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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1435083682' post='2805331'] I think Wayne got married, didn't he? That might explain his reduced activity! [/quote] He'll be back when the cake's all gone and the GAS creeps back in...
  2. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1434908543' post='2803766'] It's not your band so why bother? If they like their setup then leave them be. I know I'd be peed off if a random bloke said we could improve the sound doing X, Y and Z. [/quote] I know! Rush covers ain't gonna help nobody! getting my coat...
  3. I had a 3leaf filter a while ago (groove regulator) and it was better than ANY EHX filter I've ever used (pretty much every variety of Q-tron, Bass balls etc…).
  4. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1434989635' post='2804469'] right-angled neutrik connectors and decent cable are as good as they get as far as I'm concerned. If you solder your own you know they're done right... [/quote] This. I've had the same cable for over 20 years - Neutrik and Van Damme. I use George L's though
  5. I'm at Manchester - 4th time seeing Primus. Cannae wait.
  6. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1434916530' post='2803859'] No idea..... but [url="http://www.donnerdeal.com/donnerr-alchemy-modulation-effect-guitar-pedal-16-model-true-bypass.html"]this[/url] is something similar with more effects built in for ~£30 [/quote] That's almost identical to the MUX mod core I used to have, great bits of kit at any price, even more so given that they're cheap as chips.
  7. I used a house rig once. Just the once.
  8. The Magic Roundabout and Roobarb & Custard
  9. How do you do that? I have (on average) about an hour of detailed, focussed listening every day. Tends to be late at night through good headphones. Nice.
  10. Slander played the Tap N Tumbler in Nottingham last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great crowd, really helpful venue staff and excellent sound engineer. Only downside was the 6 hr round trip. I'd definitely do it again though!
  11. Pleased to report a brilliant venue with really helpful staff, and a very competent sound engineer to boot.
  12. Somebody already has: DHA VT2 twin [url="https://youtu.be/cYpdDY3dMxo"]http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page37.html[/url] Granted, it's not got a blend, but why try to emulate tube breakup, why not just use a tube?
  13. I put 500kΩ pots on my Jazz (one single coil, one humbucker) and it's really opened up the top end. Even when I run the humbucker in 'single coil mode' it's a lovely, biting edgy sound. I like that. I fully understand that some folks might not though.
  14. NWOBHM quintet 'Slander' are heading to the Tap n' Tumbler this Friday (19th June) for an evening of dirty rock and shenanigans.
  15. Classic head! My first 'proper' head was a Series 6 TE with a GP7 pre. Loved it. Also it should be noted that when you're not using it as an amp, you can rest it on its font face and use the heatsink as a letter rack…
  16. yup, good little units those!
  17. [attachment=194320:300x300.jpg]
  18. It'll be reet - brown parcel tape usually comes unstuck by itself after a couple of years. You can either wait until that happens or use a craft knife to carefully open the box and play with the pedal. I think unless it;s been sold as 'all original packaging in excellent condition' then I'd just let it go. It's pretty frustrating though when folks don't package stuff well, especially given the number of horror stories floating around where employees of postal/courier firms have been less than diligent in the execution of their duties. As long as the pedal's fine then I'd just leave it.
  19. Very sad news. 'The Shape of Jazz to Come' gets a lot of play around these parts. When everyone else is asleep that is, I realise it's not to everyone's tastes…
  20. My main gigging bass for years (and years) was B Bass V (5 string version of this) and it was a real hum-dinger of an instrument. Neck-through construction and a lovely active EQ circuit with nice, narrow string spacing. If I could justify the purchase of another bass then this would already have gone by now.
  21. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1434200958' post='2797573'] Modern clones: [url="http://sfxsound.co.uk/microfuzz/"]http://sfxsound.co.uk/microfuzz/[/url] [url="http://www.stompunderfoot.com/rhinosaur.html"]http://www.stompunde.../rhinosaur.html[/url] [/quote] I cloned mine at the kitchen table. I had to put a small transistor boost after it, as it was a little bit lacking in volume, but it's my weapon of choice. OA47 (germanium, almost no voltage drop - 0.45v) as clipping diodes make a big difference.
  22. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1434216353' post='2797743'] Should I mention Michael Manring If you haven't already, you tube him. If you're looking for different influences and other worldly techniques then you need to take a look. [/quote] Or Les Claypool's early work with Primus. Bonkers stuff.
  23. Coloursound Bass Fuzz. I've been through over a dozen different fuzz pedals (some boutique, some less so) and this one is the one that I keep coming back to.
  24. Went for £260 eventually. Nice basses, but like you say, a touch pricey.
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