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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. In the car it's mostly Radio 4, but at home it's always focussed, critical listening. I spend roughly an hour most nights through high quality headphones listening to any music I feel like. Why would anyone [i]not[/i] listen to music, it's f***ing brilliant!
  2. 2 gigs this weekend. 1st one was with Slander in Lancaster - I was a bit off, but we did alright 2nd one (4 hours ago) was playing for a Karaoke band at the Ramsbotom Festival - we went down well, but there were a few 'curveballs' in the set, meaning I messed up a couple of bits. Not happy with this weekend's performances.
  3. I've often contemplated moving to a lightweight rig (I even went Barefaced® this year), but haven't found anything that [i]feels[/i] as good as a big, half-ton head. I've played through TC stuff, OBTs etc… but nothing has really had that 'wow' factor. My wife would like me to have a smaller amp, but ultimately sound is king. To quote Joe Meek "if it sounds right, it IS right"
  4. [quote name='derrenleepoole' timestamp='1291215631' post='1043877'] If it hasn't been mentioned already, you can get a Realbook on the iPod, called iRealbook I think (imaginative I know . It's a very useful and handy little app to have in your pocket if all you need is a quick glance at the charts of jazz tunes etc. The app will also transcribe the charts to different keys too. PS... I think it works on Android phones as well, not just iPod. [/quote] It runs on my macbook pro too. Happy days!
  5. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1441894331' post='2862729'] Anything by Flanders and Swann. [/quote] Also anything from Frank Sidebottom's impressive repertoire.
  6. 'Tom Sawyer' & 'Distant early Warning' - Rush 'Overkill' & 'Stone Dead Forever'- Motörhead. Our drummer has just about nailed Overkill, so I'm hoping to get it into the set fairly soon…
  7. Looks like a triumphant return in St. Louis last night. Good news all round.
  8. Nice! The mirrored scratch plate looks great against the grilles and aluminium of the Hartkes.
  9. Got to be 'branded', quilted toilet paper too. Cheap loo roll just doesn't cut the mustard. Or actually, it….. does….
  10. These are superb, the mids mod really open them up. GLWTS
  11. I had one of these many moons ago and LOVED it. Traded it in for a 5 string Hohner B Bass V (with a headstock this time) that was equally as good. VERY playable basses.
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441290448' post='2857618'] Who says it isn't up to the job? It's not about the drill, If you can get a job done with it, that's what matters, is it not? [/quote] Fair point, but a professional would be expecting hundreds, if not thousands of jobs out of it. Same with bass gear. If you're touring then the last thing you need is for your gear to crap-out halfway through, with no way to repair or replace it.
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1441345111' post='2858049'] I had a Motorhead fest yesterday and revisited Overkill and. Bomber. Fcuk me, they were loud. [/quote] I spent a while with 'No Sleep Til Hammersmith'. Superb, but still very loud!
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1441277328' post='2857423'] As long as you get the right teacher, then I'd say invaluable. It's always good to get a brush-up too every now and again. Luckily I've had good experiences with the likes of Jake Newman. [/quote] Jake is an Excellent bassist and (more importantly) an excellent teacher. The two don't always go together, which makes bad lessons a waste of time and money, and good lessons invaluable. In the last 10 years I've had one bass lesson with 'steve' of this parish which was equally as good. I went in with a specific objective in mind (improving my walking) that wasn't going to be solved in just one lesson, but he opened new doors to my playing that I'd not considered before. Waste of money? Categorically no.
  15. I discovered Bruce's playing late on in my bass journey, and instantly loved it. What a sound!
  16. Well, I bit the bullet and sprang for the Stompbox 1G - not bad at all. I've just played through some of the presets and they don't seem half bad. Might have to try it in a mix with some of my projects later this week. Less than 50 notes from GAK.
  17. It pains me to say this, but perhaps Lemmy isn't as indestructible as we all wish he was. Get well soon Lemmy.
  18. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1441030394' post='2855471'] My submission: Carter USMs 101 Damnations. [/quote] I was only thinking about this album the other day. I really must dig it out now...
  19. Dunno, I'm not willing to take the risk though...
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