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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Don't play when you don't need too - few more things are more irritating than trying to get to know someone when they won't stop noodling Also just be yourself and have fun.
  2. Ed Friedland's books have already had a mention, but check out the iRealbook app too - it's a been a real game-changer for me.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419951236' post='2644245'] It just means that the amp will need to be built better, IMO..and that is against a lot of companies remit and pricepoint. The early SWR's didn't have fans and were designed and very capable of running very hot. My amp tech says that is because the build and componets are so good... military spec he called it.. but then they weren't cheap new. so I'd be on the look out for an old SM400 or even SM220 for lower power output. Bollocking amps still to this day, IMO and can be had for a steal... I can't think of a better bargain out there tbh...and not THAT heavy at around 15-18lbs.. [/quote] True - I paid £250 for mine from this very boutique. Love it.
  4. That 'bridge' (and I use the term loosely) might need a bit of a 'looking at'…
  5. My only gear ins and outs this year have been loading the stuff in and out of the car/venues. Apart from the Behringer BDI-21 and Hartke Bass Attack, but they don't [i]really[/i] count, do they? What I have learned: Don't whizz on the electric fence.
  6. I've got an old (1993) SWR SM400 that hasn't got a fan, nor have a lot of the early Trace Elliott kit. If you don't mind a bit of weight then I'd have a look at something like these.
  7. As many tunes as you can learn - even if you never gig them you'll be a better player for it.
  8. This year has been a bit slow musically. Playing with a great bunch of guys, but logistics dictate that we probably only meet once a month. I want to (finally) release a solo album, finish the album with Slander that we started this year, and get a Jazz duo/trio together with a local Jazz guitarist. That's not too much to ask now, is it?
  9. Not seen it. Anyway, I'm a Hendrick's man!
  10. A good song is a good song. Play anything with conviction and folks will listen. Don't be afraid to take risks if you want to stand out.
  11. Congratulations on a brilliant purchase!
  12. I thought this was going to be thread about the NHS...
  13. Loved mine too, that neck was just [i]too[/i] skinny.
  14. It's faulty - it should pass signal when it's bypassed. http://youtu.be/VUdeNZeFK6k?t=3m9s
  15. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1418796657' post='2633393'] I've wanted a stereo reel to reel for a long time. I just love the look of them. You could gig with one too Ambient - great prop ion stage!! Or perhaps something like this ( watch to the end) : [media]http://youtu.be/mEbcuzzwPWs[/media] [/quote] That was bloody marvellous!
  16. Just to be clear, we're talking about odd stuff in music, not [i]the voices[/i]…?
  17. Yup. As a teenager I used to listen to rock music in my room and one particular Van Halen track (IIRC) had seemingly random sound that was identical to my Dad shouting upstairs for me to come down for dinner. The first few times this happened there was no food -I traipsed downstairs for naught. These days all my Zappa albums have an odd interjection that sound just like my wife asking 'what IS that noise?' Edit: Turns out the last one really IS my wife.
  18. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1418766541' post='2633213'] I have same problem with my Tokai T Bird and it's two inches longer than the Epi. [/quote] Stop bragging!
  19. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1418751813' post='2632982'] Fastest way to learn is get in with a band, seriously more fun and steeper learning curve than playing along at home or taking lessons, but so much more rewarding. [/quote] This.
  20. I was playing in a band with a pianist/singer, keyboardist and live drummer. It was the early '90s and I didn't have to worry about stepping on a guitarist's toes. I learned a LOT about playing up the dusty end pretty quickly.
  21. I got them, but 2 and 3 had me thinking for a bit... Now I need a sit down.
  22. SX basses punch [i]way[/i] above their weight, even without the upgrades. I can't see this hanging around for long...
  23. My first [i]proper[/i] amp was an AH150 into an 1153 cab - brilliant (particularly as I was playing a 5 at the time). Plenty of low end with just enough sparkle up the top to cut through. I then augmented the rig with a 2103H which (as far as I remember) didn't really add that much tonally. Shortly after I got an Ampeg SVP PRO and just ran through that into the 'power amp in' on the TE head. Nice. I've now got an SWR SM400 (modified) that is just the [i]balls[/i].
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