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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. This. I've heard of similar models to mine being fried when sound engineers erroneously put phantom power through the wrong channel. The old SWRs really don't like it. Yet again, DHA saves the day.
  2. I use the DHA exclusively for PA feeds, as the DI on my ageing SWR head is prone to damage from phantom power. Should really get that sorted...
  3. There's a fairly comprehensive one here: https://youtu.be/cYpdDY3dMxo
  4. Dave Hall kit. Mine's always on, and I've even taken to velcroing it on top of my head (amp head, not my actual head) for festival gigs where I might not take the pedal board.
  5. We (Slander) played Darwen Music Live this weekend, and was pleasantly surprised that the soundguy recognised my DHA kit and enthused about it. Nice not to have to convince them that it's an amazing feed to the PA.
  6. Played MainStage at Darwen Music Live today. Nailed it. Lots of happy campers
  7. Did a slot at Eaglefest up on the Fylde coast this afternoon. Played my usual DHA VT1/SM400 setup into a Genz 6x10 cab. Soundguy looked at my DHA a little suspiciously ( I like to use the DI feed from that instead of the SWR head, as phantom power can blow the SWR). Soon changed his mind when he heard it. We ended up doing an encore (unusual for a festival slot, but there we are) so we stuck Priest's 'Breaking the Law' in - had to borrow a pick from one of the guitarists... Bad news - started cramping up during one of the Maiden songs - off to the Physio in a week though.
  8. I bought one years ago. It's well worth reading. Great video by the way, particularly at 21'11" - love that tune. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Ozzy (no, not that one!) bought my Hartke Hydrive 410 this week, and was a pleasure to do business with. Great communications throughout the entire transaction. Nice chap to deal with.
  10. Just taken delivery of Paul's Barefaced Compact. Arrived very quickly, and he was kind enough to put it on hold for me while I sold my previous cab. Lovely bloke to do business with - just thinking about this quick, painless transaction gives me loads of fuzzy warmness and a pleasant tingling in my loins. Good man that.
  11. More often than not it's the distributors of the 'big companies' (Fender, Gibson etc…) who want a wedge of cash up front, then dictate what stock a particular shop can sell. Small and Medium sized independent music shops often don't have the capital to 'invest' in becoming a dealer, particularly when you get no say over which models you sell…
  12. My current head (SWR SM400) has a 'Bass' control (preset to 30Hz) and I tend to roll it back from noon (no cut or boost) to roughly 8 or 9 o'clock.
  13. Kylie Mingoue's "Hand On Your Heart" has been officially licensed by the NHS, and will be played non-stop during every Immediate Life Support training session for the next 3 years. After that it's back to the Black Eyed Peas' "Pump it".
  14. You should make a dinky 1x10" and call it the 'Barefaced Chic'. Thank you, I'm here all week...
  15. Glad to have you on board, there's loads of advice and tips on here. Some of it's actually quite useful!
  16. I was really happy with my kit, but my good lady wife wanted me to get a smaller rig - Barefaced here I come...
  17. Congratulation sir, well done. Also, kudos to Alex for giving it away.
  18. Looks like genuine rosewood, not sure about the bass though...
  19. That album is pretty much MegaDave's highpoint, very similar to 'BloodSugarSexMagic' By the Chillis. The remaster is a complete hash, as is the remaster of the album which followed it 'Countdown To Extinction'.
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1431631038' post='2773486'] Great amps, superbly made with top spec components. The proof is in the fact that these amps can run so hot without fans, IMO. You'll pay a LOT of money to get that in an amp these days.. I reckon Just a plug as I have one and I doubt I'll sell it. [/quote] I know. It's a brilliant bit of kit, but I need to downsize, and it's capable of so much more than I use it for. Essentially it's getting used as a power amp (EQ flat and bass and treble at noon), as most of 'my sound' comes from the DHA VT1 EQ. Needs must unfortunately.
  21. I posted a thread on it a while ago when I first did the mod... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236320-swr-mod-completed-nice/
  22. Quite possibly.To be honest, the EQ is so flexible it's easy to dial the scoop back in if I need it. Most of the time I don't though.
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