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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I feel it's time to confess, and this seems to be the right thread to do it on, that I used to actively avoid the Beatles and any derivative of (apart from a brief dalliance with Ringo's 'Thomas the Tank Engine' period) when I started playing bass (1992) because I though it was old people's music. I confess that I was young and ignorant and stupid.. In my defence I spent my time transcribing loads of great albums, in particular Led Zep 2, Rush's Show of Hands and a pile of old soul/Motown records, so it's not all bad.
  2. [attachment=185548:B-64z0qXEAAQK15.jpg]
  3. You just don't get this calibre of thread about Kanye West, do you?
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1425395518' post='2706891'] Ahh the Beatles would have sounded SO much nicer had they been of equal temperament. [/quote] I thought Ringo was.
  5. No name pickups from my 'experimentation' phase. P bass pup (around 6kOhms) and a Musicman thingy, 4 wire output, each coil measures 6kOhms. No screws or springs, and some scuffs to the casings. £8 each.
  6. We've been a busy bunch this past year, and have managed to secure dates at Eaglefest (Blackpool) on the 25th of May, and main satge at Darwen Live (Darwen) on the 26th of May in addition to our usual schedule. Should be.a good year for Metal!
  7. That's great news. Hope you get sorted with a skin-monkey soon.
  8. Nice thread this, just spent the last hour playing through Beatles songs - just the good ones though, after they got all 'trippy' and sh*t
  9. Can't believe nobody has suggested 'Michelle' - sublime playing. [media]http://youtu.be/GbsfZe8s56M[/media] Looks a bit like this: [attachment=185442:Michelle Bassline.pdf]
  10. paul_5


    Increase the value of the resistor on the LED supply. A resistor in series (which this will be) is used to limit the current, so a bigger value of resistor will dim the offending article. Or you could add another resistor, so that the two add up to a larger impedance. actually, if you were going to get inside it to mess about with the components then the most sensible suggestion would be to rip the 'Flash Burn' LED out and replace it with a sensible one...
  11. Ernie Ball Flats have blue silks too, probably chrome ball end too.
  12. I had one of these! Brilliant basses, GLWTS.
  13. It's always a wrench when you leave a band, but if it's not right for you, and doesn't allow you the freedom to do what you want to do then it's the right decision. Best of luck for Sunday.
  14. I still maintain that this Carl Thompson is one of the most beautiful things ever made. [attachment=185374:7FIjze3.jpg]
  15. I had an Ashdown head for about 2 weeks when the transformer on my Ampeg went on the fritz and needed replacing. The crappy buttons all fell apart and it kept blowing internal fuses even before leaving the house to gig it. On the plus side, the sound was great, and the DI out was really clean. The amp itself (I forget which model) was more than capable of gigging with a loud drummer and a guitarist, but given the issues I'd had prior to taking it out of the house I didn't have any confidence in its ability to withstand the regular pummellings of regular gigging, so I returned it. I really wanted to like it though.
  16. I keep toying with the idea of getting one of these, namely a fretless Jazz. Since playing in a dirty heavy metal band I've not had a fretless for a couple of years, and I really miss it - especially since I've just made a Small Clone chorus pedal with a couple of mods.
  17. I wouldn't sweat a couple of centimes - they are, after all, hundredths of a tone...
  18. Best of British mate, I'd just echo what everyone else has said; tell them that you haven't played properly in a while and just concentrate on your timing. Everyone plays wrong notes once in a while, but there's no excuse for sloppy timing.
  19. I've left bands because of guitarists not tuning. So yes.
  20. [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/1461099_731010043620845_7457200825948339312_n_zpsyv8iiuva.jpg.html"][/url] Also pictured - my twin brother's 'guitar face'. Which is much less impressive.
  21. You'll get pretty close with a Bassballs - I think there's one for sale on here. Edit: yes, there is: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/256693-electro-harmonix-bassball-nano/
  22. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1424982012' post='2702658'] V4 with some clothes off and new EHX '88s.. [url="http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0071_zpsvmxaimxk.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Ooooofff!
  23. Sell them to BCers, then in 6 months time (when 'normal' GAS returns) simply buy them back again. Simple.
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