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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1431535713' post='2772361'] Lavalier mic at 15 kms, too..! [/quote] on the back of a moving vehicle...
  2. Not even Jimmy Page's guitar, just [i]signed[/i] by him. Sheesh!
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1431528953' post='2772273'] Surely they'll not be micing this up for FOH..? [/quote] Shotgun Mike at 400 yards should do it…
  4. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1431470570' post='2771798'] Anyone using "plays like butter" to mean "plays smoothly" has obviously never tried to spread cold butter. [/quote] This. The single, most frustrating thing about modern life. Well, that and a lack of Proportional Representation...
  5. [quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1431366460' post='2770562'] Same with mine, must be normal with a VVT set up. Just whack them both up full. Works for me. [/quote] THis, except I've bypassed the Tone pot, as it was always ever 'whacked up' too...
  6. Sad news. I still play Dancing Queen, but not with the rest of the band. Love his lines on the ABBA stuff.
  7. Double double necks, does that mean they're doing 'Xanadu'?
  8. I nominate "Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch". That's not a band name, it's a register!
  9. I used to [s]hate[/s] not look forward to playing "Blackout' by the Scorpions, 'cos it's just an E most of the way through to solos, so I livened it up by sticking in some two-handed tapping. It's still one of my least favourite tracks to play, but it's a lot more fun now.
  10. Up for sale is my beloved Hartke Hydrive 410 1000Watts and 8 ohms. It's got a few scuffs on the tolex, the biggest of which is on the back, but these are only cosmetic. [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Cab%20Front_zps4hwgwgr2.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Cab%20Back_zpsj4bkai7p.jpg.html"][/url] Here's a detailed shot of the tear on the back... [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Cab%20Back%20Detail_zps2i9cf6am.jpg.html"][/url] and another small one on the side... [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Cab%20Side_zpshyzwhxow.jpg.html"][/url] These things will take anything you throw at them and more. 4 Aluminium/Paper hybrid speakers and a selectable HF horn. Looking for £350. Based in Ramsbottom/North Manchester. Can deliver within reasonable distance.
  11. A well set up 'entry level' bass can change it from an 'adequate' bass to the 'go to' instrument. Do you have a particular sound in mind? Are you looking to emulate another player's tone? If so, then I'd look at what sort of bass they use.
  12. I swear by my DHA VT1-EQ. I use it to add a bit of grit and polish to my signal before it hits my (uber-clean) SWR head. The DI is great too.
  13. I don't suppose anyone's got a transcription to 'Dark Prince' from the Trio Of Doom album with Matheny, Pastorius and Williams do they? I could have sworn I had one, then sat down to give it some attention last night and couldn't find it anywhere.
  14. Chord OC-50. It's a clone of the classics Boss OC-2. They can be had for toughly £40 BRAND NEW.
  15. I've fitted 2 of the J Retros and never had any problems - even the older models with solder tabs instead of screw terminals were a doddle to install. I'd recommend an East to anybody playing a Jazz bass.
  16. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1430682594' post='2763708'] Using 4001's for clipping in the second stage makes a surprisingly big difference. Excuse the messy wiring job, I embrace the ethos of function over form. [/quote] I've always rated 4001s as clippers. Good work sir.
  17. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1430652466' post='2763360'] For comedy value ask an unsuspecting band member to pick it up by the side handles and watch them chin themselves as they put way too much effort in... [/quote] Awesome idea - I've GOT to have one now!
  18. Played a 'Battle of the Bands' at a Rock bar in East Lancashire. The sound was terrible (no top end through the PA), so none of the singers could hear themselves properly, so that was a bit of a struggle, and the stage was tiny. On the plus side I played my head through a Barefaced cab (and loved it), and we got through to the next round.
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1430586383' post='2762914'] But I'm very glad you liked whichever of our cabs it was! [/quote] 2nd Gen 2x12 with a HF driver. PM'ed.
  20. Dunno. It would need to deliver the same sort of punch as the Hydrive, but I wouldn't imagine that's a problem based on what I heard last night. Also, given that I run the Hydrive with the HF horn turned off it could arguable be any of them. Actually this is more Mrs_5's GAS - she wants me to have a smaller rig sitting around the house, and my back would probably appreciate it too...
  21. Last night I ran my SWR head through a Barefaced cab, instead of my usual Hartke Hydrice 410. I suspect I [i]may[/i] just have developed a tiny amount of GAS... :-S
  22. The 'parent' key is E Major, but it's starting on the 4th note of that key, which makes it a modal tune. The 4th mode of a parent scale (starting the Major scale on the 4th note) is a Lydian mode, so this is an A Lydian. You've playing an E major scale, but going from A to A (A, B, C#, D#, E F#, G#, A) instead of going E to E (E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E) - same notes, different start and end points.
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