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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Or you could use a 'text only' web browser, that'd go some way eliminating all this covetousness...
  2. Steinberger can be tricky to ID correctly as they keep chopping off the bit with their name on. Clowns!
  3. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    FWIW I've never really rated dirt boxes based on the 386. If you want to build a small amp then the TDA2822M does a much better job. It's a dual amp, but it can be bridged to run in mono, which also makes it louder. Here's the schematic I used for mine. [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/TDA2822schematic_zps30735c62.jpg.html"][/url]
  4. 'tis all the fault of BC, and the members thereof. Also those clever sorts who design stuff to look superb and sound amazing. Mention should be made too of the sneaky photographers who tweak the image by [i]just[/i] the right amount to make them that little bit easier on the eye…. Actually, they're all at it! Curse you all!!!!!
  5. We play in drop tuning and are in Eb throughout. My tuner says D#, but it lies...
  6. I've opted for passive, purely on the grounds that the FX pedals I uses the most (OC2, Bass Fuzz, and the occasional filter) all play better with passive pickups. If I didn't use those pedals quite so often then I'd be all over an East pre!
  7. I've tried flats, but I've always come back to rounds - they're the right string for [i]me[/i], and that's what's important.
  8. I had a Hohner fretless Jazz and it was lovely - great tone and the neck felt 'right', but it was a heavy beast...
  9. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1409855792' post='2544057'] Lots and lots of stuff by Gilbert and Sullivan, at least according to my dad. [/quote] This. I ended up reading a G&S show many moons ago. 'twas not exactly the most fun time I've ever had...
  10. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I built the Bass Paralooper too and it didn't work. It;s not just you, I think it's a dicky circuit. I've not found a blend circuit that I'm happy with yet, and I've built probably 5 or 6. It's a bit of a minefield really.
  11. I run an Xotic BB Bass preamp as my 'core' dirty tone, then drop other dirt boxes in and out as and when I can get away with it . There's no reason why the ODB3 (which has its limitations, let's be honest) can't provide an [i]effect[/i] to add a different colour or sound to a passage. Go for it and experiment with where you place it in the signal chain, you might discover something new and find it an indispensable piece of kit.
  12. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1409520738' post='2540531'] Giving a guitarist a 4x12 is not a clever move. [/quote] This . I have to compete with two of them. My current setup is an ageing SWR SM400 into a Hartke Hydrive 410 and it's hella loud! I picked the head up for £250 in the 'for sale' section on here and haven't looked back. One guitarist has quite a gassy sound, and the other has a more trebly, sharper sound. Between them they cover pretty much all of the audible spectrum (apart from bass fundamentals), and it shouldn't work. Fortunately the lead guitarist has the bassy sound, and the rhythm player has the trebly tone, so there's always a bit of room to shoehorn some bass playing into the mix. Add the fact that everyone is a team player, and understands that the mix is more important than the individual parts and we're on to a winner. Apart from the last rehearsal when lead player started playing with his new MXR Micro Amp boost pedal. Bloody Hell! that was LOUD!!!
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1409693344' post='2542415'] why.?is it because its only once a month.? only my opinion, but that can't be healthy musical production. you must be knackered, and so must the guys your playing with. i don't practice that much on piano in a week. surely less is more. [/quote] Ideally yes, we'd do the 'little and often' rehearsal schedule, but as there's close to 300 miles between us, we have to make the best of what we've got. We're all committed musicians who do our homework and fine tune/tweak stuff when we get together. It's a long day but it seems to work for us anyway.
  14. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1409673333' post='2542097'] Ford Mondeo for me. Two basses, bag of cables etc, 2x10 cab and head. [/quote] double post - or was it the echo?
  15. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1409634085' post='2541647'] Perineum I trapped one in my shorts when moving position in a job interview ... [/quote] What, a perineum? The mind veritably boggles! Also, who wears shorts to an interview (unless it's for a PE teacher or similar)?
  16. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1409590251' post='2541260'] anyone tried Stagg? they're about £7 - they make fairly decent guitars allegedly [/quote] I picked up a set on the way to a gig (they were the only set in my size) and they weren't too bad at all. consistent sound across the set and stayed in tune nicely. For the money they were actually bloody good!
  17. Just got home after a mammoth session with the guys (we're stead pretty far around the country, and rehearse once a month) and my fingers are *stinging*. In a good way - fortunately no wrist, shoulder or back problems, so I can't really complain, but I reckon I'll have the night off…
  18. Those Jacks are lovely basses. The string spacing is a little narrow for me, otherwise I'd never have sold mine. I had 3 at one point.
  19. "…wanted for jams/rehearsals" = "what I actually want is an accompanist to fill in the gaps that are left whilst I go widdlywiddlywiddly for 20 minutes in a setting [i]outside[/i] of my bedroom "own rehearsal space" = "Mum lets me use the garage to get back at Dad for running off with an attractive young thing, instead of staying round here listening to my guitar sounds interrupting his TV viewing morning, noon and night because I can't be arsed to find a job" "own transport essential" I'm too much of a flake to learn to drive, and I can't bum lifts off my parents or bandmates anymore because they're sick of me doing it, so you'll need to schlep me and my kit around too…"
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1409347319' post='2538991'] Worst band I've seen in recent memory for lack of engagement live was Athlete. Coincidentally they were supporting Alanis Morissette. [/quote] Bloody Hell!
  21. [quote name='pmjos' timestamp='1409208678' post='2537385'] That it is [/quote] Brilliant all-rounder. I gigged with just one of these for years and it delivered everything I wanted it to. GLWTS.
  22. Inspiring listening. Somebody harass me via PM if I don't enter next month's competition; I've always meant to join in the fun, but I seldom find the time. Next month I shall MAKE time!
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