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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I've built a couple of WM clones (cost less than a tenner each time) and I loved playing with them at home, but just not obnoxious enough for my live sound - the fuzz is a bit too 'polite' for my liking. There's no accounting for taste though.
  2. I just started to learn jazz guitar last year, at the tender age of 40. I'm absolutely loving it, and it's given me a deeper understanding of jazz bass playing too, so it's a win/win situation. Once you get basic (moveable) chord shapes under your fingers then you can literally play anything. I sight-read my way through 2 jazz standards the other night - something that was unthinkable last month. I'm on a Vintage (brand, not age) SG copy with flat wound 10s, which make bending a bit difficult due to the tension, but as a 'second' instrument I don't want to be shelling out to restring it every couple of weeks. As for choice of guitar, I have recurring tendonitis in my fretting hand, so had to be careful about neck profile etc… I really wanted to play a Telecaster (who would't?) but the neck profiles were a bit too thin for me to comfortably play for any length of time; also the slightly shorter scale-length of Gibson-style guitars made more sense too. 34 is nothing. Music is everything.
  3. I thought it was something that was mathematically quantifiable: Period of Bass Ownership is inversely proportional to Cost of Bass, or something similar.
  4. I remember watching that a long time ago. I think I enjoyed it.
  5. I used to thunk Floyd Rose terms were the pinnacle of guitar engineering. Then I saw a Kahler unit on a G&L. THAT is something special.
  6. I've always found that I prefer the sound of fretless J basses (or any bass with two pickups) to those with a single pickup. Apart from Musicman basses. Maybe it's just P basses…
  7. Absolutely gutted - awful news.
  8. https://youtu.be/yirMSLeV3f0 Jazz with flats. Granted, it's no national anthem…
  9. Love 'em. I've got 2 basses, both of which are 'bits' basses. They cost me less than £100 each and play brilliantly (as far as I'm concerned). I know that if I sold them (not that I ever would) I'd struggle to make half of that back, but that's not why I made them. There are many like them, but these 2 are mine.
  10. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Built myself a TS808 clone recently. Replaced the 47nf cap that sets the minimum frequency to the feedback loop with a 470nf. Instead of cutting everything below 734Hz it now goes down to 74Hz. Lovely little pedal! It's got a bit more gain than I need, so I'll probably replace the 500kΩ Drive pot for something a bit smaller so that I've got more control over the rate of change.
  11. First one was better. Well, it [i]started[/i] better...
  12. Yes. My VT1-EQ is on all of the time - if I need less drive then I just back off on my (agricultural) right hand technique. Nice to know that if I need a particular note or phrase to be dirty then I can just dig in again and "oof, there it is"! Like many have said - in a full band mix a bit of dirt goes a LONG way.
  13. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1460543222' post='3026597'] Btw, whatever happened in the Coldplay/ joe satriani case? [/quote] A series of mistrials, due to acute narcolepsy rendered the lawsuit unmanageable.
  14. Looks like a Charvel copy. Nice though.
  15. Great vids Happy Jack. I'm at the tail end of physiotherapy for poor posture combined with a heavy bass and fast playing. I gave the exercises a once-overthis afternoon and have just done an hour of playing which seemed a little easier than usual. Will persevere with the technique.
  16. [quote name='adamg67' timestamp='1458562737' post='3008545'] If you fancy the "real thing" you can't go wrong with DHA preamps and ODs, very good and amazing customer service: [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page8.html"]http://www.davehalla...o.uk/page8.html[/url] [/quote] Wouldn't know about the customer device - I've never needed it. DHA stuff is the absolute BALLS! I've been through lots of very nice gear in my search for the ultimate bass O/D tone (Sansamps, Aguilar etc…) and finally settled on the Dave Hall VT1-DI-EQ. It's my personal bass panacea.
  17. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1459503411' post='3017125'] Went to a jam session last night and there were THREE saxophonists there queuing up to play all over someone else's solo or step in at a particularly inappropriate moment. They didn't disappoint [/quote] Yowza! You stayed until the end of the 2nd?!?
  18. If I had an out of control guitarist AND an out of control saxophonist then I'd be out of the band. Another member of the 'Life's too short' club.
  19. I've got nothing but good things to say about Watford Valves - they've been able to recommend (and provide) everything I've ever needed valve wise for years. Getting hold of quality valves is one thing; having them installed and properly biased is another matter entirely - best get a qualified tech to do that bit.
  20. I absolutely love playing with my 'regular' band, but also do dep work, so that gives me a broad range of styles to work with. I sometimes get the hankering for something different, but I have projects on the go on my macbook, so that I can vent my creative outlet. I'm yet to finish anything, but sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination.
  21. £400 - £500 to compete with the guitarist's ego? I reckon you'll be able to get someone who'll make it look like an accident for that.
  22. Either he goes or you should. Unless he is Seth Lakeman, in which case I'd still do the gig, but keep my name off any promo stuff for damage limitation.
  23. Nice that, reminds me of Primus doing 'Tippi Toes' in places. Good find.
  24. Be useful if you can drive the valve for a bit of dirt. The LH preamps in ever used to let me do this.
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