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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I didn't think the music industry [i]had[/i] standards
  2. Best sounding rig was the SVP Pro and matching power amp through aHartke Hydrive 410 cab. weighed half a metric tonne and was a pig to maintain due to the problems I had with my SVP at the time. I had to buy a replacement transformer for it and had my local valve techie guy fit it, but it was never the same after that. Currently my SWR SM400 (with the 'aural enhancer' scoop defeated) is plenty loud enough, and most of my EQing comes from pedals etc… anyway, so I could probably get away with using a dedicated power amp. I've kept the Hydrive though 'cos it's shiny and punchy and all them other words.
  3. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1179655295' post='2773'] Uh-oh. Counterpoint time. I've owned ONE fully tube device, an Ampeg SVP-Pro. It can work fine, and when it does, it sounds lovely. It has never made it through a whole gig, no matter how short. It just cuts out, and won't come back. It's been looked at 3 times, and no-one can fix it. YES! Of course it's out of warranty. And it always brings its buddy, captain 50hz hum to the party. It has had a second full set of valves, supposedly "good" ones, yet still it happens. [/quote] Mine did this too - there's thermal cutout on the transformer (single strand of wire across the top) that might need looking at.
  4. Wobbly "every kind of modulation you could ever want" type bump.
  5. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1421968203' post='2667380'] I'm a big fan. Recently made the move to my own premium subscription after borrowing my wife's one for a while, the 99p for three months offer hooked me in. I'm listening to music more than I have been for years, enjoying making up playlists and generally having a nice time. Haters gonna hate. [/quote] I think Spotify and what it does with regard to making music accessible to new listeners, and the option to introduce it via network to your friends and family is a great thing, I just wish it paid a sensible royalty to the composers. I'd rather link a YouTube video when sharing a tune, as at least the artist gets a better royalty rate. I can name several independent musicians and composers who have removed their material from Spotify for exactly this reason.
  6. Generally speaking the FX send and return will be post preamp/EQ, so plugging an external preamp into the FX return should do what you want it to.
  7. Artist's royalties from Spotify are notoriously sh*t. I avoid it on principle.
  8. Congratulations! Worn one for over a decade and as has already been said, takes a little bit to get used to but after a couple of weeks it becomes unnoticeable.
  9. Selling my 60th Anniversary Hartke Bass aattack. Still boxed and 'as new' but with Velcro. Yours for what it cost from Thomann a short while ago. £45 SOLD Nux mode core phaser/trem/rotary/chorus/univibe with original box. Excellent condition and again with Velcro on the bottom. [s]£25[/s] Now £20 SOLD [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20150122_23_37_15_Pro_zpsfb6770a1.jpg.html"][/url]
  10. Not just a quality dirt box, but it'll also do clean boost and has a really musical 3 band eq too. God I miss mine. :'(
  11. Dual-bassist Stoubridge crusties [i]Ned's Atomic Dustbin[/i] have failed in their attempts to rerelease their back catalogue. They had to bow to public pressure regarding renewable energy sources.
  12. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1421617683' post='2663408'] Good for [s]metal[/s] kindling. [/quote] Fixed
  13. 'It's yer money I'm after baby' and 'give give give me more more more', both by Stourbridge's finest The Wonderstuff.
  14. Wish I could afford to buy another one of these. Actually I wish I hadn't had to sell mine inthe first place. Magnificent pieces of kit!
  15. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1421496085' post='2661954'] A sack truck? Just wheel it around [/quote] OI! Don't come round here with your sensible, practical solutions. This is [i]Basschat[/i] don'tcherknow!?!
  16. I'd love one. I have no use for it, and it's years since I played even a part of 'Anaesthesia', but that doesn't matter. Cliff was a big inspiration to me when I started playing. Maybe we should squeeze 'For Whom the bell tolls' into the set to justify my GAS.
  17. Lucky lefties. Pretty slim pickings from this year's crop I'd say.
  18. Short haired animal pelts are considered very effective at this sort of this. Is impossible skin the Jack Russell and do everyone a favour?
  19. Great rig that. I gigged exactly the same kit for years and years and it just kept on going.
  20. Ghostbusters. Top Gun. The Wicker Man
  21. We finish with Maiden's Hallowed Be Thy Name. Then inevitably a couple of encores.
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