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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Finished a 'Timmy' clone tonight and did some demo recordings on Soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/paul_5/sets/jazz-bass-through-germanium Jazz bass into the Timmy into my MBox 2 Really useful little box: the Bass control is pre - gain stage, so reducing the low end cleans the pedal up a little bit, and the Treble control is post gain stage, so it'll do really thumping low-end dirt with a treble roll-off for lovely vintage tones.
  2. Just boxed up and texted a 'Timmy' clone done on veroboard using germanium diodes for the clippers, finished off my stash of mojo diodes, but it's worth it. No loss of low end at all - it's definitely a transparent OD.
  3. I've had some AMAZING times to Joe Satch albums - hallucinogens just aren't the same without them. Seriously though, DLR does some lovely playing. Nice to have the chops, but even nicer not using them.
  4. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1412197388' post='2566776'] i might as well buy an existing clone if there is such a thing. [/quote] That'd be the Mooer Ultra-drive then. Apparently it's a DS1 with the Keeley mods - in particular the 'fat' mod for retaining more low end.
  5. Yup, it's all good. Lots more presence in the mix now (well, in PT projects, but that's not a bad point of reference). I tend to play Jazz basses, so taking the scoop out of the pedal made LOADS of sense, as my bass scoops the mids out naturally - I've got to keep what I can!
  6. I might have a go at a Timmy later this week… thanks for the suggestion, Nick and dudewheresmybass
  7. Chord do a BOD-50 (Boss ODB3 clone) that's not bad at all. it's got a really useful blend control, and is built like a tank - cast metal case etc… http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chord-BOD-50-Bass-Overdrive-Pedal/dp/B003GSNUKU But then of course, there's the BDI-21...
  8. Gigged with mine over the weekend and I had real trouble hearing myself. I might have a dabble this evening...
  9. I've got a Hydrive 410 as my main cab. Does everything I need it to. I've never met anybody who actively [i]hated[/i] Hartke kit.
  10. Loud (as always) and heavy (as always). Had the age old problem of having to stand too close to the amp to hear myself, but other than that another blinder from the chaps in "Slander". Been asked back in November, but before that it's back to the shed before make a start on album No. 2 next month... Lots of compliments from punters etc… were the icing on the cake.
  11. The HA500 is a much more versatile amp, with the mid control on the LH series being effectively 'cut only'. The HA will let you biamp too,so you can send low frequencies to one cab, and high frequencies to another - particularly useful if your two cabs are 10s and a 15.
  12. Can I have 2nd dibs on the looper if Ahpook doesn't want it? always a bridesmaid…
  13. You've got two of the essentials (as far as I'm concerned) with the pre/dirt box and the tuner. The only pedal I really don't like gigging without is an octaver. I really love the old Boss OC2s, but there are loads out there - even better if you can play about with effects on a computer to find out what you really need (or want) without spending a fortune buying different units.
  14. I started by deliberately playing the starting note of my vocal line high up on the bass - you know - just coincidentally at the end of a run or similar... At the start simplify the bass line too, unfortunately it's the least important thing to most punters.
  15. I was chatting to Drew too about these too. Frankly, I fear for the safety of my wallet, I played through one last year at an audition and it was IMMENSE!!!!
  16. What you're after is a one band Parametric EQ - the EWS BMC pedal does almost exactly what you've described. It's a pedal though…
  17. Closer to the neck will deliver a warmer, rounder sound, closer to the bridge will give you a 'springy', more 'toppy' sound. That's about all I know!
  18. Boy, that Reggie can [i]play[/i]! Kudos to Drew from Manchester Bass Lounge for setting this up - a grand time was had by all.
  19. I gig a bass that I put together for less than £150. For me it's the best playing bass I've ever had. Admitedly I built it to be just that, but I know that I can turn up to a rough venue and not worry about having to use it as a weapon at the end of the night.
  20. cheers for the linky, I'll have a gander a bit later...
  21. Good do. My eldest starts drum lessons next week. We're both very excited!
  22. [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/10544365_705556289499554_5496143272536643309_n_zpseabfbbd2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/10544365_705556289499554_5496143272536643309_n_zpseabfbbd2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Bring plugs - we LOUD!!!
  23. I'm away to the Manchester one tonight. Really looking forward to it!
  24. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1411577011' post='2560863'] Or of course you could fit brand new US spec CTS solid shaft pots & matching knobs there's someone here who makes lovely kits I'm told [/quote] I read that on the internet too - so it [i]must[/i] be true!
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