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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. hardwired at the moment. I could make it switchable.
  2. Practically brand new, still with box and instructions. I've done the 'Mid Mod' to this to reduce the mid scoop, and there are some small pen marks on the top to indicate settings, but other than that it's a bobby dazzler. Yours for £20.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416331747' post='2609137'] Notes are notes but you can't kid a groove. [/quote] True dat.
  4. Pubs pay so little because they can get away with it. Unfortunately supply outstrips demand with regards to 'live' acts. Landlords aren't interested in whether you're a singer with backing tracks, or an 8 piece disco band with a brass section, they want to maximise their profit margins. Why should they ante up and pay a professional band at several hundred notes when they can get one of the regulars to strap up with a MiniDisc player and a mic? For the most part these are not live venues, simply pubs who have decided that it's a nice little earner.
  5. My local pays £150 per act. Be that a single singer/songwriter or a 6 piece band. I spokes to the landlord about the possibility of my band playing and he said "I've always paid £150 to bands, and I always will. It's not negotiable". So I left it. My bandmates are spread around a 250 mile radius - that wouldn't even cover their fuel these days.
  6. I tried a fedora once, that's probably as close as I'll ever get
  7. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1416050460' post='2606394'] If it's no longer good enough for Bob, then it's not good enough for me. [/quote] Nice!
  8. There's no denying that these are beautiful instruments hand made by craftsmen of the very highest calibre, but I can't ever recall hearing one and thinking " I must have that sound", maybe they are capable of a broader pallette of tones, but they always seem to sound a bit 'anaemic' to my ears. Maybe that's just me.
  9. At the point in the procedings can I also mention that members who have capitalised on the £20 per anum for unlimited adverts can still donate voluntarily if you feel the site is worth supporting. Sort of like voluntarily registering for VAT. Sort of.
  10. [quote name='JB101' timestamp='1415144292' post='2597290'] Interesting nut placement... :-) [/quote] Must be one of those patented "floating nut" nuts...
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1415957886' post='2605499'] It's an LED feast.... [/quote] yup, you'll end up melting your shoes and tanning your feet if you're not careful...
  12. I think any instrument that inspires a player to pick it up and practice / gig is worth it. If I had the money I'm not sure I'd buy one, but I've already found 'the one'. At those prices though, I wonder how much of the will to play would be 'inspiration' and how much would be 'I paid [i]how much[/i]' guilt?
  13. [quote name='J3ster' timestamp='1415949515' post='2605443'] Looks like he is enjoying himself and thats what its all about..... Good lad [/quote] This. It's not really my cup of tea, but that shouldn't stop anybody thing anything they like. Carry on sir. Also, have you tried doing this wearing a dress….?
  14. withdrawn, sorry.
  15. Urban legend has it that Ian "Lemmy' Kilminster, be-warted Rickenbacker botherer and growly voiced songster, got his name from always being short of bread (that's what money was called back then) and asking people to 'Lemmy a fiver'. This is simply not true. He was saddled with the moniker after bandmates Phil 'Filthy Animal' Taylor and 'Fast' Eddie Clark overheard him repeatedly asking where the honey was in a Hypermarché in Calais. He LOVES that honey does Lemmy! Less so nowadays, due to his diabetes.
  16. Thanks Michael J - that's the exact part I'm looking for.
  17. I'm trying to fix an old Yamaha Clavinova. The speaker protection relay has given up the ghost and I'm struggling to find a replacement. It's an OMRON G5Z-2A rated at 12VDC and apparently they've been discontinued. Any suggestions as to where I might find anything similar?
  18. I'm up for the relay too, I'll wait until it comes to Liverpool, as I'm based in North Manchester.
  19. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1415725555' post='2603096'] What's a licky button? [/quote] DOWN BOY!
  20. 'Enya' was booked to appear on Radio 4's 'Gardeners' Question Time' but was dropped when the producers realised she wanted to overdub herself 16 times.
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