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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1411472685' post='2559803'] Would love to hear the Bass Rangie and see the schem too if you have it available? Cheers Si [/quote] This.
  2. What you'll need to bear in mind is that the screw lugs on MM style pups are on the top and bottom of the case, and J pickups have them on the left and right (long sides), so there might need to be a little bit of woodwork to accommodate this. I think the 'sweet spot' for the MM pickup placement is 52 or 53mm from the saddle of the G string to the centre of the pickup. Hopefully this is of some help.
  3. I've got a few Sawhney tracks on an old "Hospital Radio" compilation. Good stuff!
  4. I'm not sure of the protocol now; does this thread get locked or what?
  5. Sadly not for me. I'm just down the road but this weekend is the Ramsbottom Festival http://ramsbottomfestival.com and we'll be chocka.
  6. Doctor Tweek [url="http://www.doctortweek.co.uk/shop/catalog/browse?sessid=u7MIuwGd3Vy3kCrQI6b8I8BV3W75aLQFhilZXvqoDZPi8xClJOUXYq0AlznTYxX4&shop_param=shop_overview_pager%3D2%26cid%3D39%26"]http://www.doctortwe...2%26cid%3D39%26[/url] has the 2SK117. I get loads of stuff sporadically from 'tweek', and the delivery times and service are brilliant.
  7. That's the great thing about auditions - they make you focussed and hungry to play well, but never forget that you're auditioning them as well. It's not just about the music either - try to imagine yourself huddled in the back of a transit van at 3am when you're all knackered, starving, stone cold sober and cranky. If they seem like the sort of people you're prepared to endure those sorts of situations with, then it might be worth sticking around for. If not, then keep looking; thousands upon thousands of musical instruments are sold every year - the people buying them can't [i]all[/i] be twats now, can they?
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1411049453' post='2555953'] Just ordered one of these: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Little-bear-6J1-HiFi-stereo-tube-valve-Preamp-Preamplifier-amplifier-incl-transf-/400774756507?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Amplifiers&hash=item5d5009789b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5d5009789b[/url] At this price it's worth the gamble. [/quote] It may be, and I quote"[size="3"]...[/size][color=#000000][font=Arial][size=1][size=4]reasonable and [/size][size=4]beautiful,[/size] [size=4][color="#ff0010"][b]minimize noise,warm sound[/b][/color],perfact for listen person singing.", [size=4]but is it any good for metal?[/size][/size][/size][/font][/color]
  9. Budget - Behringer BDI21 Loadsamoney - DHA VT1 EQ
  10. +1 for replacement pot - bodge jobs and 'temporary' fixes (particularly electronics) have a way of becoming permanent, and you'll find out that they fail at the worst possible moment.
  11. Bucket lists smack of 'competitive living syndrome' - Facebook does the same thing. If you like it or fancy giving it a go then do it. Don't whine about it in a passive/aggressive manner on social media, just DO IT. Have your own experiences and live your own life. Here endeth the lesson.
  12. Bass Played by [s]Only[/s] top 5% of kids Fixed
  13. The last one I did was a complete f*** up. I don't intend to do any more 'freebies'. I think the numbers at the end of the night were something like £400 split between the two named charities, but over £2000 behind the bar. Organisers took the piss and it was pretty much a disaster from start to finish. We played well (as always) and treated the whole thing as a 'public rehearsal', but I'd come home early from a family holiday (by a couple of hours, but even so) to drive the hour to the gig and get home at 2am. Not doing them anymore. If I believe in a specific cause or charity then I'll donate privately to support them, but to do that for a couple of hundred quid fora charity then really, I'd rather just bung them the money and stay at home.
  14. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1410094494' post='2546004'] Cool, what's the maximum power output ? [/quote] Dunno, depends on the DC supply. I just finished on of these... [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/DODFX25_rev8a_zpsfb574c07.png.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/DODFX25_rev8a_zpsfb574c07.png[/IMG][/URL] …and it's pretty cool. I've hardwired mine to the LPF setting and have added a volume knob, but other than that it's a good little project.
  15. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1410462876' post='2549783'] The cynic in me is muttering stuff about 'chart manipulation' and 'guaranteed number one slots'. [/quote] As far as I'm aware, artists can only give away (for promo use etc…) a finite number of units and still 'chart'. Giving it away to everybody should (hopefully) preclude them from massive airplay and chart success. I downloaded it just to give it a listen. It's very pedestrian stuff, with no real standout tracks. Hell, Bono's lyrics don't even fit the melody half of the time. Mercifully it's an mp3 release, which means valuable resources won't have been wasted in producing physical copies. There you go - it's not all bad.
  16. Seriously though, it sounds like you've moved on or outgrown the Fender...
  17. I really like Lemmy - great sound, great look, great player? Not necessarily got the chops (maybe he taps Jazz standards with both hands privately though…), but he's cool as f***!
  18. Ooooh, I'll have to see about freeing my weekend up.
  19. paul_5


    Nothing too exciting though, it's just a Behringer BDI-21. Good though.
  20. I heard that Rock Music thought Gene Simmons was dead.
  21. I used to use a "pocket rock-it" micro amp that plugged straight into the bass and had a line input for my ipod. cheap as chips, which means that you don't have to skimp on your cans. Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I'm posting this on my phone and frankly, trawling through full threads is a pain in the arse.
  22. Metallica when they were making '…And Justice For All." Come to think of it though, my [i]cat[/i] could have sat in on the session and the result would be the same.
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