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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Thanks guys, placed an order for passive components from RHS Components last night, just looking of the most cost effective supplier for high quality 3PDT footswitches now.
  2. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    CanI just ask where's the best place to buy decent quality components in small (10 or 20 off) quantities nowadays? I used to order religiously from Doctor Tweek, but his shop's been down for a while and supplies of the usual suspects (10KΩ resistors and 100nf poly box caps) are dwindling...
  3. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1429130133' post='2748429'] Excellent! I thought I was going to get inundated with folk who were going to say 'eeeeeeewwwwwww....you don't want to do it like THAT' [/quote] Stick around, this [i]is[/i] Basschat, after all.
  4. Exactly the same way I do it, works a treat dunnit? Check that *sparkle*
  5. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1429048025' post='2747495'] Jazz Basses. Simply Faultless and work for everything. Both pickups on full and tone wide open. Boom!! That's THE sound right there! [/quote] This. Just this.
  6. Looks a bit like a cyst. If you hit it with a big book then it might turn into lots of little ones instead. Not sure if that's better or not...
  7. It is nothing remarkable, just a black USA Jazz, but it sounds great Hush your mouth! EVERY Jazz bass is remarkable!
  8. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1428669250' post='2743596'] Then there's how not to do it: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkPOAdtwDes[/media] [/quote] Compared to their more recent output that's really, really good!
  9. Jazz bass, DHA VT1 DI-EQ (lots of treble, bright boost switched on, slight bass and treble boost), SWR SM400 (modded to take the aural enhancer out) with the EQ set flat, Hartke Hydrive 4x10. Big, clanky right hand technique takes care of the rest…
  10. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1428947385' post='2746295'] Might be a [color=#000000][font=Times][size=1] S[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Times][size=1]atellite photograph? [/size][/font][/color] [/quote] Superb work there.
  11. Sort of like 'dogging', but for bassists then. Allegedly.
  12. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1428615286' post='2743186'] Good stuff! Tool's No Quarter is on my main playlist at work. [/quote] Mmm, will have to check this out - one of my fave Zep tunes, and anything played by Tool is obviously well worth a listen...
  13. Anthrax's cover of Trust's [i]Antisocial[/i]... https://youtu.be/-t0affoV5rI
  14. paul_5


    Hopefully a public spirited BC'er will jump on this and then sell the unwanted basses on. If someone wants to know if they'd be able to sell the 2 freebies on to recover some of the initial outlay, then I'd say yes - I'm very interested in another 'project Jazz' but don't get down to that neck of the woods to collect unfortunately...
  15. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1428583550' post='2742678'] Yeah I did my own opto, it's worked pretty well, I think the problem is most layouts/recommend you use a 3mm LED but the couple I've done with those have never worked properly, for this one I used a spare ultra bright red 5mm and it works a treat. The clari-not is ostensibly a vibrato fuzz, but it's a bit weirder than that, plus I added the switch is to bypass the fuzz. It's cool for weird noises, which are kind of my thing. The layout and demo vids are here if you fancy a snoop: [url="http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html"]http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html [/url] [/quote] Yowza! that's a whole box full of WTF?! Love it.
  16. I absolutely LOVE Erasure's Abba-esque EP (1992, Mute Records), but YouTube won't let me play it over here in Blighty. I'm not sure it's [i]better[/i] than the originals, but a great reworking nonetheless.
  17. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1415189538' post='2597586'] Got some Harley Benton 45-105 arriving this weekend. We'll let you know. [/quote] On my second set of these (my brother got a couple of packs for me when he bought a guitar from them). Not too shabby - they last at least as long as other nickel strings, and aren't too zingy out of the packet. I think I had a couple of months out of the last set, so looks like a good idea to buy a bulk lot of them and save money in the long term...
  18. Nice that. After chopping and changing pickup configurations for a couple of years I've settled on the MM at the bridge and a Jazz at the neck - über useful way to wire a bass. GLWTS mate.
  19. I wouldn't worry about comparing your creative output to others; no good can come of it. Occasionally you might hear another player do something that whets your appetite to learn a new technique or alter your approach, and that's fine, and is a sign of a healthy outlook on your playing and musicianship, but to measure yourself against non-existent benchmarks is just asking for trouble. Being a great musician (or any other sort of artist) is a life's work where you'll have great, creative periods, interspersed with seemingly endless months of frustration. This is perfectly normal. Just keep doing the do.
  20. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Dagnamit! Combined reading of the 'Russian dating ads' thread, and KiOgon's diode search this morning I went and ordered some more board and high gain NPN trannies - Russian specs muffs here we come - probably going to make three. Just because. The game is afoot!
  21. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1428397521' post='2740791'] I've just got a DHA pre-amp/DI/EQ thing - I'm still messing about with it at home to find all the sounds it's capable of but so far so good! It's always hard to tell the full impact of something when you're just noodling at home so should be able to report back more after rehearsal tomorrow. Anyone got any favorite settings for the DHA they want to share? [/quote] How 'bout this? [attachment=188846:DHA.png] That's how I run mine. My right hand technique is shockingly heavy though, so you might want to run the input and gain controls differently. This is for my Jazz bass, by the way.
  22. Or direct from Ireland... http://www.donberg.ie/catalogue/semiconductors/semiconductors_0-1/1n_5353b.html They sell them in 5's
  23. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I'm away at the moment, but I can feel a Russian Muff Clone build coming on when I get home. I don't need one per se, but I just like building, and they're a lovely dirt-box!
  24. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1428175897' post='2738894'] Radio 4. There's something really soothing about the Shipping Forecast and the coastal station reports. [/quote] This. No music, just quiet, calm talky bits.
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