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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. One long 'un gets files up in my bass case, t'other long 'un gets coiled up and put in my pedalboard. Spares get shoved in the pedalboard too. I'm not too fastidious about leads, to be honest; if I breaks 'em I fixes 'em.
  2. The Orange Terror Bass one on YouTube is a particular favourite of mine. Start off ok, but then just ends up a bit WTF? https://youtu.be/Swwu2AGsgi0
  3. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1428196588' post='2739086'] Good answers here. I don't have one, I just sorta feel it. [/quote] This. Generally I reckon if it feels like it's building to a drum fill, then you're good to go (a bit) mad. Other than than, it's just taking care of business. Occasionally I like to play a harmony under the vocal line, but that's probably because I learned to play bass by jamming along to Rush records. Ultimately it boils down to being sympathetic to the material; if you're not [i]adding[/i] to the piece, then you're spoiling it. So stop it.
  4. Lead guitarist in my band has a JCM800 (original 80's stock) and it sounds [i]incredible[/i]! I've often thought about how good it would be to have a matching bass head, but my back goes into spasms just thinking about it. Great kit though.
  5. I'd second the "Mghty Mite" idea. Lovely necks.
  6. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1427799811' post='2734315'] I run it on half BPM, and hear it on beats 2 and 4 [/quote] This. What's also useful is to set it to click as beats 1, 2, 3 &4, then play semiquavers (so a slow tempo is best) and use the 'click' on the first of the 4 semiquavers, then play with it on the 2, 3 and 4. Bit of a head-melt, but a GREAT technical exercise...
  7. I'm so confused, I don't know what to call the music I like anymore!
  8. I just did a loud swear when I saw this. That is an absolute stunner of a bass - is it too late to buy a lottery ticket?
  9. My criteria tend to come down to 3 main criteria: Is the neck Jazz-size? I just can't get on my anything that isn't skinny. But not [i]too[/i] skinny... Does it have a neck AND bridge pickup? Every time I play a P bass I end up sounding like Billy Sheehan. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I want to sound like [i]me[/i] y'know? The deal breaker though is this: Does it have more knobs than strings? If the answer is 'yes' then I would argue it's an oversized, single channel mixing desk, and I don't want that. Basically, I [s]like[/s] love Jazz/Jazz bass derivatives.
  10. I like to DI and mic with an SM57. I've used other mics that did a better job of capturing the full frequency range, but I like to put a low pass filter on the DI'ed signal and put an opposing high pass filter on the 57 and blend the 2. Depends on the sound you're after though.
  11. What's wrong with the humble recorder? I really enjoy playing mine. Yes, it's got a limited range (until you get [i]really[/i] into it), but as an introductory instrument they're heap as chips, not particularly loud, and encourage you to take steps in the right direction with regards to breath control, fingerings etc... Available in different flavours too, including Soprano, Alto, and (you guessed it) Bass!
  12. Beautiful bass that, Karl. GLWTS.
  13. Dunno about those two, but I've had good experiences with the Pocket Rock-it ones and the EHX Headphone amp.
  14. I love the way they sound, I love the way they look. I HATE the way they feel. Never owned one, never likely to.
  15. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1426955474' post='2723998'] No, absolutely not. I'd rather not play at all than play music I don't like. [/quote] This. I can take about 6 months of dep work playing anything though; any longer and I go a bit [i]cakey[/i].
  16. I love these old SWR amps, it's such a shame that Fender are so slow when it comes to spares nd advice. I've just finished refurbing an early Jackson Dinky with a Floyd Rose licensed trem system, and needed to check the specs of the particular unit; all my emails were met with polite but vague responses, despite providing the serial number of the instrument. Not that great in the customer services department. Hope you get sorted soon mate, the old SWR kit is too good!
  17. Just watched the Wossy performance and I thought it was good. Until the trumpet solo came in sharp and stayed there.
  18. The neck on my current FrankenJazz is from a Squier VM - superbly playable!
  19. Neil Diamond took his name from the time he injured his patella on a stray piece of cubic zirconia.
  20. Soundgarden had their allotment taken away from them due to complaints about noise. Shame really, as their marrows last year were massive!
  21. I don't really see a problem with selling music tech hardware, software could be a bit of a minefield though - transferring licenses etc…
  22. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1405257493' post='2500113'] i know they are pretty much seen as a standard headstock but i really think they are ugly as sin (all fender headstocks) at least a lot of the others on this thread are thinking outside the box. [/quote] I like the look of a Fender headstock. Looks completely out of place (at least to my mind) on an acoustic though.
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