I've found myself more relaxed about TAB recently. 6 months ago I would have said 'no TAB', but hey, if it helps less experienced players get enjoyment out of playing good lines, then who am I to be a buzzkill?
One caveat though - having put TABs on parts in Sibelius it will (by default) place the notes as close to the nut as it can, that might not be the easiest or best sounding position to play the line in.
One example was YYZ by Rush: the first phrase can be played at the 2nd and 4th frets, or down a string at the 7th and 9th frets. i personally think it's easier at the latter because the frets are closer together and the fretting arm isn't so extended, also you're in the right area of the fingerboard for the next phrase, when it moves up a perfect 4th, but Sibelius automatically TABs it near the nut.
If you do decide to print stuff with TABs then just play them through in the suggested position, and just double check that it's not easier (or 'better') elsewhere on the fingerboard.
Just my tuppence.