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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1413063182' post='2574684'] Incidentally I'm not convinced 100 degrees C will cause metal fatigue [/quote] To retemper stainless (depending on the grade and alloy makeup) you'd need to be close to 300 degrees C, so I reckon you're safe on that score. Fatigue might be another kettle of fish though - taking them off and putting them back up to tension repeatedly may give you some 'creep' issues.
  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1412953764' post='2573642'] This is how it should be, companies working with their customers to mutual benefit. Well done Ashdown. Other companies (*cough* Gibson *cough*) - take note! [/quote] This. Good to see a manufacturer who takes their customers' needs and issues seriously. Kudos.
  3. I used to play regularly through an MB450 head and 410 speaker - lovely piece of kit. Heavy though. I'm still rocking a 1992 SWR SM400 head, safe in the knowledge that if anything ever goes wrong I can replace the individual components without tweezers and a magnifying glass! Hurrah for old, hand built kit!
  4. Could you post a short recording of the bass turned up but not being played - it may be that the interference noise is masked by the playing volume?
  5. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1412889963' post='2573150'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Plus........ I though NWOBHM was minimalist [/font][/color][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]guitard solos???[/color][/font] [/quote] sort of - everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is at [i]least[/i] double-tracked apart from the bass [s]and drums[/s] - they're generally perfect the first time round….
  6. Nice work sir. Personally I think the guitars are a bit weak (sound, not playing), but it's good material with a prominent bass. 'Slander' are out on the NWOBHM circuit next year, so It's more than likely that we'll bump into each other at some point. See you on the road! Edit: the second track seems to have grown a bigger set of cahunas, and again, great bass playing Karl. More power to your elbow sir!
  7. Singles. For the simple reason that they're easier to edit 'on the fly'. We've all been there, drummer's late so there's no time for a real soundcheck, and halfway through the first set you step on (what should be) the big box of doom/funk/wobble* and room acoustics turn what should be a mind-blowing aural assault into the sound of a peanut rattling round in an empty yoghurt pot. Times like that it's easier to fix it with individual controls than to start trying to find the correct submenu on an LCD display/3" screen... * delete as applicable. Or play them all together
  8. I've had Ernie Ball flats and D'addario Chromes. They sounded awesome on my 'P' at the time, but ultimately I prefer rounds. There's just something [i]visceral[/i] about flats on a 'P'. Maybe one day when I've changed musical direction (again) I'll go back there.
  9. I didn't get wobbly eyes, just palpatations and acute hardening of the wallet.
  10. Mjolnir - Thor's hammer. Sorry, I meant [size=6]THOR'S HAMMER![/size]
  11. Dunno. I LOVED the first 23 seconds, then it was OK until Brian May done his bit. Bit of a hatchet job on the arrangement too if you ask me (shuffles off to catalogue slippers etc…)
  12. EHX Headphone amp - roughy £35 and they're really tiny. The sound is really transparent too. If you want something that sounds a bit more like an amp then the 'Pocket Rock-It' range are good value for money too.
  13. Sorely tempted by this - it's a helluva head!
  14. I gigged one for the first time a couple of weeks ago and didn't turn it off all night. The scoop made my sound disappear 'onstage', but the sound out front was killer! Modded it to put the mids back in and it's even better.
  15. Have you checked the wiring (or battery) on your bass and your lead? Start checking the inexpensive things first… Hope you get sorted.
  16. [quote name='tks.se' timestamp='1412421059' post='2568775'] [/quote] Yowza!
  17. I've found myself more relaxed about TAB recently. 6 months ago I would have said 'no TAB', but hey, if it helps less experienced players get enjoyment out of playing good lines, then who am I to be a buzzkill? One caveat though - having put TABs on parts in Sibelius it will (by default) place the notes as close to the nut as it can, that might not be the easiest or best sounding position to play the line in. One example was YYZ by Rush: the first phrase can be played at the 2nd and 4th frets, or down a string at the 7th and 9th frets. i personally think it's easier at the latter because the frets are closer together and the fretting arm isn't so extended, also you're in the right area of the fingerboard for the next phrase, when it moves up a perfect 4th, but Sibelius automatically TABs it near the nut. If you do decide to print stuff with TABs then just play them through in the suggested position, and just double check that it's not easier (or 'better') elsewhere on the fingerboard. Just my tuppence.
  18. "if you're thinking', it's stinkin'" - Billy Sheehan.
  19. MMmmmmmmmm, stripboard. Are you having the 'original' 308 chip in there by any chance?
  20. which songs need introduction?
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