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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1463670397' post='3053263'] BB Preamp-a-like? [/quote] Kind of. The BB has an active 2 band Baxandall EQ after the gain stage (which is suspiciously similar to the Tube Screamer…) - the Timmy EQ is a cut only EQ, so it's only 1 opamp (JRC4558) in the pedal. The bass cut is before the drive section and the treble cut is after it.
  2. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Just finished putting together a modified Tube Screamer with a 2 band EQ instead of the tone control. It does magical things to the DHA tube overdrive unit. Very happy with it.
  3. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1463609788' post='3052876'] Wot - this thread's really about a long-term schism within the Tory party culminating in a power-struggle between a pair of loathsome, (allegedly) pig-molesting public-school toffs? Jon. [/quote] Can be if you like; this is Basschat after all…
  4. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' timestamp='1463513804' post='3052028'] Thanks man that make sense . So is creating aliases efficient? [/quote] If you're moving folders that are essential to OSX you might be better off using a symlink instead of an alias http://www.scrubly.com/blog/how-to-mac/move-system-folders-another-drive-mac/ but it sounds like you just want to move the Logic app and its associated plugins and resources. Not sure how well that would pan out.
  5. These are the best sort of gigs. if you're on eye level it's great to wander into the crowd and shout the lyrics at/with them too; that always goes down well.
  6. I'm tempted to go for flats on my 'Rock bass'. They take a real pounding and the rundwounds I usually use don't seem to last two minutes. We drop tune everything by a semitone (tuning is Eb, Ab, Db, Gb) which I reckon would alleviate some of the stiffness of flats. Anybody got any experience of this?
  7. You could probably have done it with electrician's tape over the pole pieces (after removing the cases) then screw the covers back on. Glad you got it sorted though.
  8. Japanese Customs? Bowing and being polite. Sorry.
  9. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1463270111' post='3050126'] Also, ever noticed that an awful lot of pro players with road crew still favour heavy valve/ big cab rigs? Just sayin.... [/quote] I would do too if someone else was carrying it for me; mostly for the novelty value.
  10. Dunlops for me - not the 'washer' type ones, but the metal ones that fit on your strap and bass. For some bands I don't really 'need' them, as I'm the 'quiet one at the back', but others I'm jumping around like a loon. I just stick 'em on all of my basses just in case. Works for me, and I don't like Grolsch
  11. The Zoom B3 gets a lot of love around these parts. https://www.zoom-na.com/products/guitar-bass-effects/bass/zoom-b3-bass-effects-amp-simulator-pedal
  12. I prefer to practice this one with the fuzz pedal on - reason being it amplifies every single noise, so it's the best indicator if I'm hitting anything I shouldn't be. Also it sounds awesome!
  13. Just remembered I used to have the Behringer SYB-5 clone. I actually preferred it to the Boss one, as the Boss pedal (when used in 'hold' mode) has a filter sweep that you can't turn off, and at the time I just wanted a simple drone. Behringer 1 Boss 0
  14. I'd second the DHA preamp/DI, but at nearly £170 it's a lot to pay for something that you're just going to use at the kitchen table. The Zoom is a much more wallet friendly solution, got lots of effects to [s]play about with[/s] experiment creatively with too...
  15. I've got mild tinitus and always wear plugs whether I'm watching, playing in or rehearsing with bands. Your ears don't discriminate what kind of noise they get damaged by; a loud rehearsal is just as bad as a loud gig. As for specific frequencies I couldn't really say, but realistically if you're struggling to hold a conversation over the level of volume in the room then you should consider hearing protection.
  16. Does he help shift your kit? I was initially inclined to say you should help with load in and out, but if he's a professional, then realistically he shouldn't expect free work out of you guys. Actually it's not free work is it? You're paying him for the privilege of doing one of his roles.
  17. Nice to know, I get down that way quite often. I'll have to swing by.
  18. Have you got any way to measure the resistance of the P pup? Stick a multimeter across the output wires, then see which one is closest.
  19. 16 over the past 4 or 5 bands. None in the current outfit.
  20. Really useful boxes these; it's an octaver, envelope filter and distortion unit - also an analogue synth Think of it as a multi FX unit without a memory!
  21. Yup, the BDI21 is a brilliant piece of kit. Loads of players on here have them either as a back up or as a main pedal.
  22. Love it. Very much looking forward to their next album. I came to Radiohead around the time of OK Computer and have ben hooked since. Some of the albums since then have taken a bit more investigating than others, but i really enjoy the fact that every album holds new surprises.
  23. The E and A strings are 0.005" thicker on the RB45 too; standard RS66 are 0.100" and 0.080" on the E and A strings, and the RB are 0.105" and 0.085". My preferred gauge, and cheaper too!
  24. I've had great customer service from Roto in the past too - all-round good eggs!
  25. True - it's amazing the number of students of a similar age I've seen walk in to a lesson and pull out some amazing riffs and chops. Turns out nobody had told them it was supposed to be difficult!
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