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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Went for £260 eventually. Nice basses, but like you say, a touch pricey.
  2. If time is so precious then I'd take the alcohol out - it just slows everything down.
  3. [list] [*]Have you tried Elixir strings before? [/list] Yes, I had some on a Blade (it came with them) and they lasted for ages.[list] [*]What other brands are you familiar with? [/list] Rotosound, D'Addario, and some 'budget' brands.[list] [*]What bass(es) will you try the new strings on? [/list] Fretted Jazz 4 string and/or Fretless Precision[list] [*]What sort of environment will you be playing them in (e.g studio, gigging, practicing) [/list] Everything from Jazz to metal. Most of my live work is in a NWOBHM band - think Steve Harris meets Lemmy - so they're guaranteed a thorough workout. Drop tuned to Eb, so I'll be able to see how they handle concert and drop tuning too. I also do small ensemble Jazz stuff, and a live 'Karaoke' band that plays pretty much everything - funk, disco, soul, slap etc...[list] [*]Why do you think you'll be a good candidate to test the strings? [/list] I play in a few different outfits as well as writing and recording at home and I could give an honest opinion as to how well they perform in each situation - pick, slap and finger style. I also teach, so I'm in a great position to recommend to students! My rig is a modded SWR head (no mid scoop, linear preamp response) into a Barefaced cab, so whatever noise the strings make gets heard.[list] [*]Links to any blogs/reviews you may have already posted (not essential but interesting) N/A [/list]
  4. DHA VT1 EQ. Maybe even a VT2 Oh, and a tuner. I'd spend the rest on some [i]dapper[/i] brogues to tread on them with…
  5. paul_5

    Ramsbottom Fuzz

    Been tinkering with the classic Big Muff circuitry for a while, just trying to get it to sound a bit better in a mix but still keeping lots of low end. Basically I've combined the classic 'Green Russian' with some sums and come up with the Ramsbottom Fuzz (referencing the old 'Ram's Head' Muff) I've recorded some quick samples (link below) and would be interested in what you guys and gals think - it'll do raspy, biting filth down to sludge/doom tones. https://soundcloud.com/paul_5/sets/ramsbottom-fuzz
  6. Excellent work Skol. If I could find room for a piano then I'd already have one. Nothing beats the action of a proper piano keyboard.
  7. I have no way to stop you, do what thou wilt….
  8. I found I was plumping for my bitsa Jazz every time, so I sold all the others.
  9. More likely to be facing a firing squad if I'm honest
  10. Probably by putting a burst of white noise through it (like 20ms or so) and extrapolating peak output from a graph...
  11. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1433335346' post='2790168'] Walk away, these jokers have no idea at all. A very close friend runs PA for smaller stages at the Isle of White festival, I've taken this PA out for him on occasion, Its definitely the real deal for small festival stages. Sound quality and volume are very very impressive. Set up time is about 2 to 3 hours, including a soundcheck. Requires not less than 2 people to set up, ideally 4. At least 2 really need to know what they are doing or it takes longer. Fills a huge mercedes van. The desk alone cost 15k not including stage boxes These idiots dont have a clue. [/quote] This. All of it.
  12. Intonation, intonation, intonation. Everything else is just frippery. Sliding harmonics are a whole bundle of fun though!
  13. Would you consider parting this out? Looking for a new project body...
  14. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1433104977' post='2787928'] Turn up the gain on the ampeg and boost the mids a touch? [/quote] That's a maxim for life right there!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432990798' post='2786849'] Yes, it's not all just 'have a big laugh and make people feel worried' on here, you know. [/quote] Damnit!
  16. Turn any Jazz® bass into a tone monster with a John East J-Retro active set. Highly recommended.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1433015199' post='2787129'] What problem? [/quote] Touché, sir.
  18. I once had an Edge signature Stratocaster - fell off the hanger and broke!
  19. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1432987942' post='2786800'] I think I'll see how it goes on Sunday, there are will be at least 3 more 3 hour rehearsals before the gig, still time to bale out of it. [/quote] 9 hours rehearsing 8 covers. I'd have walked already! Seriously though, it might just be a sad occurrence that he's incapable of remembering stuff, nobody's fault, but I'd keep the band as a 'hobby' if thou feel that you owe them something, but if I were in your situation I'd never gig that lineup. Might be worth hanging on to see if you get a second guitatisr/singer into the fold, then slowly jettison the dead wood. Maybe one day he'll forget that he's in a band - problem solved .
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1432895245' post='2785935'] Nice one! Which band were you in Paul? My band Headsticks were on just before Space [/quote] Slander - we were on just before The Itch.
  21. Closer to the heart - Rush (show of hands version). The record that made me go out and buy a bass. Tommy the cat - Primus. Opened my eyes to a wider range of performance. Good Vibrations -Beach Boys. Just because it's magical in every way. So What - Miles Davis. Again, this opened my mind just a little bit wider. The Lemon Song -Led Zeppelin. Masterclass in improvisation.
  22. Just bought one of these. Fecking marvellous! Have a bump on me.
  23. Be warned though, if you end up cab sharing with another player who uses different kit can result in acute GAS. Last time I cab-shard it was through a Barefaced. Now I'm Barefaced too.
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