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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Carol Kaye books gone, just the Sher and Pastorius left.
  2. A band. That's where the fun is. Unless they're rubbish, and then it's like pulling teeth. Seriously though, those Peavey amps are bomb-proof. Keep ticking along with the metronome, it'll pay dividends in the long run...
  3. Billy Gibbons has never worked at our local library, despite having read over 3 books. Neither has Dusty Gibbons.
  4. David Bowie did all of the 'Minion' voices in Despicable Me. He wanted too much money to reprise the role(s) for the sequel, so they were done by Rachel Weiss instead. True fact.
  5. [s]Carol Kaye Complete Electric Bass Volumes 1&2 - £25 the pair [/s] Jaco Pastorius Essential bass recorded versions - £8 Chuck Sher Improvisor's Bass Method £8 Rick Laird - Improvising Jazz Bass - £7 Or all 3 for £20 All prices include p&p to mainland UK.
  6. Every day's a school day. Take regular breaks and spend some time away from the bass. Sometimes it's helpful to read through a piece without playing it. I find it can help me to get a different angle on problematic sections. Regular physical exercise too - don't forget that the rest of your faculties need a workout as well as keeping those piggies wriggling...
  7. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    All Hail Timmy! Been playing about with my Timmy clone recently and it's still my favourite grit box. Superb on guitar and bass with no loss of low end on either. Fricking awesome!
  8. Got some Harley Benton 45-105 arriving this weekend. We'll let you know.
  9. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1415109500' post='2596745'] Edit: Anything By Jamiroquai with Stuart Zender at the helm had groove IMO [/quote] This. My nomination would be "Chameleon" on Herbie [i]Hancock's Headhunters[/i].
  10. That's the album that got me into bass playing! I've never had a mullet (or a Wal) though.
  11. If you don't mind having a look at the guts yourself then an audio probe is dead easy to make, and should help to identify the problem area on the board. Even if it's something you can't fix yourself, then you could at least tell the technician where the fault is and save them a few hours' work (and yourself a few quid).
  12. Les Claypool's sound on the [i]Tales from the punchbowl[/i] album is a (to me) a superb sound. Also the usual suspects regarding gnarly, gritty low end: Bruce Foxton, Geddy Lee, Justin Chancellor Spent quite a while finding a sound that emulates these chaps, but also works with my playing style (really aggressive right hand with floating thumb). Turns out it's a Jazz bass.
  13. Waves RBass and IR Convolution reverb. Oh, and EZDrummer.
  14. either way, it's always nice to have a slab of metal proclaiming you to be a 'BADASS' at gigs!
  15. I really rate the Hydrive speakers. I'm running the 410 and for me it's the prefect balance of 'bright' and 'deep'. I can't remember the last time I used the horn on it; sounds great without it.
  16. I have yet to be disappointed in meeting a 'named' player. Bassists = Cool.
  17. It's nearly 20 years since I used a 'stack' (Trace 2103H on top of an 1153 powered by an AH150) and TBH, I couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Yes, it looked amazing on stage, but I remember (even as a 20 year old) it being a ball ache to lug around. If your chiropractor, significant other, and finances have no sensible objections then go for it. I'm currently on the single 4x10 wagon and it's got more than enough poke to keep up with a metal drummer and 2 guitarists with 100W valve stacks and 4x12s. For videos and suchlike I'll probably hire in another cab to perpetuate the myth that we all need a massive stack, but in reality when we were recording new material last week I didn't even use it… Edit: Guitarists use 4x[b]12[/b] cabinets, not tens...
  18. I used to use these as main monitors (when I had a bigger room) and they were great. Not [i]quite[/i] as detailed as a pair of equivalent sized Genelecs (for example), but is it £1000 of difference? I didn't think so. As Discreet says: buy 'em!
  19. You could always use a couple of resistors as a T pad to attenuate the input before the actual circuit - that might help to set the input impedance for the pedal too.
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