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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1450949512' post='2937230'] Mötley Crüe / wrathchild / poison etc [/quote] [shudders]
  2. paul_5

    Pedal preamps?

    DHA VT1 DI EQ. I've tried Sansamps, MXRs, Aguilars and kept coming back to the Dave Hall - if you want the sound of a valve being driven hard, then get a valve and drive it hard!
  3. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1450873998' post='2936600'] As far as I'm aware he plays it on a fretless. That could be a large factor. [/quote] Yup, a 6 string fretless.
  4. I grew up playing praise/worship bass - it was my main gig for roughly 10 years. it taught me to listen and be sensitive to the song, which has been invaluable on numerous gigs since. I stopped doing it because I kept encountering xenophobia (borderline racism in some instances) and homophobia and bigotry.
  5. Felicitations of the season to all and sundry. Don't forget to keep yer chops up!
  6. Depends - some DI boxes expect a -10dB input, some can be switched to between this and a +4dB. Do you have a particular DI box in mind?
  7. Generally what I'd like to know from potential bandmates is "how long do you practice for individually in-between rehearsals?" that gives me a good indication of how committed everyone else is, and how seriously they take the project. Another way to phrase this would be "how much time should I put in/do you expect of me between rehearsals?"
  8. Check the impedance and the signal level; some FX loops are line level (+4dB) whilst others are Mic level (-10dB). Have a look in the manual of your amp and see what the specs are.
  9. And then of course, there's 'Behind the Sun' by RHCP. Flawless execution as always. https://youtu.be/gsC9KwiknTs
  10. I had a 5 string one of those many moons ago - and loved it. Loads of bass for the money.
  11. [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1450703266' post='2934964'] Maybe the old fashioned methods of positive reinforcement are still the best. [/quote] True, but a big stick with nails in is LOADS more fun!
  12. Moustachioed guitar legend 'Carlos Santana' only changed his name from 'Carlos Santa' to allow him to work all year round.
  13. Is your amp close to a wall? That can cause boominess
  14. I try to run the band's entire repertoire a couple of times a week - don't always make it, but I usually get through 80% of our stuff. The rest of the time I'm playing jazz/funk stuff for my own entertainment and enjoyment - it helps to keep my chops up too, and helps me keep on top of my 'ear' playing. In answer to the OP it;s about a 50/50 split. It doesn't matter that I'll probably never gig the jazz/funk stuff, I enjoy it and it's good to keep things interesting.
  15. My guitar (6 string) is a 'Vintage' SG in translucent red finish - superb instrument for the money (my brother bought it 2nd hand for less than a ton). Took a bit of setting up, but now plays at least as well as the genuine Gibson SGs I've played.
  16. I've just put some D'Addario flatwounds on my SG and they're superb! I went for 10s, as I was already set up for this gauge, and am very happy. They're really high tension (compared to my usual D'Addario XL10s), but the sound is superb. I tend to just play Jazz, and riff based prog rock (think TOOL etc…), so the issue about bending high tension strings isn't really an issue for me.
  17. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1449872633' post='2927752'] I've bought a few albums this year - none of which were released this year. The closest is Primus' 'Wonka' album, and that was October 2014. [/quote] Sorry, I forgot I'd bought 'Sol Invictus' by Faith No More. Very good it is too.
  18. I played guitar and keyboards in my teens, but couldn't figure out what was missing from the music I was playing and writing. Then, on the recommendation of a friend I bought [i]A Show of Hands[/i] by Rush and heard the bass break on the final track (side 4 if, like me, you had it on vinyl) - Closer to the heart. BOOM A week later I bought a bass and have played it ever since.
  19. I'm a big fan of "fairytale of New York" and a couple of the others. I was looking on the iTunes store earlier today with a view to buying the 'Now that's what I call christmas" compilation album, when I noticed it had some bad reviews - apparently folks bought the album last year and have had it deleted from their iTunes accounts as it has been re-issued (with exactly the same track listing), and there's no Cliff on there either. So ultimately, if there want to revel in the capitalist anthems of the season then they'll have to buy it again. Humbug. We'll decorate the tree to 'Bitches Brew' again this year.
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