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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Charles Mingus & Danny Richmond and Sting & Stewart Copeland. Also Cliff Williams and Phil Rudd - simple lines, but unshakeably solid.
  2. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1445625684' post='2892996'] Here goes.... Scoundrel Days by A-ha. It's probably personal, but the first time it I heard it I was in Norway (Bergen). Admittedly a bit twiddly-diddly pop in places but the songs are great with beautiful lyrics. [/quote] I [i]love[/i] A-HA, got their first two albums on cassette somewhere. Bought them when they first came out and have been listening to them ever since, on and off. Good call Sir!
  3. Nice. I kind of miss my old VT2 pedal, 'twas an amazing piece of kit. A rack mounted one would make a lot of sense, since I never turn it off!
  4. Were you miking the cab at the same time? If so then you might have had a phasing issue between the two signals, which would account for the anaemic tone. I tend to use a 'low end enhancer' plugin with studio work (Waves RBass), which I never need live. Horses for courses.
  5. We generally play loud because it can be fun to spread your wings every once in a while. I play loud to keep up with a guitarist who plays through a JCM800 half-stack.
  6. Not exactly sure about what constitutes a 'Super Band', but Hooky's playing on Joy Division's [i]Unknown Pleasures[/i] is cringeworthy in places.
  7. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1445353534' post='2890838'] Just buy the albums Si [/quote] This. They'll sound much better, and you're not reliant on someone else's equipment. Also the artist gets a better cut of the royalty.
  8. Can I just add Flea's stellar performance on 'Naked in the rain' into the mix? [url="https://youtu.be/OY1ufFfo3tw"]https://youtu.be/OY1ufFfo3tw[/url] Top marks all round!
  9. I really rate D'Addarios - the .045 to .105 roundwounds do it for me. I rate them over the Rotosounds because of the extra 0.005" on the 'A' string. I play that one a LOT.
  10. 'Horse with no name' is Dm - C(6/9)/E, so maybe it's a 2-5-1 without the 5. Our guitarist used to try to play it Dm - Em, but I had to rein him in.
  11. If I'm using the pedalboard I'll use my DHA VT1 DI EQ, but if it's a 'bass only' practice session then I use a cheap Pocket Rock-it plug on thing. I've got a Chord thingy for guitar too (almost identical to the Pocket Rock-it) that doesn't sound as good on the bass, but will do for guitar practice.
  12. I'm in full agreement; more knobs than strings? I'm out.
  13. Never owned one, but I've played a couple. In my opinion they really *do* live up to the hype. Just wish I could afford to buy one. Realistically if I had £3k spare I'd get a new car - unless I had a massive tax bill and needed to make some of it disappear….
  14. Done. I realise I';m probably not your target market, as I make my pedals at home, but hopefully I;ve been able to help.
  15. Depends what it is. If it's old, and with real components (not miniscule surface mount stuff) it could be a great place to start tinkering and modding effects.
  16. I once used my guitarist's volume pedal. I thought it was brilliant - he was less pleased...
  17. Once you've checked for 'furrows' on the board, it's the same as any other bass - check that the neck is straight, and that the truss rod adjustment and bridge saddles work - setup on a fretless is critical if you're after the 'mwah'. Let's face it, who isn't?
  18. Rotosound 55s? https://youtu.be/j9E4K54kV0Y
  19. FWIW I'd recommend desoldering the old switch from the board whilst it's still screwed onto the case. Use a desoldering tool, or similar to get the majority of the solder off first, then undo the nuts holding the switch to the case - saves wobbling the ribbon cable about too much when removing the old one. Soldering it back in I'd look at doing this in reverse - screw the new switch in place (making sure that the lugs of the new switch line up with the holes on the daughterboard, then solder the new one in.
  20. If it's got 6 lugs then it's a DPDT (2x3), a 3PDT would have 9 lugs. You *can* get a DPDT footswitch from Maplin, but they're cheaper (and better quality) from places like pedal parts: [url="http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Alpha_DPDT_Footswitch_-_Latching/p847124_14395207.aspx"]http://shop.pedalpar...4_14395207.aspx[/url] or doctortweek, (his site's been down for a while though). Ideally I'd go for the 'Alpha' brand, or what are known as Taiwan Blue, as they're much better quality than the 99p eBay specials. Whichever one you go for make sure it's a latching switch, otherwise you'll have to keep your foot on it all the time!
  21. I don't use my big rig at home - it's all headphones until band rehearsal and gigs.
  22. Should be a standard DPDT (double throw, double pole) or 3PDT (triple pole, double throw) if I remember - it's been a while since I fixed any EHX stuff. It's probably soldered to its own daughter-board, then connected to the main board by ribbon cable, so you'll have to be careful when moving it about. Could you take the back off and post a photograph on here?
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