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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1438890484' post='2838508'] And if you're lucky enough to find someone who can actually keep time, it's always on the first and third beat [/quote] Nothing, and I mean *nothing* irritates me more than the 'clap on beats 1 & 3' brigade. Have they no soul?
  2. Yeah, FWIW I really rate "Sgt Pepper's". Got it on CD and Vinyl - for special nights-in with a glass of Single Malt.
  3. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1438883583' post='2838425'] Cream apparently didn't think they were very good either...they didn't think the Stones were any good at all though [/quote] Depends which one they asked - Clapton and Bruce might have given you a carefully considered response. Baker, on the other hand hates EVERYTHING!!!
  4. Singer don't turn up to rehearsals? Bass player don't turn up to gig. Here endeth the lesson.
  5. Sure, why not. Oh, you don't mean right now....Awwwww.
  6. Got a new nut for my fretless the other day - old one was a bit worn. Is it just a case of slotting ing it and then filing the slots to the required depth, or am I missing something?
  7. I'm toying with the idea, as my metal band are at the stage where we get to play venues where it's easier to run around a bit. Both guitarists have them and to be honest, neither of them really need one, apart from the standing on their own leads thing, as they seldom move from their pedal boards. The singer and I are frankly, MUCH more mobile, and so I'm considering going down the wireless route. Not convinced though, and as the newcomer I'd have to find one that works with the existing frequencies we use.
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1438704132' post='2836559'] My mom knows someone who was on holiday. The last day she took a photo of an empty rainswept beach (yep she was holidaying in the uk ), when she got the photos printed, the empty beach was in fact occupied with lots of people all wearing old fashioned clothing. [/quote] Been there, and the same thing happened to me - it's called Skegness.
  9. Also that one where the drummer clicks and shouts "2, 3, 4". Nights like that are always good, particularly when depping. Seriously though, I once worked with a drummer who would [i]click[/i] "2, 3, 4", and the "1" was always silent, in his head to himself… threw everyone off a couple of times...
  10. Yup, once played in a hovel and by the end of the night the chap who was supposed to be paying us had disappeared. Into thin air! 'Zoiks', and most probably 'Jinkies' too.
  11. Yeah, for that price you could have a Wal. Not really my cup of tea.
  12. Have you seen the EWS Bass Mid Control? [url="https://youtu.be/K9xFtELFlVU"]https://youtu.be/K9xFtELFlVU[/url]
  13. I've had the Blowtorch and Bass Fuzz Deluxe and Bass DI/Preamp from MXR, and they left me cold. Shame really, as the other MXR bass stuff (especially the filter) is really rather good.
  14. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Good effort bobbass4k!
  15. Just received a Joyo Classic Flanger from Cosmo. Well packaged, great communications throughout. Happy days. Cheers Ben.
  16. Fretless neck and tuners from Roweley Birkin QC, Bachelor of this parish, and a Shine P/J body Needed a little 'encouragement' to marry the two together, but plays perfectly. £65 all in. [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20150626_14_48_43_Pro_zpsu5dwxgpd.jpg.html"][/url] My main fretted bass cost about the same too. No point spending mega bucks of any of my basses, given what I do to 'em live...
  17. Once I started sing "Taxman" over the Jam's "Start". Easily done m'lord...
  18. I get dehydrated very easily, and get wrist cramps when I don't drink enough water.
  19. [quote name='lobematt' timestamp='1438356021' post='2833890'] Haha because all our payments are bank transfer the week prior to the event so we don't need to chase drunk brides for money... [/quote] But that's the best bit!
  20. Y'know, it looks a LOT like a doorstop...
  21. Precision PUPs are hum bucking, which might account for some of the reduction, not sure about Ricky stuff though - we're not supposed to talk about them…
  22. paul_5

    Cancelled gig

    Thanks for the kind wishes guys, saw the quack this afternoon and it's bronchitis with a side order of sinusitis. Which is nice.
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