proof? I don't think it exists in the world of computer based recording. I'm quite happily ticking away on Pro Tools 10 with an MBOX 2 on a Mac with OSX 10.8.5 Until any of the above breaks I see no need to update anything and lose functionality. If you need to update your OS for other software then I'd look at partitioning your drive/installing a second and then having a dual boot system.
  9. paul_5

    Preamp / DI?

    Yup, Dave Hall stuff has my vote too. http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page42.html This one's a simple 3 band preamp with DI out, but he also does valve drive pedals with the same options which are amazing.
  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1464975975' post='3064371'] What is the big fuss over Pino. Who is he? Blue [/quote] You're not from round these parts, are you…? Seriously though, he's an amazing bassist hailing from Wales in the UK. His fretless playing on Paul Young records from the 1980s is simply sublime. If that was the only thing he'd done then he would still deserve the accolades he gets, but the truth is, he's a very, very talented session player and has toured and recorded with The Who, Paul Simon, John Mayer, NIN etc...
  11. Gah, there's nothing worse than mass semiconductor loss. You have my condolences.
  12. No, but I wish I did. I've been getting away with a square wave trem (Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird clone) and a cheap Wah pedal, but the Seek Wah is a triumph of modern engineering!
  13. I ran one of these up and down the country for a couple of years - brilliant piece of kit. Built for the rigours of the road and a great sounding 'single cab' solution too. GLWTS
  14. I'd still play. I love music, and my chosen outlet for that is the bass guitar. That said, it's loads more fun if you can find like-minded idiots to do it with; that's when it's at its best. I'd consider myself as secret option 'c' - musician.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464706163' post='3061617'] Yes, and don't have the bass and treble up full or you will lose your mids. For more mids back off the bass and treble. The unit works best (for me at least) with quite subtle settings. Just having the thing in the signal path makes a big difference. [/quote] Yup, especially as the 2 band EQ is applied to the clean signal as well as the dirty signal, so if you crank the bass and treble then ALL of your mids disappear, not just the overdriven part of it.
  16. Yup. The blend control is your best friend, but they perform brilliantly as DI boxes for live or recording work.
  17. After shielding cavities I like to run a length of insulation tape around the pots to ensure that there aren't any shorts. It's very easy to turn a loose pot halfway through a gig and lose all output...
  18. "Buy cheap, buy twice" as my old gaffer used to say.
  19. I'd like to be able to wire my MOTU 2408 to my iMac via firewire, but the 2408 needs a PCI card, which I can't fit inside the iMac. Does anybody know how if there's such a thing as an external PCI to firewire converter so that I can plug them together. I'm using the MOTU in conjunction with an old Tascam Digital desk, so all of the connectors are on TDIF and wired to the MOTU - currently into a PC with Cubase. Moing to Logic on Mac dictates the move.
  20. My Envelope Filter works better after my compressor, but it's only set to tickle off the peaks; -2 or 3dB at the most.
  21. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I made a TS808 that had been modified to include the Timmy tone circuitry: [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Ibanez%20TS808%20with%20Timmy%20Tone%20Control_zps6mcnj3mb.png.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/Ibanez%20TS808%20with%20Timmy%20Tone%20Control_zps6mcnj3mb.png[/IMG][/URL] The 47nf (lower left quadrant) is the one to increase to 1uf for much better bass response. The 51kΩ (top left Quadrant) governs the minimum amount of gain - reduce this value to tame the drive circuit)
  22. Straight. 2 Jazz basses (and an SG sixer) and I use straight jacks all the time.
  23. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    http://revolutiondeux.blogspot.co.uk/2008/05/wanna-build-timmy-overdrive.html It's designed by a guy called Paul Cochrane.
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