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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Turn up, tune up, shut up. And don't be a dick.
  2. I swear by Waves RBass®. Really fattens everything up.
  3. Blade 5 string through an Ampeg SVP-PRO and Ampeg power amp into a Hartke Hydrive 410. Sounded AMAZEBALLS. Weighed the same as a whale calf.
  4. Dunno, I teach a bit and students are still asking for Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Hendrix stuff. I guess if a student is really excited by music, then they are prepared to dig a little to find what they like.
  5. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1452169682' post='2947178'] Au contraire - he clearly states that they're a 'composite set' - very rare, very expensive... [/quote]
  6. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452017688' post='2945603'] The best part of this restoration is that he hasn't bothered to even fit new strings. In fact, he's just chucked on whatever dead crap he could find in his parts bin. [/quote] Au contraire - he clearly states that they've a 'composite set' - very rare, very expensive...
  7. Good work there - looks amazing! Really pleased for you
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1452165239' post='2947113'] I love the look and idea of those things, but I keep wondering if they're not the Apple of amplification ... really, really cool-looking design being used to justify ludicrous prices. [/quote] they do look really, really cool, but they sound really, really good. I had the pleasure of recording through one a few years ago and it was AMAZING! No snake oil in these bad boys.
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1452019437' post='2945624'] Yes indeed I love it. Hope the bigger models will be more of the same just a few more options and the eq. [/quote] They are - I used to run a VT2-EQ and it was brilliant. Twice!
  10. Can restore this to original factory specs if needed using the original components (this would put the Aural Enhancer circuit back in the signal path).
  11. I'm another Dave Hall VT1 user; I've tried the Aguilar Tone Hammer, Sansamps, Xotic BB preamp, and a good few others besides. The only one I kept was the VT1 EQ, it's just more flexible than the others and sounds better (in my opinion).
  12. A good octaver? They're always useful.
  13. 2 - fretted Jazz, fretless Jazz. "I've never needed more"
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1451938678' post='2944855'] I went for an audition after being sent a setlist of sixteen songs. I had learned all sixteen. 'Did you get the setlist?' 'Yes, I learned all those.' 'Oh, OK ....... we only know four of them..' They really only knew three and I didn't get the job. [/quote] Lucky escape by the sounds of it...
  15. I had this - a physiotherapist acquaintance got me on her table after I described symptoms similar to yours, and deduced that the problem was between my shoulder blades - many years of poor posture had left me (quite literally) lopsided - took about 40 minutes of fairly intensive (and painful) pushing and pulling of my back, rib cage and other various bits to get me somewhere near straight again. Almost immediately I felt the benefits - it was like having a new hand! These days I'ma bit more careful what I do with my body.
  16. Dunno about cheap, but the Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird is AMAZEBALLS on bass. I had an EHX Pulsar a few years ago, that was pretty good too - significantly cheaper than a Hummingbird.
  17. None of the originals bands I've formed have ever had a 'target market'. That was the reason for forming them - I had tunes that I wanted to play and got other folks involved.
  18. My rig is super-clean; SWR SM400 into a Barefaced Compact. I use a Dave Hall VT1 DI-EQ to dirty it up a bit. I find that I'm often using more than I thought I would in the mix.
  19. Sad news, but not unexpected. RIP Lemmy.
  20. Slander are playing the Red Lion in Hindley on 16th January - should be a good do, as we'll still be in the party spirit by then (it takes a while to wear off)
  21. I looked very seriously at an SVT 7 pro a while back, but decided not to spring for it after hearing a few horror stories. Shame really, because on paper it looks amazing!
  22. given a choice between these two I'd plump for hair metal. I just can't get on with 'pig giving birth' vocals.
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