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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. This is pretty cool, might be a bit fast, but it sounds ACE. https://youtu.be/Ux9405qQzao Oh, and it also sounds more like a flanger than a phaser, so I'm probably not helping….
  2. As a bassist I'd try to sneak Led Zeppelin's 'The Lemon Song' into the set.
  3. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1456398456' post='2988523'] The trouble with the p45 is the loss of volume. Mine gives a definite volume drop once engaged. My evh p90 doesn't lose any low, but won't do the edgy bit [/quote] Yeah, I seem to remember 'upping' a resistor at the output stage to bring it up to unity volume. Lovely phaser though.
  4. MXR phase 45 - won't do dirty, but there's certainly no loss of low end. The phase 90s are good too, but a bit more 'full on' than the 45s (double the number of phase stages), you might need to blend two signals to get the sound though - one for each effect; that's often done on studio recordings
  5. I've got a chorus on my board, but I have an aversion to using it when I play fretless - I don't think twice about it when I'm playing a fretted bass, but there's something that makes me want to avoid using it on the fretless. I think it's called 'taste'.
  6. East pres are AMAZEBALLS - just whack one in your bass and you'll never look back.
  7. I'd echo the advice for a good physiotherapist - mine pretty much saved my playing career.
  8. Carl Kaye's books taught me more than anybody else's. I'm grateful for her taking the time to write them. I'd quite happily let her kick my arse - hell, I'd lend her my shoes!
  9. Is that John Sykes on guitar as well?
  10. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    yup. I don't box stuff up (or even wire the switch) until I know the build is sound.
  11. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1455802081' post='2982554'] Sounds good to me. But I'm sure someone will point out that my bass isn't a piano. [/quote] I shouldn't worry; it's a bass - nobody will notice
  12. Lemon oil over here too. Not for pancakes though (trust me on this).
  13. I've taken pots apart before now, and 9 times out of 10 any repair work is very short-lived. The only time I'd recommend it is making up your own dual-ganged pots, where you need two different values/tapers on the same shaft. Buy some high quality pots and replace the old ones. Personally, I'd rather have a functional bass than be simply holding it for the next buyer.
  14. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1455806172' post='2982604'] 500mA is very little for a pedalboard, i can remember a couple of pedals that take all those amps on its own. [/quote] This. Digital pedals (you've got a couple on there) tend to draw more current than analogue ones.
  15. America loves the Beatles for the same reason as everyone else - because they were innovative pioneers of modern music (well, they knew a bloke who was)...
  16. I'd give them their marching orders fairly pronto - any band is only ever as good as its weakest member. Unless he's getting all the bookings/has his own fan club of thousands who regularly turn up to gigs and drink the place dry/etc...
  17. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1455749397' post='2982185'] Aha ! I'll give that a whirl [/quote] Smaller caps will deliver less gain, so you might want to socket and find a value that works for you.
  18. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1453827039' post='2963193'] One thought - how does one increase the gain of a JFET boost like the Stratoblaster ? [/quote] Run a capacitor (4.7uf or 10uf) in parallel with the resistor that goes froSource to Groung - that'll get you more gain. Obviously that sort of value will most likely be an electrolytic ! Polarised cap,so make sure that the cathode goes to ground, and Bob's your Mother's brother.
  19. A compressor will help to even the notes out (if you're changing between fingerstyle and slapping), but other than that a lot of it is down to left hand muting. Practice, practice, practice
  20. Earthquaker Devices 'The Warden' is a great optical pedal - tone control too. Not that you need another option….
  21. Nice example of an early unit there - this one is my absolute favourite 'squelch box'. GLWTS
  22. 7/10, so probably some sort of isotope.
  23. There's an acoustic night at the Hark To Towler in Tottington tonight. Don't think I'll be able to go, but they're a friendly bunch.
  24. I went for years without ever touching the tone control on my passive Jazzes, but just recently I've been exploring different sounds from the bass - Tone rolled all the way off, and just the neck pickup for reggae/dub numbers, and then tone at about 60% and just the neck pickup for a P bass sound-a-like. I changed the value of the capacitor when I rewired it a while ago and forgot what I replaced it with - the cut-off frequency is a little bit higher than the 'stock' sound though, so even when it's at minimum I still get a little bit of extra definition.
  25. I'm just down the road in Ramsbottom, but there's a couple of folks on here in Bolton.
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