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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I'm fast approaching 40 and on my second rehearsal with my current band (1 year in) we were all taking the piss out of each other like we'd always playd together. In short the answer is yes. If any of us needed anything, music related or not, then they'd be among the first people I'd call. Actually, they'd probably offer to help evn before being asked - it's all very philanthropic at Slander HQ!
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1414102220' post='2586017'] I've never played in a rock band so I've never had this problem. I've never seen what draws bass players to do rock bands tbh. [/quote] The basslines can often be relatively simple to play, so you can get on with having fun and entertaining people*. [Edit] I accidentally forced a wavefront collapse, but have managed to rectify it[/edit] *[size=2]Mostly running round the venue being a prick.[/size]
  3. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1414063137' post='2585318'] Current guitar man however always turns the amp on and then plugs the guitar in which of course results in a big pop. [/quote] Pet hate of mine.
  4. Yowza! Also, nicely played Jake.
  5. Well, I used mine 'in anger' for the first time today. I've done some home recording through my 'Mids Modded BDI21' and loved the sound, but today I fired it through the big amp (SWR SM400 and Hydrive 4x10) as we had a day's pre production before recording commences tomorrow. Awesome. Nice grind, beefy tone but with a lot more presence in the mix. I play (predominantly) a Jazz bass, so there's already a mid scoop in my sound before it even hits the board, so it really helps to bolster my sound. Do it - you won't be disappointed. Or maybe asia friendly BCer to do yours for you, it literally takes minutes and makes a helluva difference!
  6. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    1) There's a Blue one at Maplins for about £20 maplins http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/maplin-50w-solder-station-n78ar are good if you're using lead solder, but the lead free stuff melts at hotter temps, and these aren't really up to the job. 2) LTSpice is what I use on my Mac. It's a pretty steep learning curve at the start, but it's more than useable - even the free version.
  7. Ash body - well, it would be if you burnt it.
  8. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1400509497' post='2454450'] Seriously tempted by this, I love a good rat clone! Any of you guys know or reckon that I could get close to a Human Gear Animato sound with the Blower Box? [/quote] I wouldn't imagine so - the Blower Box is based on the Proco RAT which uses a feedback loop on an OPAMP for its dirt - the Human Gear is a Big Muff derivative, which uses stacked transistor gain stages to make the dirt. The Blower Box IS a helluva unit though!
  9. How bizarre. I flew to Brazil with the intention of avoiding that same gig. And I got deported back to Blighty - what are the odds?
  10. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1413573010' post='2579820'] Scott Devine maybe? I think he has a medical need for it. I've seen him mention it on more than one occasion in his fantastic videos. [/quote] Scott devine has a page on his website explaining the condition: http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/odds-and-sods/the-gloves
  11. Don't worry about what the other members of your band think about short scale basses - do what you gotta do. Personal recommendation - Fender Mustang or a Squier VM Jaguar Special SS (Short Scale).
  12. You could always gives folks the option of controlling the Q by having an internal trim pot or DIP switches - I've seen other pedal manufacturers do this, particularly on those 'set and forget' parameters. The added bonus is that it can't be 'unset' in error. Just re-read the original post (properly) and noticed that you've already considered this. My bad.
  13. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1413481387' post='2578745'] Brilliant idea. Let's all take sides without knowing all the facts and have a heated debate! [/quote] Yay! Welcome to BC!!!
  14. technique is more important than tempo; nobody wants a sloppy slapper. Concentrate on getting every note as clear as you can.
  15. Why should I? It's my bass, there are many like it, but this one is MINE!
  16. I'd also like to add anything by the Eagles to the Coldplay and Snow Patrol list of dullest music to play. I understand some folks enjoy that, but it's a step too far for me I'm afraid.
  17. We occasionally do 'Blackout' by the Scorpions \m/ and I used to find it really dull. Not wanting to disappoint other band members or punters, who for the most part really enjoy that sort of thing, I stuck some 2 handed tapping arpeggios in it. Now I'm not bored with it anymore. I do, however, look like a bit of a twat. Hey ho.
  18. I was introduced to his work through Björk (not personally). Sad loss of a true pioneer.
  19. paul_5


    The small clone is a lovely, warm analogue chorus, but it loses too much bottom end for my liking. Great chorus for guitar though, I suppose if you had a blender then you'd be OK.
  20. Descending blues scale. I'm not sure that's a copyrightable thing.
  21. Thanks for the resurrection Crowella, I've just had a look at the diySB thread and you've whetted my appetite to consider another dirtbox build... Gotta love them Muff variants!
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