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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I played in a 'boys' night out' band a couple of years ago (except that one of them was a girl). lasted 2 'rehearsals' and left. The 'singer' wasn't there for the first, and I had a good time jamming with the other band members, but when the singer turned up with a sextet of ales, and proceeded to consume them during the rehearsal, I knew that the band wasn't for me. Nothing against the others though, they were good players and we had a laugh, but I'm not into that sort of band.
  2. EHX will be using lead free solder in order to comply with regulations about hazardous substances (ROHS) - this melts at a higher temperature than good old 60/40 (lead and tin solder). You could try adding a fresh dab of solder to the joints, this can encourage the old solder to melt a bit sooner than it would with just an iron.
  3. Definitely don't need one. Probably can't afford one. Still want one!
  4. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1448876583' post='2918694'] Can I ask what sort of music (other than GnR tributes) you guys are using Chorus on? Any examples? [/quote] I use mine for the quiet arpeggio bit in Iron Maiden's [i]22 Accacia Avenue[/i], that's about it for live stuff. I use it more when I'm playing at home (mostly on fretless), but it's nice to have it on the board just in case something pops up on a dep gig.
  5. Nah. Did it last year, but don't think we'll do it again.
  6. I use mine a lot for the metal band, but for other stuff (swing/jazz gigs) it's just a lead and an amp. Horses for courses really.
  7. I heard they tried to produce soft drinks too, but people found them too fizzy...
  8. R.E.M. in the mid 90s - could have gone but didn't. Monster Tour, I think.
  9. Dogshit. No monitoring on stage, just a mush.
  10. Gangnam Style has nearly 2.5 billion views. Apparently YouTube had to change their 'views' counter to accommodate this. Who knew?
  11. I think we need to combine our cabs, itsmedunc, then we can BOTH experience the combination. Second thoughts, that sounds a bit GAS inducing...
  12. I'd pair my Compact with another Compact given half a chance! Brilliant cabs.
  13. I've had the Aguilar, EBS, EHX Octave Multiplexer and a couple of OC2s. The SOUND of the OC2 is the best of the bunch AFAIK, but Aggie tracked a little better.
  14. Been going through some 80s lines this week and found another gem - ' The Cure's Fascination Street'. Great baseline and an awesome tone. https://youtu.be/7ZsQdLlvuk4
  15. I've never had any problems running my SG through an SWR head into a closed-back 1x12". Oh, and a Boss DS-1 helps...
  16. I thought that when I was listening to it - Joe can't be doing that live, can he? Yowza!
  17. Sounds like a synth to me - they're not perfectly in unison throughout, and the 'other' sound pokes out a little bit.
  18. EHX Small clone - one of the big ones.
  19. I like the idea of a set of strings that are 'fresh on' and not too bright, but I want that tone to last longer than normal roundwounds. Would I be better off with Elixirs I wonder?
  20. DPDT Switch has pins arranged like this: 1 3 5 2 4 6 positive from power input to lug 3, negative to lug 4. wire the positive input of the lamp to lug 1, wire the negative input of the lamp to lug 2. As long as you don't mix the positive and negative up you're golden. It would work just as well with lug 5 and 6 to the lamp. It doesn't matter that the other side of the switch isn't connected - if there's not a complete circuit then there's nowhere for the electrickery to go, so it won't go anywhere. Be aware though that wiring lamps on the same ring as audio stuff could introduce noise to your bass rig...
  21. Your biggest issue will be the latency on the I/O device. If they can provide a real time foot controller then you're golden. Try it, you might like it.
  22. Anybody tried the Rotosound 55 bass string. Usually I'm a round wound 45 - 105 guy on my basses - I have a n 'agricultural' right hand technique and wondered whether these would last longer than normal rounds, or would they just give me a different, more 'middly' sound?
  23. Hi all. We had a gig last week where the guitarist's digital pedalboard (Zoom G5) created massive amounts of noise, and I found later that the stage lights were on the same ring. No one else's kit suffered the same fate (2x valve guitar heads, analogue pedalboards and my bass head were all fine), so I'm wondering whether a power conditioner would help avoid this particular problem in the future. Any advice?
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