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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Nothing really. I could do with a turn table preamp, but I might just make one this weekend. EDIT: and scones - do they count?
  2. DHA VT. It's a tube in a box that you overdrive - what's not to like?
  3. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1422657018' post='2675423'] Even more fun when you start cranking truss rods, shimming necks, moving bridges and sawing bits off intonation screws. Get stuck in! [/quote] I've done all of the above (and more) and can confirm that this is indeed the case. Get stuck in people!
  4. I'd use the time to play dominoes with the punters. Darts would be a terrible faux pas, but dominoes are fine.
  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1422615062' post='2674580'] Bugger off, you lot are famous AND good! [/quote] but also dead friendly and supportive. You guys will be grand!
  6. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1422560270' post='2674176'] If a pub told us we couldn't play anywhere nearby I'd happily take a retainer fee for the nights they don't want us playing. But I can't see any pub offering that so I'll play where I like thank you. [/quote] Nice!
  7. I've posted this on the 'NWOBHM Forever' Facebook group too. Sorry.
  8. Having a bit of a clear out and came across my EHX Headphone amp. The graphics have worn off, so it's just a tiny black box with an input, volume control and headphone socket instead of a transferred one, but works perfectly. Yours for £10 Postage would be on more than a couple of quid I reckon. SOLD
  9. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1422610009' post='2674495'] Or if your breadboard experiment gives you several sounds that you really like, get a 4/5/6-way rotary switch and play to your heart's content [/quote] This - The DAM Ezekiel 25 does this I think.
  10. My volumes are always at either full or nowt. If I'm too loud I'll just not hit 'em as hard...
  11. I'm there Karl. I'll see if some of the guys from Slander are free too.
  12. Bought Marek's DHA VT1 EQ. Well packaged and quickly despatched, and he even put it on hold for a week to allow me to sell my existing pedals to raise the readies. All this, coupled with a link to the courier so that I could track my parcel makes him a class act all round.
  13. I had an engineer make me up a Neutrik and Van Damme cable up over 20 years ago. It's outlasted every other piece of kit I've ever bought, and I'm still gigging with it. If OBBM's using these brands then I'd say you'll not go too far wrong with one (or even a couple) of his. For patch cables I swear by George L's though.
  14. Chord OC-50 does a great job of sounding and behaving like an OC2. Cheaper than an OC2 to leave set to 'sub only', just need an A/B looper then...
  15. Did he not treat you to any 'Half a Shilling'? http://youtu.be/-X3vwPLCB1c
  16. Good plan. The Hydrive 410s are a superb cab, not [i]too[/i] heavy either...
  17. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1422512752' post='2673506'] I have decided that it is time to reopen my Big Muff/Musket and mess about with it, again. [b]For no other reason than I can.[/b] Does mixing diodes and LEDs work? I have seen some bonkers options, with a dozen diodes pointing one way and only a couple pointing the other, so it seems the options are endless. [/quote] Point 1) That's the best reason for doming anything, go for it. Point 2) Changing out the clipping diodes has a massive effect on the sound of the pedal. LEDS sound a 'softer' than Silicon diodes, and Germanium diodes sit somewhere in the middle. Putting more diodes pointing one way than the other will give you asymmetrical clipping, which may or may not be a good thing depending in your tastes. Best thing to do is to wire a breadboard in place of the original diodes and then chop and change to your heart's content. I think I remember reading somewhere than Boss patented putting one diode pointing one way and two the other way. Rotters. A dpdt toggle switch is a great way to flick between two lots of clippers (Si and Ge), take the diodes off the board and wire the middle lugs of the switch in their place, then stick your diodes to the 2 remaining pairs of outside lugs.
  18. Lovely post Shell, glad you're enjoying it (it [i]is[/i] the best instrument though isn't it?)
  19. Short scale (30" scale) Hohner Baron Bass in black. Horrible 2 + 2 BBOT bridge and really skinny tuners. I started sanding it back to the wood one summer and hit chipboard…. Says it all really. [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/360_8bde68b911a5d2d3dc0fe5a07c3f6e03_zps5c50f6e1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/360_8bde68b911a5d2d3dc0fe5a07c3f6e03_zps5c50f6e1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Gigged it quite a lot though way back when.
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1422435388' post='2672482'] I've seen some seriously messed-up tripe through following this topic, but that gets very near to being the worst yet. [/quote] That's a pretty big claim there Jack, I reckon you might not be too far out though… Why do we not have an 'antiGAS' smilie?
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