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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Another vote for a qualified amp tech, who'll have the right kit to safely get your amp up and running. If it's just the input socket going wobbly, then the likelihood of it releasing the magic blue smoke isn't very high; were it the speaker socket then I'd be less inclined to believe that. While it;'s in it might be worth getting a recap done, as the tolerances on old capacitors can waver over the years.
  2. Yeah I ran the 1153 with a 2103H, but it was overkill for most of the stuff I was doing. Given a choice between the 2x10 and the 1x15 I always plumped for the 1153.
  3. DHA VT1 EQ. It's my 'always on' O/D pedal. 3 band EQ (with a Q control for the mids), and a bright switch to put some 'sparkle' onto your shizzle.
  4. I gigged up and down the country for 4 years with just an old TE head and an 1153 cab - brilliant, brilliant piece of kit.
  5. paul_5

    Cancelled gig

    Just had to cancel tonight's gig with Sinnergod in sunny Blackpool due to being rendered useless thanks to a chest infection. Stupid bacteria! Very displeased with the situation.
  6. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1438210900' post='2832658'] No it was the old bloke from Steptoe and son that ruined it for me. [/quote] Dirty old man!!!
  7. Anything really. I tend to go in hard, as I'm of the 'Lozz196' school of tone, but anything really.
  8. paul_5


    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1438124978' post='2831967'] I need to try a Chord, it would surprise me if it truly nails the OC-2 if the 3Leaf Octavbre couldn't In any case, you could buy a Chord, you'll eventually just wish you had the brown pedal of joy instead though lol Si [/quote] I had one for ages and loved it. Really nailed the OC2 sound. Yes, eventually I went back to the brown pedal of joy (well, made one), but the Chord is the closest I've had to an actual OC2, despite only costing peanuts.
  9. DHA VT1 EQ with the line input and headphone socket, so a staggering 250mWatt output.
  10. Horses for courses. Their TU2 or 3 tuners are pretty much ubiquitous, and the (sadly discontinued) OC2 is one of the best pedals ever made. I don't really rate their bass stuff (CEB-3 and ODB-3 I'm looking at you), but the SD-1 and OD1 guitar pedals are brilliant.
  11. paul_5


    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1438096648' post='2831602'] Do yourself a favour and buy a Boss OC2 (not the OC3). You'll be able to find a second-hand Taiwan version for around £60 I reckon. Simple pedal, awesome octave sound, classic synth sound when you take out the direct signal. Sorted Si [/quote] /thread I've had EHX, EBS, MXR etc… octave pedals, and I always end up coming back to the humble OC2. Greatest invention of the modern age.
  12. [quote name='nash' timestamp='1437728266' post='2828500'] Similar question here, has anyone run a fuzz (swollen pickle) into a preamp/D.I pedal (MXR M80). Does it work? [/quote] Yes, all the time. my Coloursound Bass Fuzz into the Dave Hall VT1 EQ sounds awesome.
  13. A Modded FX25 does it for me - switch it to a low pass filter (reroute the output from the LM13600 chip), and change one of the silicon diodes for a Germanium one (lower forward voltage) to tweak the sensitivity and you're laughing. I do realise that not everyone wants to take things apart as much as I do. Mutrons are really nice.
  14. Mrs_5 and I share a love of tawdry 80s pop and Björk. That's about it. She don't like rock/metal/old skool hip hop/jazz/Frank Zappa/drum & bass/etc... No great surprise that we listen to a lot of Radio 4 then...
  15. Have you tried the ground lift switch by the DI out?
  16. George L user here. Nice and neat and small.
  17. I had one of these for years and absolutely loved it. Helluva bass for the money, GLWTS.
  18. The only rule you have to follows that the Line 6 receiver needs to go at the start. One thing to bear in mind, if you're using the Bass Attack as a DI to front of house/PA then anything after that won't go through it, and with the Darkglass stuff being as good as it is, that would be a real shame. I've got a similar setup (minus the delay) and it goes Bass - Tuner - Octaver - Envelope filter (these 2 are as early in the chain as possible to give them cleanest signal possible) - Fuzz pedal - Chorus - DI pedal. Whenever I've played with delay pedals I find they work best at the end, as they can still be making filthy noises even after you've knocked the dirt box off and it can cover the interim gap while you set up your next sound, be it clean or FX-laden.
  19. Hughes & kettner red box will do this, but also has a speaker simulator in the circuitry.
  20. In my younger days I used to place one after my Q-tron to tame the massive signal spikes that it would produce. I've since learned that putting the compressor before the filter makes everything more workable. who'dathunkit? Properly useful, them compressors.
  21. I was listening to Absolute 80's on DAB this evening and heard 'Christian' by China Crisis. Really enjoyed the sparse bassline. https://youtu.be/GIOOxY3ZlGw
  22. At least bands back then had some degree of originality, not like the homogenous capitalist puppets on the radio nowadays. [size=4]Mutter, [size=3]mutter, [size=2]mumble, [size=1]mumble..[/size][/size][/size][/size]
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