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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I'll just pull out me Grado's and head over there now...
  2. Cheers JPJ, I reckon I'll just source a chunk of ash and have done with it….
  3. I've finally settled on the definitive pickup array for my Jazz Bitsa (well, for now) and am left with a body cavity leading into the neck pocket from pickup placement experiments (it's a big, MM hum bucker sized cavity). I'm looking to fill the gap with a dutchman initially for strength, as that's where the neck joins the body, but I reckon there's the possibility of choosing a 'proper' wood to fill the gap that will benefit me tonally. I like quite a bright sound in my basses, so the obvious ones to go for would be ash or maple, but does anyone have any other ideas. I likes 'em a bit growly too, so would it be unfeasible to shove a lump of wenge in there, or would that just be too pricey? Advice sought.
  4. My sister in law is from Hull, I can ask if she's planning a trip over soon if you'd like.
  5. I never leave home with one. I look after my kit, and have only had an amp break when a guitarist dropped it from the back of his Land Rover when we were packing up. These days I carry my own kit. A little DI/Pre often makes its way into my gig bag though...
  6. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1409175404' post='2537238'] +1 I miss my clone, need to build another one of these [/quote] me too. I'm all about my Coloursound Bass Fuzz clone at the moment, but the Mammoths are so small; it'd be rude not to squeeze one in [i]somewhere[/i]...
  7. The wiring loom inside those old Russian Muffs is notoriously fragile. Kit Rae's interwebsite is pretty much THE authority on all things 'muff', chances are there's some wiring diagrams on there. Something like [i]this[/i]... [url="http://www.kitrae.net/music/Images_Secret_Music_Page/V8_Wiring_Diagram.pdf"]http://www.kitrae.ne...ing_Diagram.pdf[/url] What you've got inside yours is an attempt to make it a 'true bypass' Muff - the originals only had a double pole, double throw (DPDT) switch, and to do true bypass with an LED you'll need a triple pole, double throw (3PDT), which is what you've got. The good news is that it's entirely fixable, although while you're inside it I'd recommend rewiring with sturdier stuff. If you're feeling up to it...
  8. Have you considered building one? There's quite a detailed thread about building your own.
  9. I've got the Hydrive 410 and it's not what I would call 'lightweight'. I can see how two of the 12" Hydrive cabs would work though; bright but ballsy, punchy and light. If you join the 'UK Bass Gear North West for Trade & Sale" on Facebook there's a Bergantino AE112 1x12" on there at the moment.
  10. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1408636889' post='2532115'] Allow me; [media]http://youtu.be/80dsyo2Ox-0[/media] [/quote] Ox Cam. Nice.
  11. Welcome on board. I occasionally frequent the Hazel Grove part of Stockport, as I've got family over there. I too am a keen amateur builder/tinkerer of instruments and electronics etc... The 'Repairs and Technical' section is worth a butchers if you've got a spare couple of days...
  12. Yup, the Woolly Mammoth really doesn't play nicely with active basses. It's [i]very[/i] good with passives though.
  13. Couldn't say, as I've not tried the deluxe active. Worth a look though
  14. As above. I'm quite picky when it comes to Jazz tones, and my brother's VM Jazz is surprisingly good. He put a £20 Artec Active EQ in it and it's a superb bit of kit! Very playable necks and good quality hardware all round means that you'd be foolish not to even try one...
  15. I'm close to Manchester (UK) which has a fairly vibrant and varied music scene that I'm not part of. To be honest, I don't miss the unsociable hours, heavy lifting and arseholes. Generally speaking, things could be a whole lot worse.
  16. [quote name='bassfunk' timestamp='1409056698' post='2535841'] We did a 'showcase' for an agent a few years ago. We'd never done anything before so didn't know what to expect, there were 9 'bands' set up in a function room of a hotel. 2 tables of bookers for holiday parks, clubs etc. Only 2 other bands out of 9 were full bands. most of them were 'high tech duos/trios' most of it was horrendous. There was a good country [i]and[/i] western band and the other full bands were good pro sounding bands. most of the guys with backing tracks were outdated and embarrassing. On the day most of the acts complimented us and a few said we were the best there, we were also the youngest by about 15 years! We got one enquiry for a holiday park but already had a booking, nothing else has come of it. I assume the backing track guys got the gigs because they have less people/overheads. Tried convincing the drummer and Keys to program their parts but they're not up for it :-) [/quote] Ditto. Takings before talent!
  17. I'm 39 and I reckon I've joined my last band. They're a great bunch of lads and all really good players, and had the gig not come up at the right time then I'd probably have done the same as you and concentrated on my own stuff. Sorry to hear about your tinitis though; that's a real sh*tt*r.
  18. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1408764378' post='2533326'] It's just made from bare wooden bed slats with a small step for the pedals at the rear. But I will take a photo when I have finished making the leads for it. The plan was to use this: Because I have the parts, but I have put it together and I can't get it to work. [/quote] I tried one of these and couldn't get it to play ball, I figured it was a build error so I put it to one side for bug fixing later. Might revisit it with a probe now...
  19. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Just replaced the 4148 (Si) diodes in my coloursound bass fuzz with a pair of OA47s (Ge) and it really brings it to life. GRRRRRRR!
  20. I've often had to DI straight from the bass, then split the signal between the balanced out to front of house and my bass rig. Sound engineers can be fussy buggers and more often than not they'll have a selection of DI boxes that they favour, and it's best not to upset them... …most of the time.
  21. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1408460565' post='2530405'] Chorus pedals and Bass are a sound that I really dislike, I realise that this doesn't help your quest. [/quote] I must confess, I rarely;y use a chorus as a 'chorus' pedal. I prefer a 'wobblier' sort of sound than a slight detune style thingy.
  22. I've finally settled on a NUX Modcore and despite being digital it's actually very good. The 'deluxe' setting seems to add more bottom end, and it's a great phaser/flanger/rotary/tremolo unit too. I'll see about adding some soundclips later on this week. They can be had cheap as chips too.
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